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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

they should throw some chinese names into the mix, I really like some of the Chinese names xD
Makes sense, but is that picture really the "Lightning" or did they just put a random picture in the article. As people pointed it out looks like a AA missile
That was my first thought too actually simply because it is an a2a missile,its an old 70s era sidewinder with what appears to be a new front end fitted,probably with a larger seeker from the looks of it,altho I suppose theres a small chance it could be an imaging job like in the javelin but I doubt it somehow.This has been done before by the us who played around with the idea on a few occasions even going so far as to use it very briefly as a agm in vietnam and to actually put into service for a few years an harm/arm which was a modified version of the old stocks of sarh sidewinders.
That was my first thought too actually simply because it is an a2a missile,its an old 70s era sidewinder with what appears to be a new front end fitted,probably with a larger seeker from the looks of it,altho I suppose theres a small chance it could be an imaging job like in the javelin but I doubt it somehow.This has been done before by the us who played around with the idea on a few occasions even going so far as to use it very briefly as a agm in vietnam and to actually put into service for a few years an harm/arm which was a modified version of the old stocks of sarh sidewinders.

Aside from being able to be launched from higher speed platforms in the future if this system has even half the speed of a Sidewinder that would make it extremely difficult for an armored vehicle to utilize modern ATGM countermeasures

If I was Iran I would also order the development a micro jet powered version of the Sadid with new design characteristic and a longer range receiver capable of being piloted by the co-pilot of a Helo or UAV operator up to ~50km away from the Aircraft which will greatly increase the survivability of your helo's & UAV's
Aside from being able to be launched from higher speed platforms in the future if this system has even half the speed of a Sidewinder that would make it extremely difficult for an armored vehicle to utilize modern ATGM countermeasures

If I was Iran I would also order the development a micro jet powered version of the Sadid with new design characteristic and a longer range receiver capable of being piloted by the co-pilot of a Helo or UAV operator up to ~50km away from the Aircraft which will greatly increase the survivability of your helo's & UAV's
Well I wonder how that uav or helicopter want to detect its target 50km away.
I'm not aware of any of our drones or helicopters have such capabilities.

In terms of subsonic land attack cruise missiles Soumar & Ya-Ali is what has been made public so far but I would say it's quite doubtful that those are Iran's only LACM!
Iranian military officials have hinted in the past that they are working on ram jet technology and have hinted toward even purchasing Russian supersonic anti ship cruise missiles for coastal defense
but even if Iran develops such a system they would have a very limited range
Well I wonder how that uav or helicopter want to detect its target 50km away.
I'm not aware of any of our drones or helicopters have such capabilities.

It would act as a cross between a light UAV and an ATGM and the point of such a system would be to increase the survivability of larger more expensive systems

The weapon system would have to be piloted by the co pilot of the Helo or UAV and up to a range of only 40-50km you can fit & add a light enough transmitter that can achieve that range on a HELO or a MALE UAV and such a system would have the capability to fly in a search pattern over an area until the pilot (Co-Pilot)finds it's target

Fire and forget terminal guidance would NOT happen from 50km away it would happen after the person piloting the weapon systems finds and locks on the target!

So for example you get a call for Air Support from troops on the ground at a specific location 100km away from a base then you launch your platform (UAV or Helo) & when your around ~30-40km away from that area you launch the UAV(weapon) that would have a speeds far greater than any MALE UAV or Helo (+600kph) and your weapon system will naturally be equipped with optical sensor on the weapon will allow the pilot to search the area and lock on to a target

Aside from troops on the ground acquiring moving target location can also be done using various types of light Iranian UAV's, low cost recon helo's or camouflaged ground sensors then the location will be transmitted to larger more expensive platform allowing them to fire from a safe enough distance to keep them out of range of MANPAD's, AAA & Short range SAM systems or you can use that weapon to take out or deplete air defense systems before your Helo reaches the area.....

I can keep going on and on how such a system would be useful from Escort missions to search and destroy to close air support.....
It would act as a cross between a light UAV and an ATGM and the point of such a system would be to increase the survivability of larger more expensive systems

The weapon system would have to be piloted by the co pilot of the Helo or UAV and up to a range of only 40-50km you can fit & add a light enough transmitter that can achieve that range on a HELO or a MALE UAV and such a system would have the capability to fly in a search pattern over an area until the pilot (Co-Pilot)finds it's target

Fire and forget terminal guidance would NOT happen from 50km away it would happen after the person piloting the weapon systems finds and locks on the target!

So for example you get a call for Air Support from troops on the ground at a specific location 100km away from a base then you launch your platform (UAV or Helo) & when your around ~30-40km away from that area you launch the UAV(weapon) that would have a speeds far greater than any MALE UAV or Helo (+600kph) and your weapon system will naturally be equipped with optical sensor on the weapon will allow the pilot to search the area and lock on to a target

Aside from troops on the ground acquiring moving target location can also be done using various types of light Iranian UAV's, low cost recon helo's or camouflaged ground sensors then the location will be transmitted to larger more expensive platform allowing them to fire from a safe enough distance to keep them out of range of MANPAD's, AAA & Short range SAM systems or you can use that weapon to take out or deplete air defense systems before your Helo reaches the area.....

