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Do I have the right to remain Ahmadi?

that's true. ..

actually all these labels "Sunni" "Shiia" "Ahmedi" "Barelvi" are just man-made designer labels. They mean SHYTE to me. The Quran is my Holy Book, My Holy Divine is Allah SWT, and my Prophet/role model is Mohammed SAWS..other role models would include members of His family - but the first 3 are the core for ALL Muslims.

keep it short and simple....leave history for historians
I dont even go into History...I read what others provide me with ...and base their arguments on...I dont go searching to prove them wrong coz anyone can prove any group wrong...Internet has alot of crap :oops:
There is a huge difference between Muslims and Islam. Islam teaches peace, respect and love for humanity. Muslims go and do the opposite. But it is still unfair to paint all Muslims as terrorists or extremists. The biggest problem is the rising corrupt clergy with political goals.

The standard you use to blame Muslims can be used against Hindus too. Did not Hindus butcher 2000 Muslims in Gujrat? did they not demolish the Babri Mosque? why do you have double standards to judge Muslims and Non-Muslims. Use the same standards and don't be a hypocrite.

Problem was Babri was disputed and it was the Moghuls that destroyed it as well as Somanath (which was razed to the ground 3 times) we are just reclaiming what belongs to us in the first place, as for Gujarat riots it started by the burning alive of Hindu pilgrims on a train many of whom were women and children.

Not saying what happened was right but for every action there will be a reaction this is human nature.

Only 2 weeks ago in Sind, Pakistan a Hindu temple was attacked and the statues were broken so it is clear that minorities face real time problems but Pakistanis only mention Babri but they should know Babri was disputed it has been for hundreds of years since the Moghul invasion of our lands.
@Azlan Haider
It must at the same time be borne in mind that the word nabi (prophet) literally means one who proclaims the knowledge of the Unseen from God. Where this definition holds good, the claimant will be a nabi (prophet) and a nabi must necessarily be a rasul(Messenger).
Ok this is very twisted! All Rasool are nabi and not all nabi are rasool...why is this guy saying the opposite?

All of them are nabis (prophets), but only some are messengers (rusul).

Messengers come with new shari'ah, but prophets come to reinforce the shari'ah of the previous Messenger.

E.g Musa came with a shari'ah but his brother (Haroon) didnt, so he was a messenger but his brother was a prophet.

If he is not a rasul, the pure knowledge of the Unseen cannot be bestowed upon him because the following verse stands in the way: LAA YUZHARA 'ALAA GHAIBIHI AHADAN ILLAA MANIRTADAA MINAR RASOOL i.e., Allah does not reveal His secrets except to him whom He chooses, namely, a Messenger of His. If we believe that no nabi (prophet) in this sense that he will make prophecies and foretell future events will be raised after the Holy Prophet, it amounts to believing in the total deprivation of the followers of the Holy Prophet of revelation and of communion with God because the definition of nabi (prophet) applies only to that person through whom the secrets of the Unknown are revealed according to the verse LAA YUZHARA 'ALAA GHAIBIH. Likewise he who is sent by God is called a rasul (Messenger).
Why are we deprived when they have the final msg the Quran? And also because the Prophet SAW was for all of mankind until Qiamat? So is the Quran...so who is deprived? :unsure:

The difference between the two is that no nabi (prophet) can come after the Holy Prophet till the end of time with an independent law; likewise, no one can attain to prophethood without the mediation of the Holy Prophet and having merged his whole being into that of the Holy Prophet to the extent that he may be known as Muhammad and Ahmad in heaven. [/quote] Ok not to be offensive but this sounds like rubbish to me! How can you merge your whole being into a dead man (Prophet) ? He is dead..He died, his daughter and wife and followers shed tears felt the pain of a dear friend departing...So he is dead! His legacy the Quran lives! So how can you merge yourself into a dead man? If that is the case everyone can say ....that he merged into the Prophet...How do you know whose the right one?

He who lays claim to prophethood without having fulfilled these conditions is a Kafir (infidel). The sense of the expression KHATAMAN NABIYYEEN (Seal of the prophets) demands that all traces of separateness from the Holy Prophet should disappear and as long as there persists the least veneer of it, anybody claiming to be a nabi (prophet) will be dubbed as a breaker of the Seal to which the expressionKHAATAMAN NABIYYEEN (Seal of the prophets) refers.

