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@Rashid Mahmood : Rashid Bhai perhaps you can shed greater light on what the Army & her Sister Services do in terms of their Commercial Interests servicing Army Welfare Programs ! :)

Army is doing a very fine job by rehabilitating its people. Though a lot of people talk about it adversely, but they do not know the background. They think that this rehab is done through government funding, which is incorrect. Though management comes from Army but all the programs under Fauji and Askari are IBUs. In addition these organisations are source of jobs generation for civilians as well. Best part in all these organisations is their discipline which is a legacy of armed forces. The only place where you see objectives defined by MAJ implemented.

Well. As I said, I didn't "beg" for respect them. If all people had gone with that mentality, nobody could "earn" anybody's respect. When you want to share a part of yours, yourself to your nation, and accept all consequences. That means the person already "earned" my respect.

Most of the people saying the "earn it before demanding it" are the ones that couldn't "earn" respect by being disrespectful to others, in our case the military...:coffee:

In my opinion they earn it on the same day when they spend their night defending the nation. Those who think that armed forces are only guards aka chawkidars, my question to them is when was last you sent you sons, brothers, husbands and fathers to the frontline, where bullets with "to whom it may concern" loiter in abundance and unscheduled.
In Pakistan , i have no doubt that military is the most respected institution,
as for earning respect , they have earned it and more then anybody else
100% Pakistani, with extensive military background and links.


Thank you---he should not be complaining----. He the pakistani, is the one who created this problem. The pakistani had all the time and oppurtunity to crush the snakehead. He chose not to do it out of some stupid reason of ' FAITH IN BROTHERHOOD '.

The mindset of my brethren paks has astounded me over the years---" a muslim cannot do this act of violence " or " a pakistani cannot do this act of violence ".

A nation living in denial of the brutality of its own citizens. When people don't acknowledge what they are capable of---then how can they correct the issues and problems that they have.

Thank you---he should not be complaining----. He the pakistani, is the one who created this problem. The pakistani had all the time and oppurtunity to crush the snakehead. He chose not to do it out of some stupid reason of ' FAITH IN BROTHERHOOD '.

The mindset of my brethren paks has astounded me over the years---" a muslim cannot do this act of violence " or " a pakistani cannot do this act of violence ".

A nation living in denial of the brutality of its own citizens. When people don't acknowledge what they are capable of---then how can they correct the issues and problems that they have.

I think he is noting the widening gulf between the mindset of the military and the public, and pointing out the dangers of the loss of respect that is inevitable when the public sees the Army not as a protecting force, but as occupiers.

This is a status taken from Facebook, written just today:

"When I drive on the roads I feel that I am an alien in my own country. Every where I go I see guns trained on me, and the public. I see the uniformed defenders of my soil pointing their rifles and automatic weapons at their own brothers. Pick-ups go up and down roads with men in civvies and uniforms with guns poking out of their vehicles. We are a threatened nation, and there may be a need of a show of force to have gun tooting goons frightening the hapless public, at least the guardians of the soil can move discretely, without pointing their guns insolently at the public at large. a good soldier can draw and fire his weapon if needed, even if it is lying at his feet in a moving vehicle, why flaunt your weapons, some day those who keep seeing the muzzles may also arm themselves and retaliate."

So what does "Respect a soldier" mean in this case?
Look at my picture to see what the Military can do in times of crisis be it man-made or natural of course everyone should respect them but if you get bad apples in charge at the top who hold absolute control that is when you will face big problems.
I think he is noting the widening gulf between the mindset of the military and the public, and pointing out the dangers of the loss of respect that is inevitable when the public sees the Army not as a protecting force, but as occupiers.


That happens----when you start beating up on the actions of the military everytime. Every blame that there is---is being placed on the military.

Pak military needed the support of pak civilians right from day 1---they never had it and when that happens in an insurgency----when the civilians donot have the courage to take actions against the terrorists---life changes dramatically.
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