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Iran will "consider" joint action with US in Iraq, Hassan Rouhani says

Well, its coming for Iran whether we like it or not. So instead of rolling over and dying its best to fight back. Don't you think? Basijis could fight with real enemies instead of beating up protesters for a change.
Staying away as much as possible is in Iran's interest,build your defence's on Iraq border donot let the war extend or slip in .

it's not about fighting it's about defending.
We dont want US back in Iraq and start another war. US should help Iraq and her neighbours to sort this out.

Just look at crude prices which shot up after news of American intervention in Iraq. :hitwall:
We dont want US back in Iraq and start another war. US should help Iraq and her neighbours to sort this out.

Just look at crude prices which shot up after news of American intervention in Iraq. :hitwall:
lol just in time to fill up my car. It was 1.18/L last week. I wonder what it is now (It's still half the price you guys pay in Europe eh?).
lol just in time to fill up my car. It was 1.18/L last week. I wonder what it is now (It's still half the price you guys pay in Europe eh?).

Am in India. Fuel Prices have not been increased just yet but with rising crude prices, the bad news may roll out anytime.
Am in India. Fuel Prices have not been increased just yet but with rising crude prices, the bad news may roll out anytime.

Wait for few more days..... They already have a cushion, because they were planning to reduce petrol prices by 3 to 5 rupee..... so they can hold it for few more days......But if the war breaks out then 100 rupee a litre???????
Then why call death to America everywhere, posters like that litter Tehran. Paintings on the wall on the road. It is weird.

The USA doesn't have a good reputation in Iran due to a long-term meddling in Iran's internal affairs, military coup and so on. moreover their current policy towards Iran is considered as hostile one which has doubled mistrust amongst Iranian. that's why Iranian chant death to the USA everywhere.
On Iraq and Afghanistan, we helped them 'cause it served our interests, Taliban and Saddam both had been our sworn foes for years what Iran did was nothing but dealing with its enemies through its another foe without firing a bullet.
Doesn't change the fact that Iran made that request to US. US won't accept that request. US was even not willing to accept Turkish offer to invade Syria. What makes you think US will help Iran? You are out of your mind.
I meant to say Obama administration has a different take on Iran then Israel. US have been negotiating with Iran on its nuclear weapon issue, while the Israeli wanted to bomb Iran's nuclear reactors.

The US considers the Al Qaeda inspired religious terrorist a bigger threat to its interests than Iran, and that's why it has not been supporting Syrian rebels in a substantial way, because many of them have links with or work with Al Qaeda affiliates.

Bty, helping Iraq does not automatically mean helping Iran.
I was right on both counts, as I said, Obama administration has a different take on Iran, and that the US considers the Al Qaeda inspired religious terrorists a bigger threat to its interest than Iran.

Kerry: US open to working with Iran against extremists in Iraq - Yahoo News
Kerry: US open to working with Iran against extremists in Iraq

By Olivier Knox
June 16 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry cautiously signaled on Monday that the United States would be open to cooperating with Iran militarily in Iraq to beat back al Qaida-inspired fighters who pose an "existential" danger to that war-torn country and may look to target Europe and the United States.

“This is a challenge to the stability of the region. It is obviously an existential challenge to Iraq itself. This is a terrorist group,” Kerry told Yahoo News Global Anchor Katie Couric in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of a State Department conference on saving the world's oceans.

Prodded on whether the United States would consider cooperating militarily with Iran, Kerry replied: "Let’s see what Iran might or might not be willing to do before we start making any pronouncements."

But "I think we are open to any constructive process here that could minimize the violence, hold Iraq together — the integrity of the country — and eliminate the presence of outside terrorist forces that are ripping it apart," the top U.S. diplomat told Couric.

"I wouldn’t rule out anything that would be constructive to providing real stability, a respect for the (Iraqi) constitution, a respect for the election process, and a respect for the ability of the Iraqi people to form a government that represents all of the interests of Iraq — not one sectarian group over another," he said.

Kerry’s comments came as President Obama looked at possible air strikes to stem the surge of extremists in Iraq known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). ISIS fighters have seized Mosul, which is the country’s second-largest city, and Tikrit, which is Saddam Hussein’s hometown. Overnight, they captured the city of Tal Afar, and American officials feared enough for Baghdad that they partially evacuated the U.S. embassy there while beefing up security.