But if a person as a result of a complete union loses his whole being in that of the Prophet, wiping out the least trace of separateness and comes to reflect in his person all the beauties and excellences of the Holy Prophet like a clear mirror, he will be called a nabi (prophet) without, however, breaking the Prophet's Seal because he is a reflex of Muhammad and his alter-ego.
Ok how can this ever sound right to you or anyone? Anyone can claim such a thing and put such points forward and more and claim to be anything! This is pure twisting of words! Quran as a whole tells each quam there is a Warner, each rasul brings a law or some set of change! Now if someone claims they "merged" themselves with a dead man and it is fine and legit...How can you buy that?

So the claim to prophethood on the part of such a person who comes to be called Muhammad and Ahmad is not in the least incompatible with the dignity and status of the Holy Prophet as KHAATAMAN NABIYYEEN (Seal of the prophets) because through complete annihilation in him he becomes the reflected self of Muhammad and his image and acquires even his name. [/quote] This explains why the Muslims of Pakistan hate the Ahmadi! Anyone with the name Muhammad or Ahmadi can go and say I am Prophet Muhammad...I am as pure as him...as sinless as him...I am getting revelations lets include it in the Quran...Then you wonder how Muslims are not offended?! :unsure:

But Jesus Christ cannot come without breaking the Prophet's Seal because his prophethood is of a different type. And if no man can attain to prophethood even in the sense of being the image and reflex of the Holy Prophet, how would the following verse be explained: IHDINASSIRAATAL MUSTAQEEM SIRAAT ALLAZEENA AN'AMTA 'ALAIHIM i.e., Guide us in the right path, the path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings. Holy Quran, Al-Fatiha It should be remembered that I have never hesitated to claim prophethood and messengership in this sense of the word. It is in this sense that the Promised Messiah has been called anabi (prophet) in the Sahih Muslim. If one who proclaims the knowledge of the Unseen from God is not entitled to prophethood, then by what other name would you call him? The contention that the word MUHADDAS can adequately describe the spiritual status of such a person, received no support whatever from any lexicon. [/quote] So. ...Mr.Ghulan claims knowledge of the unseen? And is saying he is equal to Muhammad and then you question how are Muslims of Pakistan not offended? :unsure: Worse part is the guided are the people whom you haev bestowed favour and such a word is used in the Quran again for a group of people and the criteria for such people is given...yet Mr.Ghullam claimed these to be the reason anyone can be rasool?

The Arabic word TAHDIS has not been described in any lexicon as the possession and proclamation of the secrets of the Unseen; but NUBUWWAT (prophethood) does presuppose such a possession of the secrets of the Unknown. The word NABI is common to both the Arabic and Hebrew. In Hebrew it is pronounced as NABI derived from the word NABA which means to be endowed by God with the gift of prophecy. To bear or bring a new law is no sine qua non of prophethood. It is only a divine gift which causes the secrets of the Unseen to be revealed to a person. So when I have myself witnessed the clear fulfillment of about 150 prophecies, how can I refuse to call myself a Prophet or Messenger of Allah? He Himself has bestowed upon me these names; who am I to reject them or why I am to fear anybody in opposition to God?
@Jaanbaz this is where he claimed so!

I swear by God Who has raised me and Whose curse falls upon him who fabricates lies about Him, that He has sent me as the Promised Messiah. And my faith in my clear revelations is not a whit less firm and invincible than my faith in the verses of the Holy Quran and the truth of the revelation that God has caused to descend on me has become quite manifest by a host of successive signs that He has shown. And I feel not the least hesitation in swearing by God while standing in the sacred precincts of the Ka'ba that that holy revelation which descends on me is the word of the self-same God Who sent down His word to Moses, Jesus and to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. The earth bore witness to the truth of my claim and so did heaven. Both of them declared and proclaimed that I was God's Vicegerent on earth. But as the prophecies told of yore I was bound to be rejected. So those upon whose hearts there is a covering will not accept me. But I know and am convinced that God shall help me as He has always helped His Messengers in the past. there is no one who can stand against me because they are devoid of Divine assistance.
Please explain how is this not offensive?

