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indians have gone ultra crazy online. PDF needs to do something

We are a peace loving nation. Crossing Borders is something Pakistan does.

So much peace loving that all it's neighbors like Chinese, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans deeply admire India's past record. Dalai lama, Tamil Tigers, Mukti Bahnee, TTP and some Baloch were and still acting as ambassadors of peace, love, warmth, intimacy, fondness....Japhiyaan Tay Pappiyan. Love you man. :toast_sign::toast_sign::cheers::alcoholic:
Indians just feel humiliated by the defeat of a 20-year long strategic war with Pakistan.

They also feel intimidated by Pakistan because all they see is a vengeful Pakistan.

Indians imagine Pakistan will do something terrible to India simply because Pakistani backed Taliban have taken over a whole country in just 9-days and no one knows how it happened.
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Indians just feel humiliated by the defeat of a 20-year long strategic war with Pakistan.

They also feel intimidated by Pakistan because all they see is a vengeful Pakistan.

Indians imagine Pakistan will do something terrible to India simply because Pakistani backed Taliban have taken over a whole country in just 11-days and no one knows how it happened.

They took over in 9 days not 11.
For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our businesses, our embassies and consulates. They have even been trying to do the same on PDF. We need to collectively do something about this.
Ever since the Afghan Taliban won, I have noticed some Indians go nuts.
Let them be, who cares.
I'd kill myself before Id be "concerned" of an Indian thug, We weren't born to live like that

And honestly they can't do shit either, they'll get their *** kicked, I only take Kashmiri, Punjabi seriously

But I'll be concerned for women, they need some pepper spray etc

Indians are not fools but the problem with this nation is genetic and that is the verbal diarrhoea. How can you debate with someone who eats from the nostrils and poo from the mouth so let them go with their own business. As far as Afghans are concerned they are free loaders and even few who got educated have not achieved much. Now sitting in the US and Western countries they got the attitude issue and willing to take it out when they get the chance. As long as you know your rights, don't get cornered, use the mobile camera they can't go very far and law agencies will be on them in no time.
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Taliban inserted a danda up their ego

Yes their ego is down there , where the sun don't shine

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