Kerry said Obama was giving "a very thorough vetting of every option that is available," including drone strikes, and underlined that "we are deeply committed to the integrity of Iraq as a country."

Kerry also said that the United States and many of its key allies are "deeply concerned" about the possibility that some of their own citizens may number among the foreign fighters battling alongside jihadists in Syria's civil war — and may return home bent on carrying out attacks there. He said citizens from Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States number among the foreign fighters in Syria.

Asked whether the next 9/11-style attacks could come from Iraq and Syria, Kerry replied that fighters like those in ISIS “clearly are focused not just there, but they’re focused on trying to do harm to Europe, to America and other people, and that’s why we believe it is so important for us to be engaged."

Asked whether ISIS could take the capital, Kerry replied, "I don't believe that they will in the near term," and he expressed skepticism that they could at all. He underlined that he was "absolutely convinced" that the United States had "the security it needs" for its embassy in Baghdad.

Kerry echoed sharp recent criticisms of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose iron-handed government is blamed for minority Sunni unrest fueling groups like ISIS, but he stopped well short of saying al-Maliki should resign.

“It’s up to the Iraqi people,” Kerry said. “I don’t think the United States should be issuing instructions or orders. I don’t think any country should.”

As the top U.S. diplomat, Kerry has played a central role in what may be the Obama administration’s biggest foreign policy gamble: negotiations with Iran over its suspect nuclear program. Those talks resume this week, with time running short to reach a deal that would lift crippling economic sanctions in return for steps designed to prevent Tehran from developing nuclear weapons.

The interview comes as Kerry launches a two-day “Our Ocean” conference at the State Department.

"It is a vital national security issue for the United States, what is happening to our oceans," Kerry said. "This is vital to food security, it's vital to stability, it's vital to security, it's vital to livelihoods for people. It's also the lifeline for life itself on Earth."

The conference rests on three pillars: sustainable fishing, battling marine pollution, and reducing ocean acidification.

"This is a very, very important conference," Kerry said.

And it ties in with Kerry’s frequent, outspoken warnings about the potentially catastrophic impact of climate change.

“You might not see climate change as an immediate threat to your job, your community or your families. But let me tell you, it is,” Kerry warned at Boston College’s commencement on May 19.

“If we do nothing, and it turns out that the critics and the naysayers and the members of the Flat Earth Society ... if it turns out that they’re wrong, then we are risking nothing less than the future of the entire planet,” Kerry said.

Kerry’s push on oceans, and climate change generally, will test the Obama administration’s ability to set the agenda at a time when headline-grabbing crises — Iraq, Ukraine, Nigeria — dominate the discussion of world affairs.
Firstly this news that Iran wanted US help to fight against terrorism is wrong.

Second, US wants to open its role in Middle east once again via Iran but Iran will not let.

Third later Iran wanted US to give its satellite videos to Iraq government but US did not accept. US wants terrorists to stay in Iraq after their defeat in Syria. This situation is good for US and the Europe since terrorists will not return to Europe and will remain in Iraq.

War continues in Iraq and Europe and US are far from terrorists also they get killed by Iraq government ...

Edit : Another important thing is safety of israhel. If war continues in Iraq and they get killed by Iraqi government, ISIL terrorist will not enter Jordan which is a big threat for safety of israhel.
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Good Iran can help eradicate these terrorist s.
I believe this whole thing is engineered just for this to happen. As soon as Iran will step into this it will be Iran's war and uncle sam will walk away ;)
Rouhani said, Iran will send IRGC if Iraq requested but he sees no need for it as theres enough manpower now to defend/attack 2 million+
It's not Iran's fault that they are always on the civilised side be it in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan.
It's not Iran's fault that they are always on the civilised side be it in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan.
Yep, they along with Turks & Kurds are the only civilized race over there. Their neighbors to the south are all savage Bedouins more interested in killing each other. Interestingly nothing has changed since T.E. Lawrence gave these desert nomads independence. Now they are again asking for return of American troops. Seems they are incapable of ruling them selves. That explains why for over a thousand year they were ruled and ignored by others.
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