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Iran, Iraq top world’s unhappiest countries list


May 9, 2014
Reaction score
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

(Vahid Salemi/AP Photo)

Do you live in one of the world's unhappiest places?

A new study released this week by Gallup cited Iran as the country with the highest negative emotions - a close second behind Iraq.

Just last month, six Iranians were arrested in the country for dancing to Pharrell's "Happy" in the country's capitol, Tehran. They have since been released.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed his frustration over the arrests: "Happiness is our people's right. We shouldn't be too hard on behaviors caused by joy," he tweeted.

Giving Iran a run for its money - at least as far as unhappiness is concerned - are these other countries:

  1. Iraq
  2. Iran
  3. Egypt
  4. Greece
  5. Syria
  6. Sierra Leone
  7. Cyprus
  8. Northern Cyprus
  9. Cambodia
  10. Lebanon
Here's how Gallup came up with the numbers.

Gallup measured negative emotions in 138 countries in 2013 by asking people whether they experienced a lot of anger, stress, sadness, physical pain and worry the previous day. Gallup compiles the "yes" results into a Negative Experience Index score for each country. The higher the score, the more pervasive negative emotions are in a country.

In another Gallup study ranking positive emotions, Paraguay ranks first in positive experiences, and Syria was the least likely country worldwide to report positive experiences. Iran came in 93 rd out of 138 countries surveyed. When asked in 2013 whether or not Iranians would recommend their city or area to live, 48 percent said they would not, according to the survey research organization.

  1. Iraq > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
  2. Iran > Suppressing minorities and people's lifestyle in what is Iran
  3. Egypt > Overpopulation and underdevelopment
  4. Greece > crises because of corruption and fraud committed by the ruling class
  5. Syria > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
  6. Sierra Leone > Africa
  7. Cyprus > crises because of corruption and fraud committed by the ruling class
  8. Northern Cyprus > Being economically isolated by EU and South-Cyprus
  9. Cambodia > Asia
  10. Lebanon > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
One might see what the head of the snake is in mid-east in particular.
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  1. Iraq > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
  2. Iran > Suppressing minorities and people's lifestyle in what is Iran
  3. Egypt > Overpopulation and underdevelopment
  4. Greece > crises because of corruption and fraud committed by the ruling class
  5. Syria > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
  6. Sierra Leone > Africa
  7. Cyprus > crises because of corruption and fraud committed by the ruling class
  8. Northern Cyprus > Being economically isolated by EU and South-Cyprus
  9. Cambodia > Asia
  10. Lebanon > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
One might see what the head of the snake is in mid-east in particular.
Its clearly the pan-Turk ideology .
are you satisfied. by the way we have this different result from another agency that say iran is the fourth happiest country in the world
North Korea: One of the Happiest Places on Earth? | TIME.com

by the way isn't Gallup accused of faking results in 2009 in Pakistan ? apparently to raise Zardari approval .
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Shame on men!...Just kidding! :D

Anyways, it has to do with background situation in Iran especially being under sanction that does take toll on Iran economy which effect the nation particular poor and middle class families, Allahu Alim.
  1. Iraq > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
  2. Iran > Suppressing minorities and people's lifestyle in what is Iran
  3. Egypt > Overpopulation and underdevelopment
  4. Greece > crises because of corruption and fraud committed by the ruling class
  5. Syria > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
  6. Sierra Leone > Africa
  7. Cyprus > crises because of corruption and fraud committed by the ruling class
  8. Northern Cyprus > Being economically isolated by EU and South-Cyprus
  9. Cambodia > Asia
  10. Lebanon > sectarianism and civil war because of Iran
One might see what the head of the snake is in mid-east in particular.
People Worldwide Are Reporting a Lot of Positive Emotions

from the same institute


western sources are obviously not reliable
i'm glad i don't live in a happy place , people tend to do stupid things when they're happy
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