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INS Vikrant to be commissioned by 2017: Naval chief

Sorry, indeed it is old photo. INS Vikrant is quite camera shy these days.

No need to apologise since the same image is used all over in several news posts. Anyway I'm indeed surprised that images are posted only so rarely ...
Sorry, indeed it is old photo. INS Vikrant is quite camera shy these days.
Thankful for that, all military projects should be cam shy, especially ones like AC or BMD!
If they are progressing well they would've shouted and danced about by now. 2022 is the most likely date.
Likely Commission date is around mid 2024 now... Completion date is late 2023...
Likely Commission date is around mid 2024 now... Completion date is late 2023...

Do you have any specific info on this? I must admit I was always skeptical concerning a start of sea trails this spring and completion soon, but ...!?
Do you have any specific info on this? I must admit I was always skeptical concerning a start of sea trails this spring and completion soon, but ...!?

foreign suppliers jacking up prices ... negotiations in India takes time ... USA needs India’s lunch money before UsA allows its minions to sell India parts
why a flop economy, why are you gays I mean guys even wasting time on this future target practice for the CM-400AKG?!
"Hopefully, Russia will be sticking to the items committed to us," Chowdhury added.
Hmmm...seems like they are Indirectly blaming Russia for the aircraft carrier delays.

Its a VERY bad Idea to trust the Russians anymore.

They are unreliable, unprofessional and have no honor worth its name. I am glad we are cutting down on our buys from that nation.
Actually I think Russia has helped(and is still helping) India alot in complex military projects. Else I'm not sure you will be building a nunclear submarine by now. It's also due to Russia's help and support in sharing many key technologies and cooperation with India. So I don't think you should blame them much.
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