I can keep going on and on how such a system would be useful from Escort missions to search and destroy to close air support.....
and how heavy the system is ,what you suggest is putting stronger radar on weapon than platform and sending it toward target , the weapon must be at must 200kg so it can be carried by a uav in class of Shahed-129 , now if our best radar for AH-1j or even f-5 can detect up to 20-30km then how you want to use a 50km radar on a 200kg weapon .
and your target detection philosophy is also flawed you want to use a lot of different UAV to detect targets ?that's simply absurd.
@PeeD @eagle2007 would it be possible to have an anti-ship ballistic missile based on the Zolfiqar or Sejjil without using GPS guidance (which has civilian restrictions - 60,000 ft and 515 m/s)? Would a ship at sea be found with SAR, and that position (How would satellite imagery/SAR data be translated into geographical position without GPS?) being relayed to a launcher which would somehow fire the missile with INS accurate enough to be close enough for terminal (ARH or optical) guidance? Is that possible or practical?

Terminal guidance is a must have for a ballistic anti-ship missile. In the 5 minutes plus till the missile reaches the target the course variation of the target could be more than predicted. An ARH seeker with optional SAR mode and a IIR seeker would be a good combo for terminal phase and a INS for the rest. GPS can also be used with a non-civilian special receiver, but as the satellite signals can be turned off and sent less accurate, it will never replace the INS on a ballistic missile (fast transit time compared to CMs). For long duration flights, or "peace-time" non-intensive weapons as well as applications where low price is required, GPS becomes important. From what it looks like, Russian, Chinese, European or even future Indian GPS signals have the potential to remain active in most war scenarios for Iran, at least one of them.
the article is based on the wrong claim that tri-conic warhead was used to accommodate a nuclear device while in fact that design were used to increase the stability and decrease circular precision .
the article just want to say Iran must stop working on longer range missile and only limit itself to Fatih-110 and its family of missile .

The problem is that every missile with more than almost 500/600 Kg payload, can carry nuclear warheads. The much we give up the more they get ruder to receive more points. We are at proxy war with west, and this loser government is wasting our energy on useless agreements with colonialists.
the government didn't made any concession except on the matters that we clearly stated we are not interested it at the beginning.

and no every missile is a nuclear capable one even a mortar or a shell can be nuclear capable.

the problem with the government is that they don't push forward on the usa acting against the deal , and western private companies ,fearing to deal with Iran just because of USA talks.
European are fearing the deal go in the way of Dodo ,so they bow to trump demands , we must emphasize on the fact that we may pull ot of the deal if they continue dishonor their obligation .
the article is based on the wrong claim that tri-conic warhead was used to accommodate a nuclear device while in fact that design were used to increase the stability and decrease circular precision .
the article just want to say Iran must stop working on longer range missile and only limit itself to Fatih-110 and its family of missile .

the government didn't made any concession except on the matters that we clearly stated we are not interested it at the beginning.

and no every missile is a nuclear capable one even a mortar or a shell can be nuclear capable.

the problem with the government is that they don't push forward on the usa acting against the deal , and western private companies ,fearing to deal with Iran just because of USA talks.
European are fearing the deal go in the way of Dodo ,so they bow to trump demands , we must emphasize on the fact that we may pull ot of the deal if they continue dishonor their obligation .
I know I just wanted to point out where the source of this claims are ... before JCPoA we had the same thinks thanks suggesting the structure if the N-deal and we all considered them fantasy .. but later on ...
In case of a nuclear capable device even a man or a bag could be used ...it's what @AmirPatriot broght as an example while ago ...
Special Operations Forces Backpack Nukes

How we made it clear while French FM whom threaten Iran by sanctions and has big mouth is welcomed in Tehran today? I am not against diplomatic gestures and talks but at least we should give them a shock ..after JCPoA they thinks other deals over other issues is possible and not only we have done nothing to clear that up someone advertise it over here ... missile and space tests have decreased while we are adhering to the deal and the white house wanna get out of the it and now ask for more ... it's all because of our wrong impressions we've been giving to the world that we don't negotiate unless pressures increase ...
and how heavy the system is ,what you suggest is putting stronger radar on weapon than platform and sending it toward target , the weapon must be at must 200kg so it can be carried by a uav in class of Shahed-129 , now if our best radar for AH-1j or even f-5 can detect up to 20-30km then how you want to use a 50km radar on a 200kg weapon .
and your target detection philosophy is also flawed you want to use a lot of different UAV to detect targets ?that's simply absurd.

You clearly didn't comprehend what I was saying!

And clearly you don't have the slightest clue of what it is your talking about!

1st off adding a powerful enough single compressor single turbine micro jet engine plus enough fuel to travel only ~50km to the Sadid would weight under 50lb (TOTAL)

You only need about 3lb of fuel for that range & the actual engine and all it's components would again weight well under 7lb for up to a 50lbf engine so again YOU DON'T have the slightest clue what it is your talking about!

And again the actual weapons that is fired would have to be piloted until the target is located! And aside from the platform that launches the weapon you don't require any additional system!

Countries don't deploy Attack Helo's and armed MALE UAV's on hunches! They send them to specific locations to conduct specific tasks and missions!

The problem is that every missile with more than almost 500/600 Kg payload, can carry nuclear warheads. The much we give up the more they get ruder to receive more points. We are at proxy war with west, and this loser government is wasting our energy on useless agreements with colonialists.

You can put a nuke on an artillery projectile!

At the end of the day they wanna claim that all of Iran's Ballistic Missiles with ranges beyond 300km are not only Nuclear Capable but designed to be nuclear capable!

At the end of the day for them all that matters is the missiles that can reach Israel!

Again we see the ink hasn't dried on the JCPOA and they want Iran to agree to a deal on it's Ballistic Missiles! and agreeing to ANY Deal even a deal that allows Iran to have SLV's & Ballistic Missiles with ranges of up to even 4000km is that they are going to want verification! And that opens the door for far easier covert actions against Iran's main line of defense.

Unless they had hopes of invading Iran sometime in the Future, Iran's Ballistic Missiles should not be bothering them as much as it is!
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