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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

State organisations should not armed with such nonsense emotionalism over a regional leader

Ideally you are correct. It should be like that but since after 26/11 mumbai attacks, Muslims are not trusted. Pakistan is responsible for this condition of Muslims in Maharashtra. If they were able to check Mumbai attacks there would have no hatred
Actually the girl was muslim... She must not have commented any thing provided she lived in Mumbai for many years and must be aware of emotionally attachments of Marastrians with Shiv Sena. Mumbai police is also Maharashtrian and must be very emotional about death of Bal Saheb. She ended up paying 15000 as fine while her uncle lost his shop.

This is unfortunate on her part.

Police being emotional had nothing to do with this. The police commisioner of Mumbai is a sikh I guess. Rather the police were pragmatic and did a very good cost-benefit analysis.
SS has to arrest for attacking girls uncles shop as well threatening her......

Those involved have already been arrested. Would you people stop this needless chest thumping ?
This is unfortunate on the part of India :)

This is also unfortunate that may be some of Hindus on her fan/friends list might had reported her because she is a Muslim afterall Mumbai Police is not FACEBOOK all the time.

Anyway if a Muslim in India comment people like bal thackray die every day what is need for complete shut down at force by the way, s/he be arrested on the basis of "hurting religious" feelings. funny he was just an extremist not religious figure.

State organisations should not armed with such nonsense emotionalism over a regional leader

I am not justifying the action of Mumbai Police, i feel sorry for that girl, but IMHO people have to understand that day Mumbai was really living on the edge, imagine 2 million people in the last rites of there leader, no shops opened, no business (not b'coz they were asked to shut down but people did in on there own will, some out of fear & some out of respect), so if someone makes any derogatory comments (practical it maybe but not needed at that time) it's the duty of the police to maintain peace & calm of the city, anything could have happened on that day even if a small rumor is spread, Mumbai being lifeline of India cannot afford to lose it's cool. She could had refrain from making that statement specially on that day, since people were getting really emotional & emotional people don't think objectively.
This reminds me of the incident where at least a few Indian members here who lived in Mumbai where arrested by Mumbai police when this Forum was blocked in India due to the Burma picture controversy. They were posting here after the ban was imposed and in doing so violated the internet ban on the site. I still haven't see those guys online since then.
This is unfortunate on the part of India :)

This is also unfortunate that may be some of Hindus on her fan/friends list might had reported her because she is a Muslim afterall Mumbai Police is not FACEBOOK all the time.

Anyway if a Muslim in India comment people like bal thackray die every day what is need for complete shut down at force by the way, s/he be arrested on the basis of "hurting religious" feelings. funny he was just an extremist not religious figure.

State organisations should not armed with such nonsense emotionalism over a regional leader

The only thing unfortunate is Pakistan doesnt have any Hindus/Sikhs left in their lands. Whatever Hindus and Sikhs were left in your lands were either raped and converted like Rinkle Kumari, killed like the countless Sikhs in Lahore, or forced to flee to India, like the latest batch we receive every week through the trains running through Wagah of Hindu/Sikh refugee families.

At least Musllims still exist in India, unlike the non-existent minorities that will soon join dinosaurs in Lahore Museum as extinct species, so please dont lecture us on how to deal with minorities. Especially when you have conveniently ethnically cleansed of all the non-Muslims from once Hindu/Sikh majority lands. If we were anything like you, the 2011 census would show that Muslims are 2% of the population, just like your country.

Thank You.
But you are wrong.

Balasaheb or the Shiv Sena have never ever spoken about any identity separate from their primary Indian one.

There is a reason he always signs of with Jai Hind first and then Jai Maharashtra.

Call him a supreme-regionalist if you must.

Separatist? A very very unkind cut.

The son of soil argument is a form of separatism. Constitution grands equal rights and opportunity for all. He didnt ask further more, because that would be too stretchy even for his capacity.

The party based on violence, bullyism and nationalistic comments which are known even to kids as a way of getting claps from a rageful crowd doesnt make anybody great.

And, ofcourse there maybe takers for a leader if suppose from tommorow asks all the outside people from Kerala to leave and all jobs to be allocated to locals inciting violence disrupting their life, damaging their property. And adding a few occational comments regarding a particular community and against adversaries gets admirers from outside state too.. its simple. If tommorow digvijay starts badmouthing the same, he will get followers, rest of the evil he did just vanishes in thin air.. poof... gone.

Those involved have already been arrested. Would you people stop this needless chest thumping ?

Muppadhu kodi mugamudayal

Enil maipuram ondrudayal

Ival Seppumozhi padhinetudayal

Enil Sindhanai ondrudayal

(This land has 30 crore faces

But her body is one

She speaks 18 languages

But her thought is one)

-Subramania Bharathi.:)
Muppadhu kodi mugamudayal

Enil maipuram ondrudayal

Ival Seppumozhi padhinetudayal

Enil Sindhanai ondrudayal

(This land has 30 crore faces

But her body is one

She speaks 18 languages

But her thought is one)

-Subramania Bharathi.:)

Sounds good and idealistic. But I am not a big fan of unchecked and unregulated migration from other states. One state can't be made to carry the burden of mis-governance of another state. And in linguistically organized states, there is the additional dimension of the fear of losing one's unique identity. There are some ground realities that one must be aware of before going on an idealistic flight.
Sounds good and idealistic. But I am not a big fan of unchecked and unregulated migration from other states. One state can't be made to carry the burden of mis-governance of another state. And in linguistically organized states, there is the additional dimension of the fear of losing one's unique identity.

Says the guy who lives in "Yank land" - do you see anything self-contradictory?
The son of soil argument is a form of separatism.

No it is not. It is protection of the local culture first and ensuring that those who came in first get a fair shot.

He didnt ask further more, because that would be too stretchy even for his capacity.

That is your opinion.

We are talking about one of the established sword arms of the nation here and one of its largest states. States much smaller have gone that route. Never Maharashtra. And it was not because they could not.

You are talking about a people because of whom we are still a Hindu nation, and not part of the Ummah.
No it is not. It is protection of the local culture first and ensuring that those who came in first get a fair shot.

Those who come first were Bhils and other tribals, who are only 7-8 per cent of the population of Maharashtra. What did he do for them?

We are talking about one of the established sword arms of the nation here and one of its largest states. States much smaller have gone that route. Never Maharashtra. And it was not because they could not.

He never a part of anything outside, outside world notices him during cricket matches ( for obvious reasons) and during clashes between communities .
Spark, he was the de facto King of Mumbai for close to half a century.

I think he could live with that.
From another point of view, I agree from point of view given that arresting her for her safety might be a plausible situation but what about the fact that this arreset and the hype around the topic have given the girl more visibility than she ever would had with expressing her opinion on facebook? I personally think she is now in much more danger than she was on the day when she posted the status message.
Spark, he was the de facto King of Mumbai for close to half a century.

I think he could live with that.

King by fear or by popularity, thats the real question.

There are all types of kings. King Julian of Madagaskar, for example.
King by fear or by popularity, thats the real question.

There are all types of kings. King Julian of Madagaskar, for example.

There were over 2 million Indians out on the roads to bid adieu because of fear?

Come on ....
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