Whenever and wherever I have refused to be called a Prophet or Messenger it is only in the sense that having been spiritually benefited by my Great and Noble Master and having been able to acquire his name, I have been endowed with the knowledge of the Unseen. but I repeat it again, that I have brought or introduced no new Law, and have never denied to be called a prophet of this kind. Rather in this very sense God has called me by the names of Prophet and Messenger. So even now I do not deny to be called a Prophet and Messenger in this sense of the word. My saying: MAN NAISTAM RASOOL-O-NIYAA WARDA AMM KITAAB i.e., I am not a Prophet and have brought no book has no connotation other than that I am not a law-bearing prophet. Of course this should also be remembered and never be forgotten that in spite of my being called a Prophet and Messenger, God has informed me that I have not been the recipient of all these spiritual blessings and favours independently and without the mediation of anybody. No; there dwells in heaven a holy being (the Holy Prophet Muhammad) through whose spiritual patronage all this Grace of God has descended on me. It is through his mediation and after having completely merged my whole being into that of the Great Prophet and after having been known as Muhammad and Ahmad that I am a RASUL (Messenger) and NABI (Prophet), that is to say, I have been sent with a mission and have been endowed with the knowledge of the Unseen. In this way my claim to prophethood does in no way interfere with the Holy Prophet's status of KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN (Seal of the prophets), because I have been able to acquire this name only by reflecting in my person all the excellences of the Great Prophet and by annihilating myself in his consuming love.
How is this not offensive to Muslims?

If anybody takes an exception to my being called a NABI (prophet) and a RASUL (Messenger) in my revelations, he is but a fool because my prophethood and messengership do not infringe the divine seal in any way. It is quite clear that when I say that God has called me NABI and RASUL and my opponents entertain the belief that Jesus Christ would come after the Holy Prophet and would be a prophet, the objection that with the advent of a Prophet after the Holy Prophet his status as Seal of the prophets is infringed, equally applies to the second coming of Jesus Christ as to mine. But my contention is that there is nothing objectionable in my being called NABI and RASUL after the Holy Prophet who was KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN (Seal of the prophets) in the true and full sense of the word nor does this fact in any conceivable manner interfere with his status of KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN.
He even equated himself to Jesus' second coming...But Jesus was taken to heaven alive and will come down to continue his prophethood not to restart another one so no "infringing" happening as this man is claiming! And he keeps going in circles based on 1 ayat while when any prophet arrived there were clear signs of his arrival (like we all known Prophet Isa will come) ...the previous prophets always foretold of the next...Prophet Muhammad himself said he is the seal! So...this man claiming anything is lower than that of the Prophet's statement!

Time and again I have said that according to the Quranic verse: WA AAKHAREENA MINHUM LAMMAA YALHAQOO BEHIM i.e., And among others from among them who have not yet joined them. Holy Quran 62:3 I am the image of the KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN and his alter-ego. Twenty years ago as published in the BRAHEEN-I-AHMADIYYA, God called me Muhammad and Ahmad and declared my advent to be the Holy Prophet's own coming. Thus my prophethood in no way clashes with the status of the Holy Prophet as KHATAM-AL-ANBIYA because the shadow is inseparable from the original and in an allegorical sense I am the same Muhammad.
Pry do tell me how is this not offensive?

It is in this way that the Seal of KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN remained intact and the Holy Prophet and his counter-type and have reflected in my person all his excellences and attributes. It is not then correct to say that another and a separate person has laid claim to prophethood independently of him. If you reject me, then you reject the traditions of the Holy Prophet which say that the Promised Mahdi will bear a strong physical and spiritual resemblance to his Great Master so much so that he will even be known by the names by which the Holy Prophet was known i.e., he will be called Muhammad and Ahmad and will be a member of his household. It has again been mentioned in some of the traditions that he will be from me. This hadith is a strong indication of the fact that he (the Promised Mahdi) will form spiritually a part and parcel of the Holy Prophet and will be his manifestation.
Man this guy is playing with both the Quran and Hadith! He claims to be the Prophet, Rasool and Mahdi ...BTW, the hadith from the Mahdi episode are not sound most are traditions taken directly from the Jewish words!! Now he is even claiming the at the Prophet and the Mahdi will be soo similar that they will be the same and claims to be the Prophet's shadow and blessed through him (intercessor) which Islam doesnt believe in...

