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Indias times now reports on JF-17

I pretty much lost interest after the erroneous first line: "Since 1947, the Pakistan Air Force has tried to achieve parity with India"... starting from the late 50s to the early 90s, the PAF had a technological edge over the IAF who was doing everything in it's power to attain parity.

Only in the last 8 years or so has the situation reversed.

As far as what the JF-17 is really like, will be impossible to say given that not many people have actually had the opportunity to fly this plane. Granted as a low cost baseline fighter it isn't realistically comparable it to most high end established multi role fighters. However, it is not uncommon for cash strapped nations to opt for large numbers of affordable baseline models as force multipliers. After all, India did exactly this from the 60s to the late 80s, most notably with the Folland Gnat, an aircraft that was originally designed to be a trainer.
MIG-21 Bison is a base line fighter in IAF.

F-7 is a base line fighter in PAF.

What JF-17 will become time will tell.
JF-17 will be actually more then just a baseline fighter. At this current stage it is comparable to the early models of the F-16s and F-16 by no means is a base line fighter. However the exact capability will only be known when it gets inducted within the PAF and also around the world.
Well IMO we should take this report as a positive and a plus point, let them think whatever they want and belive me you are not, thats what our airforce want them to think, we know we will suprise them in a big way when the time comes.
I wouldn't trust the reporter on his assessment.. I bet if he is given the Lambo Reventon or for that matter a go-kart to drive he would come out with disparaging assessment of it since it is not the reporter's area of expertise...

Let the professionals do their assessment.. aircrafts are not designed keeping in mind ergonomic or other sensitivities or lack of technical acumen of sedantry journalists..

I am sure JF17 is a capable plane and most in India would take the assessment of the journalist with a pinch of salt..
i love our media..Its first time they are saying negative abt pak...but this news is nt in limelight..

There is no doubt pakistanis are the best :)

1)OUr media tells "pak ahead of india in missile and Nuclear bomb"

-) AS our spending on defense is open2 everyone..so we should say that "We are only trying hard to come up to pak"

i liked india media saying that pak is engaging india in arms race :)

well done...

-)Army,navy and airforce chiefs use media to aware people ,so that policians spend a decent amount of mney on modernization
-)USA/European union also think that india is only going 4 deterance..

-)we make pakistan relaxed :)..even pak generals claim that they are ahead..

so that helps us ...

-)unlike indian weapons system,pakistan missiles has no proofs .

Thats why even after making a IRBM with 2000km range,pakistan cant make a SLV in last 5 years (since they tasted ghauri 2)

-)India lauched SLV in 1979 and we kept DRDO separate from ISRO...

Once ISRO can get a vehicle back from space.And once they have capability 2 send a rocket to MOon(375000 km )...

No one should have doubt that,india cant make or dont possess have a ICBM

-)Ths is a very bful video abt chandrayan 2008(july)
ipBOotJDJ1k[/media] - Chandrayaan Animation (India's Mission to Moon) by Thejes

There is no doubt that pakistan is ahead with JF17..

CHina cant make an engine .so is india..

i doubt JF17 is great..

But Indian media should not show negative side of JF17...we should say "its 4.5 range of fighter"..

its better than F16 :)

,so that our LCA gets inducted ahead of time..

its tyranny that China is not using JF17 :)

China is famous for flusing cheap reverse engineered B grade products..

we dont need to plead russia for any TOT..

Israel,USA,France and UK all setting up joint venture in india..........
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No worries TrueIndian...your stuff is better than ours. You be happy with yours and Pakistanis will be happy with theirs in the absence of any hard facts.:cheers:

We consider the above report to be a compliment when an Indian journalist sits in a sim. and passes the judgment on an entire platform...kind of reminds me of kids playing Heatseaker etc. and thinking they are experts...there actually was this one guy on F-16.net who was arguing with a former USAF pilot about the pros and cons of the aircraft on the basis of his "experience" on the sim.
I would love to have one of those simulator in my house. It sure would beat playing anything on the PS2.
No worries TrueIndian...your stuff is better than ours. You be happy with yours and Pakistanis will be happy with theirs in the absence of any hard facts.:cheers:

We consider the above report to be a compliment when an Indian journalist sits in a sim. and passes the judgment on an entire platform...kind of reminds me of kids playing Heatseaker etc. and thinking they are experts...there actually was this one guy on F-16.net who was arguing with a former USAF pilot about the pros and cons of the aircraft on the basis of his "experience" on the sim.

Seriously JF17 is a good fighter plane.
and what can one buy for so less money?

i hope Army is not getting 10% commission from china..

India is spending 22 billion $ on defense.

pakistan should also spend 10 billion $.
Seriously JF17 is a good fighter plain.
and what can one buy for so less money?

May want to come up with some original sarcasm...what you state has been stated by many other visiting Indians...on a related note, if you can't post anything of substance then better not post or else get used to edits. Sarcasm only goes so far.
May want to come up with some original sarcasm...what you state has been stated by many other visiting Indians...on a related note, if you can't post anything of substance then better not post or else get used to edits. Sarcasm only goes so far.

i meant its economical and cheap...

india is buying 1 fighter for 80 million $

and JF17 is about ???

should be 40/50 at max ...i dont know the cost..

so pakistan is lucky to get Chinese technolgy for so less price,while india has 2 pay double..

and u all are prducing it,while we ll be importing them.
Fair enough...sarcasm is not all bad and I can't stop you from it, however my point was to move beyond belittling and discussing the specifics.
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