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Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

Problem is the Indian ego. At any loss at a supposed Pakistan hand, they come out in droves in hate and demand blood. Back in Jan when they killed a few of our Jawans there wasn't much reaction from Pak public, neither would be this time (maybe a bad thing?) but at least Pakistani public doesn't come out on the streets and start throwing rocks at Indian counselts, busses or Indian Sikh pligrims.

Ofcourse Indians will protest when Indians are killed. I don't see how that is connected to ego. And if that is indeed ego, I'm happy to have it.
C'mon man, if you are not protesting when Pakistanis are killed, there is something wrong with you.

Until Indians learn to behave rationally, this bloodshed will continue.
Now that is irrational.
okay suppose the PA gets its revenge but then what!the IA will also do the same and this vicious cycle of killing will go on uninterrupted on the LoC.its easy to say "kill'em all" sitting behind the monitor but in real life situations these things won't do any good to both the countries.just look at the data released by both the armies on this recent violence at the LoC,our losses amounts to 9 precious lives while yours is 8 precious ones.but in this particular case no body is a clear victor.on the contrary the families of the soldiers are the real losers as they have lost their loved ones due to some fcuked up policies and blind egos of the politicians of the two countries.so for the sake of our soldierswho are serving our motherlands selflessly day in and day out we should organize some high level ministerial meetings and stop this utter nonsense that has been going on for sometime at the LoC.Peace

When you're soldiers were killed then Indian talk about revenge, when IA killed PA soldiers then you want high level ministerial meetings to stop this nonsense..
When you're soldiers were killed then Indian talk about revenge, when IA killed PA soldiers then you want high level ministerial meetings to stop this nonsense..

When will be a Zero - Zero point when both sides feel they are squared up ?
[Bregs];4677958 said:
Ceasefire is possible only if politician from both sides have time to care for there army men

Wrong. PA do not want their govt to have a peace with India. So whenever Pakistani civilian government initiates peace and dialogue with India, PA will certainly do some mischief to disrupt the initiative. We have observe this for years.
Wow that is some great benefits by GOI. :tup:

Yes with license of Petrol pump and lakhs of rupees from civilian. My brother had gone to give money to the family of a martyred soldier at the time of Kargil. The family members were keeping record of money received from public. When my brother gave our contribution, figure had crossed 21 lakhs.
When will be a Zero - Zero point when both sides feel they are squared up ?

You expect an even hand when people are baying ONLY for Zero sum games (where one has to lose, for one to win)... I have given up hope that this sense of 'my national ego bigger than yours will ever go away, let alone from an internet forum)
Wow the only sane response from a member on this thread, and that too from a junior member with only 375 posts.

Hopefully you will be able to seek the exact same response form the "only sane poster" when things are opposite and other side is getting a beating. I have argued before with a Mod, # of posts has nothing to do with intelligence of the post and poster's rank.
They released info of another soldier yesterday as if 4 soldiers were killed in 4 days...Actually it all happened in the same incidence 5 days ago(where 10-11 PA soldiers were killed)..Indian army should be very very careful in the coming days since pakistan will desparately try to score some revenge kills before revealing the details on rest of the dead guys..
They released info of another soldier yesterday as if 4 soldiers were killed in 4 days...Actually it all happened in the same incidence 5 days ago(qhwew 10-11 PA soldiers were killed)..Indian army should be very very careful in the coming days since pakistan will desparately try to score some revenge kills before revealing the details on rest of the dead guys..

Dumbness the pics of the martyrs are also on facebook.. and martyrdoms happened in several posts.. some in shakma-Skardu etc.. as for indian army.. dnt worry.... if not this week maybe next..
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