They are going to claim credit for everything if they aren’t challenged. Thankfully, while Pakistan has been preoccupied, scientists including archaeologists and linguists have explored this topic for the record.
The IVC had a population that practiced a non-“Hindu” religion because what is understood as Hinduism arrived later, after the IVC had already gone into decline, due to the changing climate and shifting rivers. Hinduism no doubt revolted once it got into the IVC, with adherents mixing with some of the local populations and evolving the religion, blending the linguistics. Buddhism was also very prevalent in the IVC, so it could just have easily be said, before Islam many of the native population could have been Buddhists rather than Hindu. All this doesn’t change the fact, that the majority of the local population now are Muslim and haven’t shown any inclination to change from this.
We report an ancient genome from the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC). The individual we sequenced fits as a mixture of people related to ancient Iranians (the largest component) and Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers, a unique profile that matches ...