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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

Says the guy who lives in "Yank land" - do you see anything self-contradictory?

Nope. I did not come here one fine morning on a 'without' sitting on the steps of the Karmabhoomi express with nothing. I came here after the due process of migration going through the required tests, visa checks and background interview. If tomorrow the US says I ought to go home, I go home. No questions asked, no whinings entertained.

So talk something sensible and relevant.

Those who come first were Bhils and other tribals, who are only 7-8 per cent of the population of Maharashtra. What did he do for them?.

Im sorry but are you plagiarizing Katju's article. Do you even understand the Aryan Invasion Theory insinuated by the eccentric Katju has been scientifically, genetically and historically discredited ?
It tells us that along with India and UN , now US also agrees that he is a terrorist.

Every single Indian in this thread has condemned the incidents.

Shiv Sena as a party has influence only in Maharashtra.

The only ones showing hypocrisy here are the pakistanis who has no shame in openly supporting a international declared terrorist.

International declared terrorist with no evidence against him...Period
King by fear or by popularity, thats the real question.

There are all types of kings. King Julian of Madagaskar, for example.

Power is the only real thing - fear, love , respect are all labels that we come up with depending on what side of the line we are in.
Unfortunately the girls did go to jail. Only for two hours, but that was two hours too many.

What unfortunately ? Unfortunately is when those posts would prove to be the start of riots and cause more death and destruction than taking two girls to safety from a mob.
What unfortunately ? Unfortunately is when those posts would prove to be the start of riots and cause more death and destruction than taking two girls to safety from a mob.

Oh please, don't pretend that they were taken away for their own safety. There was no mob, just a case filed against them. They were falsely arrested on false charges for a completely innocuous comment. This is something that can happen to anybody. You cant arrest and harass someone for speaking their minds and then pretend that it is all for their good. It is pathetic that apologists are trying to paint this as some noble act toward the girls.

Get this into your head - they were NOT arrested for their own safety. They were arrested as an act of intimidation. Infringing someone's personal liberty is an unfortunate and criminal act.
Oh please, don't pretend that they were taken away for their own safety. There was no mob, just a case filed against them. They were falsely arrested on false charges for a completely innocuous comment. This is something that can happen to anybody. You cant arrest and harass someone for speaking their minds and then pretend that it is all for their good. It is pathetic that apologists are trying to paint this as some noble act toward the girls.

Get this into your head - they were NOT arrested for their own safety. They were arrested as an act of intimidation. Infringing someone's personal liberty is an unfortunate and criminal act.

Read vsdoc's post somewhere above how the event transpired.

And you can and should arrest someone when their "speaking of mind" may cause law and order problems resulting loss to life and death - in this case the victims would again be Muslims. That is why "speaking of mind" against religious icons is prosecutable by law and though Bal T was no religious figure, that day, Sunday anything said about him or even a rumour about something was said about him by a Muslim had the potential to spiral into massive riots.
Violence was and is condmned. Peaceful protest is not condmned. You can protest her comments, but can not arrest her.

Your example in this case is uncalled for but anyway since you want a justification for the bad action hence your comparing a moron like thackray with Prophet of billions of Muslims.

Your hypocricy exposed some more. Your heroes are heroes despite their actions and others heroes are morons. This is just the kind of joke you represent and try to dress up as a principle. There is a reason nobody takes you seriously. And nobody was comparing, it was an argument. I do not think thakre was responsible for millions of deaths.

I have already given evidence that Thakeray was criticised openly, in only one case one girl was detained by police, then released, then an inquiry ordered, those who vandalised arrested, overall peace despite 2 million people being on the roads.

Pakistanis would kill (pun intended) to have this kind of law and order. But since they can't they have to make stupid conclusions for arguments sake.
Read vsdoc's post somewhere above how the event transpired.

