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Can't believe I have to do this...

Netherlands, Spain reiterate EU’s full support for JCPOA

Political Desk
The Netherlands and Spain on Wednesday echoed the European Union’s support for the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers as their top diplomats met separately Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran.

Dutch Acting Minister of Foreign Minister Sigrid Kaag, who arrived in Tehran a day earlier, stressed the EU’s continued commitment to the landmark nuclear agreement, and the role the deal played in the development of bilateral relations.

Kaag further highlighted the need for the continuation of talks between Tehran and the bloc towards further trust-building in areas of common interest.

She also pointed to Iran’s missile program, and said her country recognized the Islamic Republic’s right to maintain a defensive military program, and considered such a program to be legitimate.

Commitment to JCPOA

At the meeting, Rouhani rejected a US demand for amending the nuclear agreement.

“One cannot add something to the JCPOA or distract something from it,” Rouhani said, referring by abbreviation to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the official name of the nuclear deal.

The United States under President Donald Trump has been untiringly trying to sabotage the accord, and has threatened to leave it or have it renegotiated.

Rouhani said as long as the other parties commit to their obligations under the deal, “The Islamic Republic will do its utmost to preserve the agreement, and will, undoubtedly, not be the party initiating its violation among the seven countries.”

End Yemen war

Rouhani further urged Saudi Arabia and its allies to stop their “blame game” against Iran over Yemen’s crisis, saying efforts should instead be driven towards ending the deadly war on the impoverished nation and pave the way for intra-Yemeni dialogue.

He rejected the accusations against Iran of missile shipment to Yemen as “completely wrong and baseless,” saying such claims do not serve to resolve the standing problems.

Instead of fabricating such accusations, efforts should be made to immediately end the war on Yemen, establish a ceasefire there, provide humanitarian assistance to violence-stricken people, and finally pave the ground for intra-Yemeni talks, Rouhani said.

Rouhani also drew attention to the large-scale sales of destructive arms by Western states to regional countries, saying the military equipment, including warplanes and missiles, are being used against innocent civilians.

Iran welcomes Dutch investment

The president also said there were “extensive capacities” for the development of Iran and the Netherland’s cooperation. The current trade volume stands at around €1 billion, which has to increase, he added.

The Islamic Republic, he said, welcomes the participation of Dutch companies in projects in different areas.

He emphasized the need for the Dutch government to encourage the country’s banking sector to establish stronger ties with its Iranian counterpart.

Tehran-Madrid ties

Speaking with Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis, Rouhani referred to the ample opportunities and potentials for boosting ties between Iran and Spain and stressed efforts to develop and cement relations between the two countries in all fields of mutual interest.

“Deepening Tehran-Madrid ties will be beneficial to both nations," said Rouhani, adding that “there are numerous opportunities for investment in energy, minerals, steel, environment and energy saving sectors in Iran, which Spanish investors can take advantage of".

The president emphasized that the full implementation of the nuclear deal is in the interest of the region and the world and facilitates development of the European Union's relations with Iran.

"This agreement is the fruit of many years of negotiation between Iran and Europe, and all parties must adhere to their obligations in that regard and act accordingly".

Rouhani noted that after the signing and implementation of the agreement there is no reason to bargain and renegotiate, saying: "The Islamic Republic of Iran will adhere to the JCPOA as long as the other party does so".

EU support for nuclear deal

Dastis described Iran as a powerful and influential country in the region and hoped that the development of cooperation and consultations between Tehran and Madrid would boost stability, prosperity and security for the people of the region.

Pointing out that there are good potentials for the development of inclusive relations between Iran and Spain, especially after the JCPOA, Dastis said: "We must work hard to further deepen relations between the two countries in various sectors, including agriculture, industry, environment, science and academia, commercial and economic, and regional and international cooperation".

Emphasizing full support of the European Union for the strength and implementation of the JCPOA, he said: "Cementing relations with Iran is very important for Spain and the European Union member states, and we can strengthen our relations through continuation of the JCPOA".

The top Spanish diplomat also referred to the need for the intervention of influential countries in the region to end the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and continued: "We believe that all countries should work hard to establish peace, security and stability in the region, and in this regard, any arms race must be prevented".

Yes PDF, Iran is going to negotiate its missile program with the Netherlands and Spain.

Are you joking or being serious right now?
They want to bring another 8 years sacred war for Iran.
The only effective weapon we have to defend ourselves is missiles, In other hands all of our neighbors are armed to teeth with most modern weapons in the world.

I suggest All of you guys watch below Video from foreign minister of Saddam in 1359 in second week of Iran-Iraq war.

It is clear the mindset of Iraqis and how they calculate the war results.
if we had strong army and strong Central government, they would not have dare and courage to attack Iran

The another example is Saudi and Yemen in 2015 which Saudis attack another weak country base on their calculations
Mullahs will never back down from missile deterrence. Its the only tool that can keep IRI relevant in regional military politics.
@PeeD @eagle2007 would it be possible to have an anti-ship ballistic missile based on the Zolfiqar or Sejjil without using GPS guidance (which has civilian restrictions - 60,000 ft and 515 m/s)? Would a ship at sea be found with SAR, and that position (How would satellite imagery/SAR data be translated into geographical position without GPS?) being relayed to a launcher which would somehow fire the missile with INS accurate enough to be close enough for terminal (ARH or optical) guidance? Is that possible or practical?
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Satellite Images Reveal Iran Establishing Missile Base Near Damascus - Reports

Recent satellite imagery taken outside Syria's capital Damascus show that Iran has constructed a likely missile base that can strike anywhere in Israel, according to media reports.

