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Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

Much respect, one thing you guys most definitively got right. I don't think even US gives as much.

I know bacause brother is a captain and he is insured with 25 lakh from army and another 25 lakh more by his own money.
you can say it's Death lottery - Many Independent organizations , communities also offer Money or benefits in some way , Their Family Enjoy all Military benefits in daily life as well (there are many like army good store , Travailing Benefits etc.) .

You may call it a lottery but who deserves it more than a family that has given the life of a loved one in service to the nation?

I know bacause brother is a captain and he is insured with 25 lakh from army and another 25 lakh more by his own money.

My cousin is captain US army but I never asked him about all that. I will look into it but I doubt its anything close to all you have listed.
You may call it a lottery but who deserves it more than a family that has given the life of a loved one in service to the nation?

My cousin is captain US army but I never asked him about all that. I will look into it but I doubt its anything close to all you have listed.

i heard , US army provide joining bonus for young people to inspire , something like 25 k $ or something .
i heard , US army provide joining bonus for young people to inspire , something like 25 k $ or something .

Nah that is starting salary not a bonus. If they offered 25k USD bonus everyone would just skip college sign a 4 year military contract and then go back to college later.
Ohh Yeh there will be more to follow . that you can be sure of .

and to answer your question .. you started it .. it was your Army who First Killed a PA soldier .. and then Kidnapped 4 Kashmir from our side of LOC and then killed them later .. we retaliated after that ... get your facts straight ...

and dont worry ... you wont see families of our soldiers crying contrary to families of your soldiers .. Life though precious is going to end one day .. what better way then to die fighting for your country ..

Dont be in any illusion .. attrition on your side of LOC far exceeds then that of our side .. the Image your Media & Bollywood has put inside your head of your army .. will vanish when you will actually see them fight .

if local commanders of PA are given a free hand .. there will be a lot more crying families in India ..
And you're supposed to be a so called 'junior think tank'?? :woot: Your analyses doesn't seem so. Rather pedestrian I should say. More like a rant. I expected better from you.
And you're supposed to be a so called 'junior think tank'?? :woot: Your analyses doesn't seem so. Rather pedestrian I should say. More like a rant. I expected better from you.

I am not here to please you .. so have a good day
Ummm, just the article was written in 2008 mate, thats about it. It talks about the role of the UN in Kashmir since 1947. Nothing specific to back up your claim?

What do you think UNMOGIP means?why not allow them to investigate the ceasefire reports?

UNMOGIP is still there in Srinagar and Islamabad(don't why it isn't in Muzzafarabad or something, closer to the LOC).

Unlike IOK... where they are restricted ... they are free on our side of LOC... Although there HQ is in Islamabad.
Death to those indian terrorists who killed a Pakistani soldier.

Revenge is due.
okay suppose the PA gets its revenge but then what!the IA will also do the same and this vicious cycle of killing will go on uninterrupted on the LoC.its easy to say "kill'em all" sitting behind the monitor but in real life situations these things won't do any good to both the countries.just look at the data released by both the armies on this recent violence at the LoC,our losses amounts to 9 precious lives while yours is 8 precious ones.but in this particular case no body is a clear victor.on the contrary the families of the soldiers are the real losers as they have lost their loved ones due to some fcuked up policies and blind egos of the politicians of the two countries.so for the sake of our soldierswho are serving our motherlands selflessly day in and day out we should organize some high level ministerial meetings and stop this utter nonsense that has been going on for sometime at the LoC.Peace
close your eyes. Think of your life. Your dreams. About your plans the next weekend. About your plans the next holiday season. About your plans for your life, your parents, your family, your kids. Your dreams about your financial situation. Think of all the aspirations your immediate family has thats based upon you. All the good times, the smiles, the struggles.

In one moment, all that is gone. All the dreams have been killed before they are born. The potential of a great future is still born. When a person dies, dont think of the statistic. Think of the dreams, the aspirations, the ideals, the goals, the unlimited promises that died along with that life. Feel the excruciating pain of the mother who has, in one instant, lost so much in life.

then you will never ever talk about "how many we killed". you will only talk about "how much" we all collectively have lost in this madness.
Anyone saw the news clipping of the Captain Sarfraz Sheheed's coffin being brought to his neighborhood? It was hair raising. The entire town had gathered out on the streets to welcome the martyred with banners as if to celebrate his bravery and life and shahadat.

