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Question to Indians about Pakistani identity

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another troll thread, sometimes i really wonder am i really on surfing on a Defense forum or what???:taz:
This is exactly what i mean. if pakistanis do claim invaders as their ancestors it shouldnt concern indians. why does it concern you people? this forum is full of indians. thats the reason i wont be sticking around. you indians wont give pakistanis a break.

one of the main reasons indians are obsessed with pakistanis is because paks are better looking. they try to tell the world that they look like pakstanis and it makes me laugh so hard. I see sikhs here in the UK and even they look different from punjabi muslims. the punajbis muslims/pakistanis are usually lighter skinned. it gets funnier when you see south, west, central indians claiming to look like pakstanis. what an insult that is to pakistanis. we are beautiful people but get lumped in with indians and are stereotyped as looking like you people.

lol dude...the first thing a foreigner asks a south asian is....are u from india???

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

ask your pakistani brothers about ghazwa-e-hind
This is exactly what i mean. if pakistanis do claim invaders as their ancestors it shouldnt concern indians. why does it concern you people? this forum is full of indians. thats the reason i wont be sticking around. you indians wont give pakistanis a break.

one of the main reasons indians are obsessed with pakistanis is because paks are better looking. they try to tell the world that they look like pakstanis and it makes me laugh so hard. I see sikhs here in the UK and even they look different from punjabi muslims. the punajbis muslims/pakistanis are usually lighter skinned. it gets funnier when you see south, west, central indians claiming to look like pakstanis. what an insult that is to pakistanis. we are beautiful people but get lumped in with indians and are stereotyped as looking like you people.

Pakistanis just look like desis, which Pakistanis actually are; live with it.
This is exactly what i mean. if pakistanis do claim invaders as their ancestors it shouldnt concern indians. why does it concern you people? this forum is full of indians. thats the reason i wont be sticking around. you indians wont give pakistanis a break.

one of the main reasons indians are obsessed with pakistanis is because paks are better looking. they try to tell the world that they look like pakstanis and it makes me laugh so hard. I see sikhs here in the UK and even they look different from punjabi muslims. the punajbis muslims/pakistanis are usually lighter skinned. it gets funnier when you see south, west, central indians claiming to look like pakstanis. what an insult that is to pakistanis. we are beautiful people but get lumped in with indians and are stereotyped as looking like you people.
You are in a word "Deluded" :lol:
Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.
Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan??? Nope! We care a damn! It's only some Indian political idiots who want India and Pakistan to merge, pre 1947 status due to political compulsions. This is utter rubbish! Pakistan is a separate country and there's no question of merger.

Even the then Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee who went to Pakistan, visited the Minar-e-Pakistan which washed away any misconception of India's reluctance in accepting Pakistan as an independent state.

So what's the fuss all about?

This is exactly what i mean. if pakistanis do claim invaders as their ancestors it shouldnt concern indians. why does it concern you people? this forum is full of indians. thats the reason i wont be sticking around. you indians wont give pakistanis a break.

one of the main reasons indians are obsessed with pakistanis is because paks are better looking. they try to tell the world that they look like pakstanis and it makes me laugh so hard. I see sikhs here in the UK and even they look different from punjabi muslims. the punajbis muslims/pakistanis are usually lighter skinned. it gets funnier when you see south, west, central indians claiming to look like pakstanis. what an insult that is to pakistanis. we are beautiful people but get lumped in with indians and are stereotyped as looking like you people.

You've just joined PDF today and already started trolling?

Mods, why are such idiots allowed to post such nonsensical threads on debut?

I suggest newbies be allowed to open new threads only after they have at least 50 troll-free posts to their credit.

Jeeez! I'm outta here.
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It's more to do with Pakistan's eagerness than Indians. Pakistanis (some if not every) feel the need to remind time & again that they have their own identity, which is different to Indians. This very thread is testament to that fact.
It's only some left wing stupid emotional Indians that too mainly Punjabis who talk like that with respect to Pakistan.

Other Indians only talk like that when Pakistanis claim to have ruled India in the past for 1000 years even though Muslims effectively ruled India for only 5 to 6 centuries and their origins were from Afghanistan or Central Asia which most Pakistanis are not.

It's like South Asian Christians claiming that they ruled India for 200 years just because the British rulers were Christian. We would also remind them that they are also South Asians or Indians like the rest of us and had nothing to do with the British rulers. But of course, Christians of the sub-continent aren't stupid and insecure to make claims of that sort.
Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan??? Nope! We care a damn! It's only some Indian political idiots who want India and Pakistan to merge, pre 1947 status due to political compulsions. This is utter rubbish! Pakistan is a separate country and there's no question of merger.

Even the then Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee who went to Pakistan, visited the Minar-e-Pakistan which washed away any misconception of India's reluctance in accepting Pakistan as an independent state.

So what's the fuss all about?

You've just joined PDF today and already started trolling?

Mods, why are such idiots allowed to post such nonsensical threads on debut?

I suggest newbies be allowed to open new threads only after they have at least 50 troll-free posts to their credit.

Jeeez! I'm outta here.

He is not a newbie. He seem to open this duplicate account only to post this nonsense.
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

That's because the border across India and pakistan is a geographically artificial border.

i have seen many Pakistanis especially Pathans saying indian and pakistanis are bhai bhai apna urdu and hindi are both nice zabaan,same language,same food,same culture,we see many pakistani castes keep their clan surname as in jatts and rajputs,so these things point to the opposite of your claims.

Having said all this,u r free to make new identities for yourself as a muslim and as a pakistani,so you should not worry about what Indians think as they have no influence over what your fellow pakistanis think.

Pakistanis equally are vocal about these things and many do say the border is artificial,if at all anything u shud talk to them first instead of talking to us.

Our opinion about this is as relevant as that of Martians.

finally,it is totally possible to betray common sense but it ll affect the growth of ur personality.
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

Dude when you open your eyes think logically and rationally you'll notice the fact that both the nations understand each others language which is in itself a huge plus in explaining the close similarities between the two kinds of worlds .
Secondly , broadly speaking eventhough I am a Hindu by religion I am exposed to all kinds of different religion in a multicultural society like India which helped me to easily interact with you guys and make myself comfortable .
Thirdly its the similar culture , same values , ethics , exposure , similar taste of movies etc that makes the people of both the countries so close eventhough they are a world apart .
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