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INS Vikrant to be commissioned by 2017: Naval chief

Would you mind writing it in a way where human beings would understand?
I would like you to pretend your true self, and do not superimpose words of our honorable president, yes we are world power and beat many countries in many fields including your country, so mind your own business....
Listen to me Han.....being an Indian we never underestimated the Chinese industrial complex.If we see, you people manufacture 75% of the things in this world, your military as well as your economy is mind boggling, but you have become our enemy by virtue of which we need to compete with China regardless of the difference and size.
you have all the things available to you be it large docks, material or man power, you can make things quick,India still is a developing country and it's just last 10 years that we ramped up our capabilities, maybe we are 10-20 years behind you in manufacturing but dont we have the right to develop and compete for our place?
stop criticizing India and its people.....

It is not your effort to develop your country that we are laughing about, it is your tendency of over promise and under deliver that made India a laughing stock. When delays and cancellations become a norm in all your military procurement, blaming all your problems on others makes you guys less than honest. Of course your big mouthed politicians and military officers did not help either.

It is a cultural thing, and it won't go away in 10-20 years.
So many ***** with diff flags .. some sporting even Zimbabwe flag !!
Barely half a month into the new year, this is already the joke of the year, joke of the year. :lol:

India is against doing its very best to make itself the laughingstock of the world.:D

2020? Not in your wildest dreams. :disagree:
Barely half a month into the new year, this is already the joke of the year, joke of the year. :lol:

India is against doing its very best to make itself the laughingstock of the world.:D

2020? Not in your wildest dreams. :disagree:
all said and read , i was wondering what will happen if obamas photo was replaced by xi jin pings photo in your avatar . loose motions ? remember my words , this will happen .
2017 December satellite Photo

Let's have the latest image of the ship.

2020? You guys would be lucky to have the ship commissioned by 2025 and the changed yet again schedule has got nothing to do with the the delay in the (supply of) aviation items from Russia!

Ok , we do not mind but it will not be a lioning like junk unfit for even training. Its engine failed soon after commissioning.

all said and read , i was wondering what will happen if obamas photo was replaced by xi jin pings photo in your avatar . loose motions ? remember my words , this will happen .

I think he says from Chinese experience who took 14 years to furnish a Ukraine platform bought in 1999. It ultimately evolved into a super flop Lioning.
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