I stopped reading....

This contention of mine finds a further countenance in the fact that the words which the Holy Prophet employed to signify his intimate relation and strong resemblance to the Promised Mahdi -- he called the latter by his own name -- clearly show that the Holy Prophet regarded the Promised Reformer as his counter-type as Joshua was to Moses. It is not necessary that the counter-type should have a blood relationship with the person whose reflex he is, i.e., he should be his son or grandson. As far as spiritual affinity is concerned it constitutes an essential condition that he should be a part and parcel of the person whose image and reflection he is and there should exist an eternal reciprocal and mutual relationship between the two. It is highly derogatory to the Holy Prophet that he should have ignored that aspect of the connection with his counter type which makes clear the sense and significance of the term BUROOZ (counter-type) and should have started stressing the fact that he (the Prophet's counter-type) would be his grandson. What connection on earth, there is between the grandson and his counter-type? If this relation was at all essential for a BUROOZ, then why did the Holy Prophet prefer to choose a remote relationship of a grandson; the son should have been the natural choice. But the word of God has completely eliminated the possibility of the Holy Prophet being the father of any man in the physical sense of the word but on the other hand the advent of a counter-type has been foretold. If there was to be no counter-type of the Holy Prophet, then how could the disciples of this Promised One be called the Companions of the Holy Prophet as has been done in the verse WA AAKHAREENA MINHUM of the Quran? And if you reject the possibility of the advent of a counter-type, you belie this verse of the Quran.

Those who are capable only of interpreting a statement literally have sometimes declared the Promised One to be a descendant of Hasan, sometime that of Husain, and again at another time that of 'Abbas. But what the Holy Prophet meant by the above prophecy was only this that he (the Promised One) would be his heir like sons. He would inherit his name, attributes, knowledge and spiritual eminence. He would, in short, reflect in his person all the aspects of the Holy Prophet's supreme personality. He will possess all these excellences not from himself but would acknowledge them as being borrowed from the Holy Prophet and by completely annihilating his being in that of his Master, would reveal the latter's beautiful face to the world. Thus just as being the counter-type of the Holy Prophet he would inherit his name, his spiritual attributes and knowledge, so will he inherit his title of prophethood. A counter-type is not complete if he does not possess every excellence and perfection of his proto-type. As prophethood is an attribute of a Prophet, it is necessary that the counter-type should also possess these very attributes of his proto-type. All the prophets have agreed on the point that a counter-type is a complete image of his proto-type so much so that the former comes to be known even by the name of the latter.

So it is quite evident that just as in a metaphorical sense, the use of the names Muhammad and Ahmad by a spiritual heir does not imply two Muhammads and two Ahmads, similarly the claim to prophethood on the part of the counter-type can in no wise violate the sanctity of the Seal of the KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN, because the countertype cannot be regarded as distinct and separate from the proto-type. In this way the prophethood of the Holy Prophet remained with the Holy Prophet. All prophets agree that there is no duality between the two. The status of a BUROOZ (counter-type) is very well described in the couplet: MAN TO SHUDM TOW MAN SHUDEE, MAN TAN SHUDAM TO JAAN SHUDEE TAA KISS NAGWEED BA'D AZEEN, MAN DEEGARAM TO DEEGAREE i.e., I became thee and thou became I. I became body and thou the soul. No one may say after this that I am different from thee. But if Jesus Christ were to come back to this world, he could not do so without infringing the seal ofKHATAMAN- NABIYYIN. In short, the phrase KHATAMANNABIYYIN is a divine seal stamped on the prophethood of the Holy Prophet. It is impossible that it should ever break. But it is quite possible that the Holy Prophet may come to this world not once or twice but hundreds of times in the form of a person who may reflect in him all the attributes of the Holy Prophet and become his image or counter-type and while demonstrating the Prophet's other qualities may also demonstrate in his person his attributes. In short, the phrase KHATAMANNABIYYIN is a divine seal stamp of prophethood also.