His family were praising his death and it was just........... I don't have the words. What brave people, man. Would appreciate if anyone posted the news clipping.
okay suppose the PA gets its revenge but then what!the IA will also do the same and this vicious cycle of killing will go on uninterrupted on the LoC.its easy to say "kill'em all" sitting behind the monitor but in real life situations these things won't do any good to both the countries.just look at the data released by both the armies on this recent violence at the LoC,our losses amounts to 9 precious lives while yours is 8 precious ones.but in this particular case no body is a clear victor.on the contrary the families of the soldiers are the real losers as they have lost their loved ones due to some fcuked up policies and blind egos of the politicians of the two countries.so for the sake of our soldierswho are serving our motherlands selflessly day in and day out we should organize some high level ministerial meetings and stop this utter nonsense that has been going on for sometime at the LoC.Peace

Wow the only sane response from a member on this thread, and that too from a junior member with only 375 posts.

What many people here fail to realize is that blowing up bunker posts or killing scores of enemy soldiers is not a problem at all. Both sides are literally stationed 'eyeball to eyeball' with enough firepower in reserve to blast bunkers, posts and even tactical headquarters to pieces. What than, both sides are capable of easily absorbing these losses, regrouping and counterattacking. Killing here and there is only meant to serve ego's instead of gaining anything strategic or tactical.

RIP to the brave soldiers who laid down there lives for these immature reactions.
Wow the only sane response from a member on this thread, and that too from a junior member with only 375 posts.

What many people here fail to realize is that blowing up bunker posts or killing scores of enemy soldiers is not a problem at all. Both sides are literally stationed 'eyeball to eyeball' with enough firepower in reserve to blast bunkers, posts and even tactical headquarters to pieces. What than, both sides are capable of easily absorbing these losses, regrouping and counterattacking. Killing here and there is only meant to serve ego's instead of gaining anything strategic or tactical.

RIP to the brave soldiers who laid down there lives for these immature reactions.

Problem is the Indian ego. At any loss at a supposed Pakistan hand, they come out in droves in hate and demand blood. Back in Jan when they killed a few of our Jawans there wasn't much reaction from Pak public, neither would be this time (maybe a bad thing?) but at least Pakistani public doesn't come out on the streets and start throwing rocks at Indian counselts, busses or Indian Sikh pligrims.

Until Indians learn to behave rationally, this bloodshed will continue.
Who was crying when your soldiers were killed.

We...and who had the last laugh?

Ohh Yeh there will be more to follow . that you can be sure of .

and to answer your question .. you started it .. it was your Army who First Killed a PA soldier .. and then Kidnapped 4 Kashmir from our side of LOC and then killed them later .. we retaliated after that ... get your facts straight ...

and dont worry ... you wont see families of our soldiers crying contrary to families of your soldiers .. Life though precious is going to end one day .. what better way then to die fighting for your country ..

Dont be in any illusion .. attrition on your side of LOC far exceeds then that of our side .. the Image your Media & Bollywood has put inside your head of your army .. will vanish when you will actually see them fight .

Your Army is Using Artillery .. and that is the main reason we lost 3 soldiers .. you bullets didnt kill them contrary to what you believe .. PA on the other hand is only responding with Small Arms & RPG's .. if local commanders of PA are given a free hand .. there will be a lot more crying families in India ..

Mr Jr Think tank..you have no idea what you are talking about.This conflict is years old...Its is a cold war going on since late 2009.
Problem is the Indian ego. At any loss at a supposed Pakistan hand, they come out in droves in hate and demand blood. Back in Jan when they killed a few of our Jawans there wasn't much reaction from Pak public, neither would be this time (maybe a bad thing?) but at least Pakistani public doesn't come out on the streets and start throwing rocks at Indian counselts, busses or Indian Sikh pligrims.

Until Indians learn to behave rationally, this bloodshed will continue.

True, but there's a difference when 5 soldiers get killed on the same day. I can assure you your reaction will be similar in such a circumstance.
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