The Iranian facility is operated by the Quds Force, known as the special operations force of the larger Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and is located approximately eight miles southwest of Damascus, Fox News reported on Tuesday.

The media outlet said it acquired satellite photos from ImageSat International, which purportedly show two new white hangars, each roughly 30 yards by 20 yards, used to store short-and medium-range missiles, the report said.

Israel has repeatedly warned Iran that it will defend itself against any attack from the Islamic Republic.

Israel is reported to have as many as 200 nuclear weapons, some apparently capable of launch from its submarine force.

Earlier on Tuesday, US Central Command chief Gen. Joseph Votel said in a congressional testimony that countering Iran is not one of the missions of the US-led coalition in Syria, the report said.

Satellite Images Reveal Iran Establishing Missile Base Near Damascus - Reports

Recent satellite imagery taken outside Syria's capital Damascus show that Iran has constructed a likely missile base that can strike anywhere in Israel, according to media reports.

The Iranian facility is operated by the Quds Force, known as the special operations force of the larger Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and is located approximately eight miles southwest of Damascus, Fox News reported on Tuesday.

The media outlet said it acquired satellite photos from ImageSat International, which purportedly show two new white hangars, each roughly 30 yards by 20 yards, used to store short-and medium-range missiles, the report said.

Israel has repeatedly warned Iran that it will defend itself against any attack from the Islamic Republic.

Israel is reported to have as many as 200 nuclear weapons, some apparently capable of launch from its submarine force.

Earlier on Tuesday, US Central Command chief Gen. Joseph Votel said in a congressional testimony that countering Iran is not one of the missions of the US-led coalition in Syria, the report said.

Ahhh!,nothing like some fake news
IRGC Unveils New Anti-Armor Missile, Other Military Gears

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force unveiled a new domestically-designed and –manufactured anti-armor automatic missile on Wednesday.

The new military gear, dubbed “Azarakhsh (lightning)”, was unveiled during a ceremony in Tehran on Wednesday attended by IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari and IRGC Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour.

The 127-millimeter caliber rocket weighs around 70 kilograms and can be installed on helicopter pylons.

The missile has a range of 10 kilometers (approximately 6.2 miles) and can lock on to its target, track it and automatically detect it.

The air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missile is also equipped with thermographic detectors with a maximum speed of 550 meters per second.

A multifunction tester used for measuring electrical parameters of Mi-17 helicopters as well as a night vision system for the Mil Mi-17 was also unveiled during the ceremony.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.
IRGC Unveils New Anti-Armor Missile, Other Military Gears

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force unveiled a new domestically-designed and –manufactured anti-armor automatic missile on Wednesday.

The new military gear, dubbed “Azarakhsh (lightning)”, was unveiled during a ceremony in Tehran on Wednesday attended by IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari and IRGC Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour.

The 127-millimeter caliber rocket weighs around 70 kilograms and can be installed on helicopter pylons.

The missile has a range of 10 kilometers (approximately 6.2 miles) and can lock on to its target, track it and automatically detect it.

The air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missile is also equipped with thermographic detectors with a maximum speed of 550 meters per second.

A multifunction tester used for measuring electrical parameters of Mi-17 helicopters as well as a night vision system for the Mil Mi-17 was also unveiled during the ceremony.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.
The night vision system for the mi-17 sounds good and badly needed as well

Heres an example of a rawandan mi-17 fitted out with flir ball
IRGC Unveils New Anti-Armor Missile, Other Military Gears

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force unveiled a new domestically-designed and –manufactured anti-armor automatic missile on Wednesday.

The new military gear, dubbed “Azarakhsh (lightning)”, was unveiled during a ceremony in Tehran on Wednesday attended by IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari and IRGC Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour.

The 127-millimeter caliber rocket weighs around 70 kilograms and can be installed on helicopter pylons.

The missile has a range of 10 kilometers (approximately 6.2 miles) and can lock on to its target, track it and automatically detect it.

The air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missile is also equipped with thermographic detectors with a maximum speed of 550 meters per second.

A multifunction tester used for measuring electrical parameters of Mi-17 helicopters as well as a night vision system for the Mil Mi-17 was also unveiled during the ceremony.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.

Is this missile meant to play an ATGM role like a Toophan? Cause this weapon is HUGE, and if those stats about 10 km range and 550 m/s is true, this is very very lethal
Is this missile meant to play an ATGM role like a Toophan? Cause this weapon is HUGE, and if those stats about 10 km range and 550 m/s is true, this is very very lethal
LOL!,its air launched,the bloody thing weights in at 85kgs+,not to mention its 10ft long,so its not what you would call man portable by any stretch of the imagination,you`d likely be using this from something like an su25 or similar
LOL!,its air launched,the bloody thing weights in at 85kgs+,not to mention its 10ft long,so its not what you would call man portable by any stretch of the imagination,you`d likely be using this from something like an su25 or similar

Makes sense, but is that picture really the "Lightning" or did they just put a random picture in the article. As people pointed it out looks like a AA missile
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