This state of being the Holy Prophet's counter-type was divinely given rank, as is apparent from the verse: WA AAKHAREENA MINHUM LAMMAA YALHAQOO BEHIM i.e., And among others from among them who have not yet joined them Holy Quran 62:3 The prophets are never jealous of their counter-types because the latter are their image and bear their stamp mark. But they are naturally jealous of others. Lo! How did Moses express his jealousy and could not help shedding tears when he found the Holy Prophet getting ahead of him on the night of the Ascension. So when God Himself should say to the Holy Prophet that no prophet would come after him and then contradicting His promise should send Jesus Christ how much would this fact be a source of deep mortification for the Holy Prophet. In short, the prophethood of a counter-type of the Holy Prophet does, in no manner, conflict with the prophethood of the Holy Prophet nor does it interfere with the dignity of the Holy Prophet as KHATAM-AN-NABIYYIN(Seal of the prophets). But the advent of an independent prophet who got his prophethood independently of the Holy Prophet undermines the very foundation of Islam. It amounts to a disgrace to the Holy Prophet that Jesus Christ should accomplish the great task of destroying the Anti-Christ instead of the Holy Prophet. This fact, God forbid, implies falsification of the verse: WALAAKIR RASOOLULLAHI WA KHAATAM-AN-NABIYYEEN i.e., but he is a Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets Holy Quran 33:40 And there is a prophecy concealed in this verse to the effect that a seal has been set on prophethood to the end of time and with the exception of a counter-type of the Holy Prophet nobody would be endowed with the secrets of the Unknown like God's prophets. And as I am that Promised One Who was destined to be the Holy Prophet's complete image and his alter-ego, therefore to me has been vouchsafed that prophethood which only a BUROOZ (counter-type) of the Holy Prophet can get. Now the whole world in this kind of prophethood which is sealed is powerless. A real countertype of the Holy prophet reflecting in his person all the perfections and excellences of the Holy Prophet was destined to appear in the Latter Days and he has appeared. Now there remains no avenue open to drink deep at the fountain of prophethood except through him.

In short, such a prophethood does not break the Seal of KHATAMIYYAT. But the advent of Jesus Christ not only constitutes a denial of the verse: WA LAAKIR RASOOLALLAHI WA KHAATAM-AN-NABIYYIN but also causes a breach of this Seal. This manifestly unfounded and absurd doctrine finds no support from the Holy Quran. How could this be possible when such a belief runs counter to the above-mentioned Quranic verse. But the advent of a prophet who believes to have derived his prophethood from the Holy Prophet is supported by the Holy Quran and the verse WA AAKHAREENA MINHUM bears a testimony to it. This verse contains also a beautiful hint that it mentions the class which has been considered as Companions (of the Holy Prophet) but has omitted the mention of the particular counter-type i.e., the Promised Messiah through whom his disciples were included among the Companions of the Holy Prophet and were considered like them to have received their spiritual training from the Holy Prophet. this omission shows that the particular counter-type possessed no spiritual existence independent of the Holy Prophet and his borrowed prophethood and messengership did not violate the status of the Holy Prophet as KHATAMANNABIYYIN. This is why this verse has treated him as a negative entity and confined itself to a mention only of the Holy Prophet.

Similarly the verse: INNA A'TAINAA KAL KAUTHAR i.e., surely We have given thee abundance of good embodies a prophecy about the appearance of a counter-type and in whose time KAUSAR (abundance of good) will be manifested, that is to say, the fountains of spiritual blessings will start flowing and true believers in Islam will excel in numbers. Even in this verse a mention of any physical issue has been treated contemptuously and only a prophecy of (the Holy Prophet's) spiritual progeny has been made. and although God has bestowed this distinction upon me that both the Israelite and Fatimite bloods flow in my veins yet I give precedence to the spiritual aspect of my relation with the Holy Prophet. My spiritual relation with him is that of a counter-type with his proto-type. Now I have explained this to show that my ignorant opponents accuse me of having laid claim to an independent prophethood and messengership. I had made no such claim, nor do I claim to be a Prophet or Messenger in the sense in which they use these words. But I am a Prophet and Messenger in the sense I have explained above. thus he who out of ill-will accuses me of having laid claim to such prophethood and messengership is indulging in a lie and profane thought. I am a Prophet and messenger of God because I am an image of the Holy Prophet and his counter-type and it is on this basis that God has called me a Prophet and a Messenger again and again, but in the form of a BUROOZ. My own self comes in nowhere. The Holy Prophet has permeated and pervaded my whole being. This is why I have been called Muhammad and Ahmad. so the Holy Prophet's prophethood and messengership remained with him and did not pass to anyone else.
@Azlan Haider Ok this is very twisted! All Rasool are nabi and not all nabi are rasool...why is this guy saying the opposite?

