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Indian shelling in tatta pani.Pakistani Soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred

Hamid Mir ‏@HamidMirGEO

Tatta Pani(hot water) sector of Kashmir became another battlefield, one Pakistani soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred by Indian shelling

Radio Pakistan ‏@RadioPakistan

A Pakistan Army soldier Havildar Mohyuddin embraced martyrdom due to unprovoked firing by Indian troops at Hotspring sector in Battal today

Indians as we took revenge of our previous soldier revenge of this fallen soldier will be also taken and more Indian soldiers will pay the price and a really heavy one you mess with us we know how to teach you a lesson of life
Indians as we took revenge of our previous soldier revenge of this fallen soldier will be also taken and more Indian soldiers will pay the price and a really heavy one you mess with us we know how to teach you a lesson of life

Wonder no such sentiment vis-av-vis sallala???????????????
Indians as we took revenge of our previous soldier revenge of this fallen soldier will be also taken and more Indian soldiers will pay the price and a really heavy one you mess with us we know how to teach you a lesson of life
Bhai, your internal security is dwindling and you want to make your Eastern borders unstable ?

Think rationally.
Bhai, your internal security is dwindling and you want to make your Eastern borders unstable ?

Think rationally.
Sir we have internal issues but we know how take revenge of our fallen soldiers and we will take revenge you will pay the price and a real heavy one
Sir we have internal issues but we know how take revenge of our fallen soldiers and we will take revenge you will pay the price and a real heavy one
Over 100 people died yesterday in Bomb blasts. First take revenge of those people by killing each and every terrorist in your country.
Over 100 people died yesterday in Bomb blasts. First take revenge of those people by killing each and every terrorist in your country.
We will take revenge from them to but we till teach a lesson to your soldiers to and will be done really very soon and also from terrorists and their masters in RAW agency
We will take revenge from them to but we till teach a lesson to your soldiers to and will be done really very soon and also from terrorists and their masters in RAW agency
Okies........just stay safe.
Indians as we took revenge of our previous soldier revenge of this fallen soldier will be also taken and more Indian soldiers will pay the price and a really heavy one you mess with us we know how to teach you a lesson of life

By cutting head, Amputating eye?? By piercing rod in ear?r By cutting tongue??? Mr Zarvan the death of soldier is not issue...

What about Pakistani Soldier (May he rest in peace) head?? Its it cut by Indian soldier??? What about his body?? Is it Mutilated?? Has some Indian soldier has punchered his eardrum??? has some Indian Soldier put iron in his eye???

Pakistani soldiers do this, they did it Saurabh and his team, They did it last week...

Issue is not martyrdom of soldier, Issue is mongolic behaviour of Pakistani soldiers. Lets not deviate from topic.


भारतीय जवान साथियों की मौत से ज्यादा उनके साथ बरती गई दरिंदगी से गुस्से में हैं। जैसे ही हेमराज और सुधाकर की बेरहमी से हत्या की खबर मिली, 13 राजपूताना राइफल्स की पूरी टुकड़ी ने खाना-पीना छोड़ दिया। जवान अपने साथियों के साथ बरती गई दरिंदगी का बदला चाहते हैं। कामांडिंग ऑफिसर जवानों को मनाने में जुटे हुए हैं।

translation: The soldiers from murdered soldier battalion, want a revenge, But our officers (Who are professional and not animal) pacifying them. If Pakistani soldiers behaving like animal doesn't mean Indian soldiers also become animal.
By cutting head, Amputating eye?? By piercing rod in ear?r By cutting tongue??? Mr Zarvan the death of soldier is not issue...

What about Pakistani Soldier (May he rest in peace) head?? Its it cut by Indian soldier??? What about his body?? Is it Mutilated?? Has some Indian soldier has punchered his eardrum??? has some Indian Soldier put iron in his eye???

Pakistani soldiers do this, they did it Saurabh and his team, They did it last week...

Issue is not martyrdom of soldier, Issue is mongolic behaviour of Pakistani soldiers. Lets not deviate from topic.


translation: The soldiers from murdered soldier battalion, want a revenge, But our officers (Who are professional and not animal) pacifying them. If Pakistani soldiers behaving like animal doesn't mean Indian soldiers also become animal.
For us it is an issue and we will take revenge of our soldier death and more Indian soldiers will pay the heavy price and pay the price really very soon
We will take revenge from them to but we till teach a lesson to your soldiers to and will be done really very soon and also from terrorists and their masters in RAW agency

I appreciate your comment, its every country right to book the culprits. USA did by killing OBL and AQ, you too do it by Killing TTP. We don't have issue.

The issue is "Issue is not martyrdom of soldier, Issue is mongolic behaviour of Pakistani soldiers. Lets not deviate from topic. "

For us it is an issue and we will take revenge of our soldier death and more Indian soldiers will pay the heavy price and pay the price really very soon

read the red bold part, no soldier afraid from martyrdom, and no one deserve killed like animal. Even dead body deserve respect.

You are man of faith, I believe your Prophet had said the same...
I appreciate your comment, its every country right to book the culprits. USA did by killing OBL and AQ, you too do it by Killing TTP. We don't have issue.

The issue is "Issue is not martyrdom of soldier, Issue is mongolic behaviour of Pakistani soldiers. Lets not deviate from topic. "

read the red bold part, no soldier afraid from martyrdom, and no one deserve killed like animal. Even dead body deserve respect.

You are man of faith, I believe your Prophet had said the same...
Yes he said it I said we will take revenge I never said we will do that revenge is hitting back and hunting the enemy
BJP had the balls to do something yes it cost us alot of money for mobilization but we did something this Congress Govt will just twiddle their thumbs they proved so after 26/11.
And Country have seen the Balls of BJP when the Foreign minster accompanied terrorist to Kandahar.....................Now grow up and don't bring politics in National security................................
Yeh to hona hi tha.... Everything was moving so fast in India-Pakistan's rediscovered friendship that this hurdle had to come.
But Hafiz Saeed did opposite, He disrespect Islam....
No He didn't you just like to to talk crap against all those who serve Islam so we give a dam about your lies and other propaganda
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