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Question to Indians about Pakistani identity

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The OP has a misconception, we Indians don't want the Pakistanis to be associated with us......
We think they're descendants of outsiders/invaders and hence should go back to where their forefathers came from.....
The Pakistanis do not belong to the Indian subcontinent.....:coffee:
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The OP has a misconception, we Indians don't want the Pakistanis to be associated with us......
We think they're descendants of outsiders/invaders and hence should go back to where their forefathers came from.....
The Pakistanis do not belong to the Indian subcontinent.....:coffee:
Funny huh?
Where is the difference between Pakistani's and Indians if you only look at their faces?
Some Indians are confusing ethnicities, such as, jutts and Rajput as "castes" these are not castes but ethnicities. Meaning, you are a jutt or a Rajput, by blood, regardless of your religion. It is genetics, not social behavior.

E.g, there are Rajputs, who belong to different religions, islam, Sikhism,, polytheism, Jainism. Etc. they are Rajputs, because of their ethnic/racial blood, not because of "religion" same can be said of other ethnicities.

However there is no "caste system" in Pakistan.
Same people with a different religion. :cheers:
you back dear? :woot:
please dont leave this forum because u get into a tussle with a few individuals,well if it affects you so much,avoid them,ok?
btw,welcome back.
Some Indians are confusing ethnicities, such as, jutts and Rajput as "castes" these are not castes but ethnicities. Meaning, you are a jutt or a Rajput, by blood, regardless of your religion. It is genetics, not social behavior.

E.g, there are Rajputs, who belong to different religions, islam, Sikhism,, polytheism, Jainism. Etc. they are Rajputs, because of their ethnic/racial blood, not because of "religion" same can be said of other ethnicities.

However there is no "caste system" in Pakistan.

Rajput is a landowning caste(remember caste,yes caste and dont use confusing silly terms like clan to hdie the reality),i see muslims having surnames like Gill,Sandhu,Dogar etc etc and these are clans which have Gotras and all Dharmic stuff.

It is not genetics,thats all time pass long proven to be fake.It is a proper social order and nothing more.

There are no Jain Rajputs left and the Sikh ones largely call themselves Jatt,regardless this talks about shared culture.

dude,if u have any common sense at all in life,this is an artificial border,there are no mountains or natural barriers.

Just because you draw a line across Majha,it wont change anything just like how building a wall across Berlin didn't help in anyway.

The pathans/baloch n sindhis are truly different people,not the punjabis or even the people of rajasthan and western UP and Delhi.

Anyway as i said,u r free to make people forget things and form new enhanced identities but debating them ll expose u,just tell others it is my wish,why should i justify it to you?
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

For GOD'S sake...you guys please enjoy what you are...No one in PDF or anywhere will say that PAKISTAN and its people are like Indian bla..bla....Whenever this type of conversation happens, the context of this discussion might be different...That does not mean...We will tell you what to do....Dude...enjoy your time what you are....just ignore Indian guy when they say anything like that...Indian people or poster will react whenever you guys at any point of time, try to show down or abuse Indian people with your any kind of references....Otherwise chill out and enjoy..
Rajput is a landowning caste(remember caste,yes caste and dont use confusing silly terms like clan to hdie the reality),i see muslims having surnames like Gill,Sandhu,Dogar etc etc and these are clans which have Gotras and all Dharmic stuff.

It is not genetics,thats all time pass long proven to be fake.It is a proper social order and nothing more.

There are no Jain Rajputs left and the Sikh ones largely call themselves Jatt,regardless this talks about shared culture.

dude,if u have any common sense at all in life,this is an artificial border,there are no mountains or natural barriers.

Just because you draw a line across Majha,it wont change anything just like how building a wall across Berlin didn't help in anyway.

The pathans/baloch n sindhis are truly different people,not the punjabis or even the people of rajasthan and western UP and Delhi.

Anyway as i said,u r free to make people forget things and form new enhanced identities but debating them ll expose u,just tell others it is my wish,why should i justify it to you?

I donno why, but you seem butt hurt over it.

Rajput = blood line, not some pagan religion. You seem to be in delusion.
Funny huh?
Where is the difference between Pakistani's and Indians if you only look at their faces?

Tell this to the guy who started the thread. He seems to be deluding himself into thinking all Pakistanis are "more beautiful" than Indians.:cheesy:
op has trolled everybody....he dosn even give a shyt about wat we think....this thread was meant to be a troll pool....stop posting here guys
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