All of them are nabis (prophets), but only some are messengers (rusul).

Messengers come with new shari'ah, but prophets come to reinforce the shari'ah of the previous Messenger.

E.g Musa came with a shari'ah but his brother (Haroon) didnt, so he was a messenger but his brother was a prophet.

Why are we deprived when they have the final msg the Quran? And also because the Prophet SAW was for all of mankind until Qiamat? So is the Quran...so who is deprived? :unsure:

The difference between the two is that no nabi (prophet) can come after the Holy Prophet till the end of time with an independent law; likewise, no one can attain to prophethood without the mediation of the Holy Prophet and having merged his whole being into that of the Holy Prophet to the extent that he may be known as Muhammad and Ahmad in heaven.
Ok not to be offensive but this sounds like rubbish to me! How can you merge your whole being into a dead man (Prophet) ? He is dead..He died, his daughter and wife and followers shed tears felt the pain of a dear friend departing...So he is dead! His legacy the Quran lives! So how can you merge yourself into a dead man? If that is the case everyone can say ....that he merged into the Prophet...How do you know whose the right one?


Ok how can this ever sound right to you or anyone? Anyone can claim such a thing and put such points forward and more and claim to be anything! This is pure twisting of words! Quran as a whole tells each quam there is a Warner, each rasul brings a law or some set of change! Now if someone claims they "merged" themselves with a dead man and it is fine and legit...How can you buy that?

So the claim to prophethood on the part of such a person who comes to be called Muhammad and Ahmad is not in the least incompatible with the dignity and status of the Holy Prophet as KHAATAMAN NABIYYEEN (Seal of the prophets) because through complete annihilation in him he becomes the reflected self of Muhammad and his image and acquires even his name. [/quote] This explains why the Muslims of Pakistan hate the Ahmadi! Anyone with the name Muhammad or Ahmadi can go and say I am Prophet Muhammad...I am as pure as him...as sinless as him...I am getting revelations lets include it in the Quran...Then you wonder how Muslims are not offended?! :unsure:

But Jesus Christ cannot come without breaking the Prophet's Seal because his prophethood is of a different type. And if no man can attain to prophethood even in the sense of being the image and reflex of the Holy Prophet, how would the following verse be explained: IHDINASSIRAATAL MUSTAQEEM SIRAAT ALLAZEENA AN'AMTA 'ALAIHIM i.e., Guide us in the right path, the path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings. Holy Quran, Al-Fatiha It should be remembered that I have never hesitated to claim prophethood and messengership in this sense of the word. It is in this sense that the Promised Messiah has been called anabi (prophet) in the Sahih Muslim. If one who proclaims the knowledge of the Unseen from God is not entitled to prophethood, then by what other name would you call him? The contention that the word MUHADDAS can adequately describe the spiritual status of such a person, received no support whatever from any lexicon. [/quote] So. ...Mr.Ghulan claims knowledge of the unseen? And is saying he is equal to Muhammad and then you question how are Muslims of Pakistan not offended? :unsure: Worse part is the guided are the people whom you haev bestowed favour and such a word is used in the Quran again for a group of people and the criteria for such people is given...yet Mr.Ghullam claimed these to be the reason anyone can be rasool?

@Jaanbaz this is where he claimed so!

Please explain how is this not offensive?

How is this not offensive to Muslims?

He even equated himself to Jesus' second coming...But Jesus was taken to heaven alive and will come down to continue his prophethood not to restart another one so no "infringing" happening as this man is claiming! And he keeps going in circles based on 1 ayat while when any prophet arrived there were clear signs of his arrival (like we all known Prophet Isa will come) ...the previous prophets always foretold of the next...Prophet Muhammad himself said he is the seal! So...this man claiming anything is lower than that of the Prophet's statement!