I'm not interested. I know what apologists have been saying here. I have been reading the newspapers and the statements from the police officials themselves. Even they are not pretending that they did a noble act of saving the girl from rampaging mobs. The girls were arrested on the ridiculous charges of hurting religious sentiments, and it was not a preventive detention. I don't care how many apologists on PDF try to twist the facts. Sometimes you have to accept something is wrong, you have to have the courage to face the reality, and the courage to introspect on the faults of our society - only then can we improve it.
Another Times Square rondu ..... :cry:

Must be catching.
Great work indian police--

angry Shiv Sainiks stormed into a hospital owned by Shaheen’s uncle Dr Abdul Dhada, manhandled patients, disrupted their treatment, and damaged the hospital premises. Ironically, none of them have been arrested yet. One of the rioters has been identified as Bhushan Sankhe, city president for Shiv Sena in Palghar. He is yet to be arrested.
Raj Thacrey doesn't get arrested even after he abuses fellow Indians in real life and a girl gets arrested for liking an anti-bandh post on FB, Mumbai Police is 2nd best on the planet LOL what a joke? the cops involved should be charge sheeted and put behind bars for hypocrisy
I'm not interested. I know what apologists have been saying here. I have been reading the newspapers and the statements from the police officials themselves. Even they are not pretending that they did a noble act of saving the girl from rampaging mobs. The girls were arrested on the ridiculous charges of hurting religious sentiments, and it was not a preventive detention. I don't care how many apologists on PDF try to twist the facts. Sometimes you have to accept something is wrong, you have to have the courage to face the reality, and the courage to introspect on the faults of our society - only then can we improve it.

Im sorry talking idealistic bullshit wont take away the ground realities of India. The fact of the matter is - even a simple rumour of a muslim celebrating the death of Bal T had the potential of spiralling into violence against Muslims given the situation. You may choose to accept, not accept it. Doesn't matter.
Im sorry talking idealistic bullshit wont take away the ground realities of India. The fact of the matter is - even a simple rumour of a muslim celebrating the death of Bal T had the potential of spiralling into violence against Muslims given the situation. You may choose to accept, not accept it. Doesn't matter.

A lot of these guys have probably been away too long to lose touch with reality back home.

That is, those that still consider it home ......

P.S. I did not know "bullshit" was allowed (not starred) :cheers:
Im sorry talking idealistic bullshit wont take away the ground realities of India. The fact of the matter is - even a simple rumour of a muslim celebrating the death of Bal T had the potential of spiralling into violence against Muslims given the situation. You may choose to accept, not accept it. Doesn't matter.

Idealistic bullshit? That people should have the freedom to make a comment on facebook, that too an inoffensive and perfectly sensible one? That sounds like high idealism to you?

This is not about idealism. This is about basic constitutional rights. All she said was that an entire city shouldn't be shutdown for the death of one person. I know a lot more about India than you or vsdoc (who is now making comments about me being away etc) do, if you think that the reality in India is that this deserves an arrest. No, it was an unconstitutional act by the policemen, and they will face charges. The entire nation (or at least all the right thinking people in it) are with me on this, as you can see from the public reaction.

First you tried to pretend that the girls were arrested for noble reasons of their own safety. When I called you up on that BS, you are accusing me of idealism - as if that's a bad thing. In any case, this is a black and white case - a clear case of abuse of authority byt he police, and will be dealt with accordingly. That's the India I know and that's the reality of India.
Janon, you are irrevocably divorced from the reality of India.

The reality is that we are a passionate people.

The reality is that our law enforcement sucks.

The reality is that before law takes control, the mob holds sway.

The reality is that the mob cares two farts for your freedom of speech.

The reality is that when the mob takes over people can and do die.

The reality is that those people who die and those they leave behind have rights too.

The right to live.

The right not to die because a twit wants to act badass.

The right not to die because such twits get encouraged by other twits who spout legal gibberish from Ivory Towers.

I repeat - you are divorced from the reality of India.

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