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5 Countries That Hate America Most

The list is rather a very vague presentation of viewpoints. Pakistan has some serious reservations but that does not automatically relate it as being hated the most. Drone strike was one such issue which was seen as a thorn is US Pakistan relations but of lately they have been stopped. Other than that US has its fair share of contribution in the development of Pakistan, its armed forces where F-16s is still our prime choice of weapon. Many Pakistani are fully integrated in the US society and are fully participating in the development of the US.

Yeah, but you wiped that all out by hiding Bin Laden and making us have to go in and get him.:usflag:

Your government disagrees with that. So either you know something that they don't and are lying to the public by hiding the fact that Pakistan facilitated hiding of Osama or it is you who is lying on a public forum.
His point is perfectly valid and not "rubbish" as you are making out it to be.See third eye's post, USA in the year 2013 gave around 2000 million dollars to Pakistan without which Pakistan's economy would have been crashed.America has helped Pakistan a lot in WOT also,you should not bite the hands which feed you.

we are fighting a war on terror which America put on Pakistan , so its not that big deal about US aid ...
they are not feeding us but destroying our economy ,
well nothing more to expect from bhorties
... So either you know something that they don't and are lying to the public by hiding the fact that Pakistan facilitated hiding of Osama or it is you who is lying on a public forum.

I know 'things'..........
This is how the world sees it:
World is Wrong ...Dear...
Famous Quote "There aint no such thing as free lunch" ...Invented in USA

1. We are at the Heart of 1/3rd world population
2. Banks of Warm Waters
3. Corridor of Future World Trades
4. Central Asian GATE way..
Amercians are SUPERPOWER in 80's & we with americans delivered the final blow to USSR.. at-least give little credit to US generously....
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i also would have expected NK to be on list

you would think they would love it ifmedia comes and asks "how much do you hate america", heck i woulda thought kim jr. would demand everyone in NK write an essay on their hatred for the US lol.

I am not surprised that NK is not on the list. Despite what the stereotype that US and NK are arch-nemesis, NK is and has always been a proxy in the tug of war between major nations and has only ever tangled with other similar proxy nations. To be frank, NK's political ambition and concerns barely reach outside Korean peninsula, let alone to the other side of pacific ocean.
Any Pakistani hating great nation of America is dumb and stupid, no offence to 70% of Pakistanis.
I am not surprised that NK is not on the list. Despite what the stereotype that US and NK are arch-nemesis, NK is and has always been a proxy in the tug of war between major nations and has only ever tangled with other similar proxy nations. To be frank, NK's political ambition and concerns barely reach outside Korean peninsula, let alone to the other side of pacific ocean.

I concur
I am not surprised that NK is not on the list. Despite what the stereotype that US and NK are arch-nemesis, NK is and has always been a proxy in the tug of war between major nations and has only ever tangled with other similar proxy nations. To be frank, NK's political ambition and concerns barely reach outside Korean peninsula, let alone to the other side of pacific ocean.

US Citizens have no issue with the people of NK. In fact we have pity on what they are going through currently.

NK children, on the other hand, are taught from birth that the US is the enemy, that the great war is coming, etc. The videos of such brainwashing are quite disturbing.
US Citizens have no issue with the people of NK. In fact we have pity on what they are going through currently.

NK children, on the other hand, are taught from birth that the US is the enemy, that the great war is coming, etc. The videos of such brainwashing are quite disturbing.

My hometown is in Liaoning province and it is right next to North Korea. I have met people from North Korea and they really doesn't care about politics that much.

For ordinary people, the basic living necessary always comes before frivolous things like talking politics. For example, when I was busy with class and research, I wouldn't visit these forums at all because these things are secondary to what is really important to me. Similarly, North Koreans have much more immediate concern such as working and earning enough food than worrying about things on the other side of the Pacific ocean. Now, they do talk about South Korean, mostly because they are right next door, but US is simply way too far to be a hot topic for North Koreans.
US Citizens have no issue with the people of NK. In fact we have pity on what they are going through currently.

NK children, on the other hand, are taught from birth that the US is the enemy, that the great war is coming, etc. The videos of such brainwashing are quite disturbing.

Despite the brainwashing, North Korean citizens hardly worry about the US. As tranquilium has already pointed the Maslow's piramid also applies to them. I know there are plenty of US citizens who have no issues with countries such as NK, it's just US foreign policy is one of the biggest reason for the current NK's situation. NK wasn't always that poor, it was doing reasonable until USSR collapsed and the effect of the international sanctions kicked in.
the ironic thing is that even in these 5 countries the visa line for USA is the longest than for any other embassy.
Funny how these idiots hate us but yet they are the first ones who come begging to us for aid money or to help them.
Really? No strategic depth calculations were made "originally" to be attained through proxies? Read some books. Pakistan is reaping what it has sown.
It was bush who came in pakistan and threatened us to join war

His point is perfectly valid and not "rubbish" as you are making out it to be.See third eye's post, USA in the year 2013 gave around 2000 million dollars to Pakistan without which Pakistan's economy would have been crashed.America has helped Pakistan a lot in WOT also,you should not bite the hands which feed you.

Pakistan only got 10 billion dollars from USA and lost 100billion dollars in war on terror.
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