Pry do tell me how is this not offensive?

Man this guy is playing with both the Quran and Hadith! He claims to be the Prophet, Rasool and Mahdi ...BTW, the hadith from the Mahdi episode are not sound most are traditions taken directly from the Jewish words!! Now he is even claiming the at the Prophet and the Mahdi will be soo similar that they will be the same and claims to be the Prophet's shadow and blessed through him (intercessor) which Islam doesnt believe in...

I stopped reading....[/quote]

All these believes are all ready explained on Ahmadiyya websites. I am not interested in theological debates as we all know PDF is not the right platform to discuss religion.
All these believes are all ready explained on Ahmadiyya websites. I am not interested in theological debates as we all know PDF is not the right platform to discuss religion.
NO. If Saudi authorities find that the guy doing pilgrim is an Ahmadi(of any nationality), they simply kick him out.

Yet thousands visit every year without our Saudi friends finding out.:D
A lot of problems that Ahmadis face are created by their own. What were you thinking when you

1 Called Mirza as the prophet
2 Called his wife as Umm ul Momineen
3 Called his companions as Sahabi
4 Called his first successor as Siddiq e Akbar.
5 Called all the other muslims as misguided

etc etc etc

Yet thousands visit every year without our Saudi friends finding out.:D

That is a truth. Saudis or Egyptians or Turks or Indonesians or anyone else officially consider you non-Muslims. This is not just a Pakistani thing that you make it to be. Even Indian Muslims don't consider you Muslims. Ask All India Muslim personal law board for further details.
That is a truth. Saudis or Egyptians or Turks or Indonesians or anyone else officially consider you non-Muslims. This is not just a Pakistani thing that you make it to be. Even Indian Muslims don't consider you Muslims. Ask All India Muslim personal law board for further details.

Not true. Only Pakistan has official declared Ahmadis as Non-Muslims. Indonesia have some local laws which restrict Ahmadis, other then that no civilized nation on Earth thinks that they can control what people believe.
ahmadis give more importance to metaphors (opinion of a person with NO LOGIC) and not actual verses of Quran and Hadith. Ahamadis should be declared non muslim because their cult leader mirza gulam ahmed declared all Muslim know dont believe his absurd belief as non muslims.

Not true. Only Pakistan has official declared Ahmadis as Non-Muslims. Indonesia have some local laws which restrict Ahmadis, other then that no civilized nation on Earth thinks that they can control what people believe.
Yes the reason why British or west wont declare Ahmadis non Muslims is because the occult leader of ahmadis was the creation of British empire.

Yet thousands visit every year without our Saudi friends finding out.:D
Your occult leader mirza dajjal never performed a single hajj or umrah. He gave more importance to white master's land and Qadiyan.
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As far as Marzais are concerned they are non Muslims and Mirza was nothing but a fruad and a cheater and no PROPHET would come after Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW but as for now the current generations of Mirzas Man they should be allowed to live in Pakistan they should be given the rights which Islam gives to minorities and they should not be killed on only being an Ahmedi but eye should be kept on them because how much they deny many of their leaders have contacts with Israel but no one can be allowed to take law in his own hand that is my point of view
How does Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) differ from Islam

According to the tenet of their faith, the Qadianis (Ahmadis) are required to study, accept, and follow the works, "revelations" (wahi), and writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani. In his books, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani makes the claim that he is in direct communication with God and ordains it upon his followers to believe in "Islam" according to his revelations. We have summarized here some of the differences between Qadianis (Ahmadis) and Muslims. It should be obvious that most of the beliefs instructed by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani contradict verses of the Holy Quran -- not to mention hundreds of authentic Hadith and Islamic doctrine.

It is unfortunate that many of the people who have been tricked into accepting Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) are unaware of this aspect of the Qadiani (Ahmadi) doctrine. Since the rituals of Qadianism resembles that of Islam and much of their terminology is stolen from Islam, many Qadianis are under the impression that they are following an Islamic school of thought. They continue to blindly send their donations to the Qadiani (Ahmadi) leadership thinking they are supporting Islam, when in reality they are helping a non Islamic cult. For the most part, the followers of Qadianism neither have a good grasp of Islam nor have access to the complete writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani -- which are mostly written in Urdu -- and are not aware of his various claims.

