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Do I have the right to remain Ahmadi?

right.. would you become kafir if all sunnis agreed that you are kafir?
how about shia?
what if all the religions of the world united and agreed that Muslims are barbaric and savages that must be eradicated?

"Oh but they are not following the true religion " a single brain celled wahabi declares

but they do have the biggest and strongest Dang to push down your anus no?

"oh bit that will be Zulm and great injustice to humanityyyyyy"

oh yea? what about the communities you persecute from Africa, middile east to the far east you scumbag?

oh but they are not Muslims are they .. so its justified states the cluless wahabi

"refer to the Dang... postulate"

"drones are haram, Abbotabad attack was haram, music is haram, education is haram, polio vaccination is haram, taking a bath is haram

As funny as it may sound but its very sad that certain ''Sect'' is full of hypocrites and has double standards when it comes to them. You know you can't reason with these people? There are many in UK too. You will see them dressed in flowing black and white robes, shouting Allah Akbar while walking down the street, harassing Non-Muslims in their areas. I have tried to reason with them but i soon found out that you can have a better dialogue with a concrete wall rather then these apes.

I need to understand why educated and articulated people like yourself feel the compulsion to degrade a certain belief or sect when its not even the topic of discussion?

do you think as human beings Ahmedi people have the right to live in peace?
does/ should Pakistani constitution give them safety and security to live in peace without ridicule and intimidation?

not buts, no ifs.. simple question.... but if its too hard to understand

who has the right to intimidate ridicule and hate someone solely on the basis of his/ her belief?
does Pakistani constitution, Jinnah's address give people of Pakistan to Lynch and degrade Ahemdi community?

why the faith become topic of discussion and indirectly an extended excuse and justification for targeting a community?

by this "Muslim" spirit.

we are condemning all Kashmirs, Palestinian and Burmese Muslims because their oppressors use the same fanatical and bigoted logic all in the name of God.

go figures.
"I hate and hurt in the name of God." and God would say "was there no one else you could use but me to justify your bigotry and savagery?"

in the land of pure, everyone who sacrificed for the creation of Pakistan will suffer because today
the bigots that called Quaid e Azam Kafir e Azam and pakistan a Napakistan... call the shots and butcher fellow Pakistanis and are crowned as "lost brothers"

Just on this thread people were saying Ahmadis can live in peace as long as we declare ourselves as kafirs and not commit ''blasphemy''. I wonder what will happen if some radical Christian government took hold in Europe and they decide Muslims are committing blasphemy by not believing Jesus as son of God? We can expect a lot of protests from these same hypocrites. Why such double standards?
right.. would you become kafir if all sunnis agreed that you are kafir?
how about shia?
what if all the religions of the world united and agreed that Muslims are barbaric and savages that must be eradicated?

"Oh but they are not following the true religion " a single brain celled wahabi declares

but they do have the biggest and strongest Dang to push down your anus no?

"oh bit that will be Zulm and great injustice to humanityyyyyy"

oh yea? what about the communities you persecute from Africa, middile east to the far east you scumbag?

oh but they are not Muslims are they .. so its justified states the cluless wahabi

"refer to the Dang... postulate"

"drones are haram, Abbotabad attack was haram, music is haram, education is haram, polio vaccination is haram, taking a bath is haram
:rofl: you ok bro? :unsure:

As funny as it may sound but its very sad that certain ''Sect'' is full of hypocrites and has double standards when it comes to them. You know you can't reason with these people? There are many in UK too. You will see them dressed in flowing black and white robes, shouting Allah Akbar while walking down the street, harassing Non-Muslims in their areas. I have tried to reason with them but i soon found out that you can have a better dialogue with a concrete wall rather then these apes.

Just on this thread people were saying Ahmadis can live in peace as long as we declare ourselves as kafirs and not commit ''blasphemy''. I wonder what will happen if some radical Christian government took hold in Europe and they decide Muslims are committing blasphemy by not believing Jesus as son of God? We can expect a lot of protests from these same hypocrites. Why such double standards?
Who said that? :angry:
I never called you kafir! I barely use that word :blink:

Maybe if you take it that way ...But I never labelled that name for you...declaring yourself another religion and to be claimed a Kafir are 2 different things no?

By declaring it another religion you are trying at getting some security and rights ....
I never called you kafir! I barely use that word :blink:

Maybe if you take it that way ...But I never labelled that name for you...declaring yourself another religion and to be claimed a Kafir are 2 different things no?

By declaring it another religion you are trying at getting some security and rights ....

I am not saying you did but you did propose Ahmadis to stop calling us from Muslims and declare another religion. Why would we do that? If we declare ourselves as Non-Muslims then we will even be bigger kafirs.
I am not saying you did but you did propose Ahmadis to stop calling us from Muslims and declare another religion. Why would we do that? If we declare ourselves as Non-Muslims then we will even be bigger kafirs.
Whats a smaller kafir?! :unsure:

For your safety that seemed like a viable choice so I suggested it....

However, by anyone calling you something doesnt make you that...however by you declaring yourselves as something for safety does ensure stupid people dont harm you!
I never called you kafir! I barely use that word :blink:

Maybe if you take it that way ...But I never labelled that name for you...declaring yourself another religion and to be claimed a Kafir are 2 different things no?

By declaring it another religion you are trying at getting some security and rights ....

Arent all non muslims supposed to be kaffirs?
Arent all non muslims supposed to be kaffirs?
kaffir means to reject...

But if one is denouncing something for protection then it is between them and god...

Furthermore, Prophet actually stopped his sahabas from using that word...it for sure has a meaning one who rejects but to label one is forbidden...even Prophet wasnt allowed hence why I object Mullah's using it and dont use it myself! Because I dont think any human is above the Prophet and if he wasnt allowed nor used such a term who gives anyone else such rights?
Whats a smaller kafir?! :unsure:

For your safety that seemed like a viable choice so I suggested it....

However, by anyone calling you something doesnt make you that...however by you declaring yourselves as something for safety does ensure stupid people dont harm you!

That just doesn't sound okay. Maybe the Rohingaya Muslims should convert to Buddhism that way they will be safe.
That just doesn't sound okay. Maybe the Rohingaya Muslims should convert to Buddhism that way they will be safe.
Well, they dont have a comparison of what they call themselves...their's is not a clash between 2 practices under the same title ...
Well, they dont have a comparison of what they call themselves...their's is not a clash between 2 practices under the same title ...

But according to your logic that will help them right?
Which PDF member has ever threatened to attack physically or verbally? Stop lying. If a Polytheist claims to be monotheistic it is pretty common sense that his claim will be refuted. Just like a Pakistani can not claim to be American without US citizenship.

where was I talking about PDF members???

And where in the hell was I lying man? What are you saying
no it wont help them....because they are not clashing to be under 1 title!

They are presecuted for them being Muslims right? Ahmadis are presecuted for claiming to be Muslims. As far as i know anyone who claims to be a Muslim and belives in One God is a Muslims the rest only Allah knows.
They are presecuted for them being Muslims right? Ahmadis are presecuted for claiming to be Muslims. As far as i know anyone who claims to be a Muslim and belives in One God is a Muslims the rest only Allah knows.

What you said,,, Can you clarify who enacted this law that who believes in One God is a muslim?
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