The following are some of the difference between Islam and Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat ):
  1. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) is based on the belief that Mirza was an improved second reincarnation of hazrat Muhammad(SAW).

  2. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects the concept of absolute Finality of Prophethood in hazrat Muhammad(SAW), as confirmed in Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(SAW), Tradition of Companions, the writings of Muslim Scholars and personalities, and concensus of the entireUmmah for almost 1500 years.

  3. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a Prophet (nabi and rasul) of God.

  4. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects the concept of completion of the revelations of Allah(SWT) in the Holy Quran.

  5. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) holds that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's revelations (Books) were on the same level as all prior revelations (Quran, Bible, Torah). In their view, simply following Quran and Sunnah, as Muslims have done since the beginning of Islam, is not a basis for living a righteous life and gaining the pleasure of the Creator. Interestingly, the Qadiani leadership has refused to allow a translation of these books, so that everyone may become familiar with the irrational teachings and contradictory claims of the founder of their organization.

  6. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects authentic Hadith based on Mirza's alleged revelations and teaches his personal interpretation of the Holy Quran. Qadiani (Ahmadiyya) leadership has forged several unauthentic translations of the Holy Quran to try to confuse and mislead uninformed individuals.

  7. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Jesus(pbuh) had been crucified, but did not die from his injuries. Instead, it advocates the view that Jesus(pbuh) recovered from his injuries, escaped to Kashmir (India), where he lived for another 86 years, and is buried there.

  8. Whereas Jesus(pbuh) is acknowledged as a great prophet of Allah in Islam, Mirza Ghulam took the liberty of making demeaning and vulgar remarks against him and his honored mother, rejected his miracles, belittled his mission and denied his return before the Day of Judgment. It is such unbecoming teachings that have resulted in hateful retributions by extremist Christians evangelical groups against Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(SAW), and Islam.

  9. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was "the promised Messiah". The Qadianis (Ahmadis) reject the advent of Jesus Christ(pbuh), son of Mary, as the Messiah, just before the Day of Judgment.

  10. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was also the promised Mahdi (guided one).

  11. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was also the expected Hindu lord, Krishna.

  12. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) intollerantly declares the entire manking, except for those who naively accept the irrational notions and contradictory claims of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, to be unbelievers and bound for hell. Qadiani leadership has announced all Muslims to be unbelievers and has forbidden its followers from wedding their daughters to Muslims, praying behind Muslims, and offering prayer on their deceased - be it a child or an adult.

  13. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that struggle for freedom, independence and self-determination against the tyranny, extremism and oppression (Jihad) of those military powers that support Qadianism has been made Haraam.

  14. At its birth, being a protoge of the oppressive British Empire of the time, Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) required complete devotion and obedience to the British Government, as an article of faith. While freedom loving people around the globe were rising up against the British subjugation, Qadianis were being required to be willing to sacrifice their wealth, talent, and soul in the cause of the Crown. Britain is presently the headquarter of the Qadiani Movement.

  15. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) holds two cities in India (Qadian) and Pakistan (Rabwah) as holy as Mekkah and Madinah. Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) are supposed to perform Hajj by attending their annual congregation, instead of visiting Mekkah.

  16. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was superior to all the Prophets(pbut) of Allah(SWT).

  17. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) refers to the companions of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani as Sahaba and his wives as Mother of the Believers (Ummahatul Muminin).

  18. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) advances the notion that many verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and that many of the praises of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), mentioned in Quran, were really intended for Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.

  19. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) claims Mirza's Mosque at Qadian (India) to be Masjid-ul-Aqsa.
References to the Qadiani books requiring these beliefs are provided on various articles at this site. If you have been tricked into accepting Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) without being told of these and other truths, please be assured that our quotes are based on authentic writings of the founders of that organization. What you have fallen in love with is Islam and not Qadianism. The door of salvation remains open to all, but you will need to take the first step, you must be seeking the truth to receive guidance.

How does Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) differ from Islam
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