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Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

Don't know for Pakistan but In India, 10-15 lakhs from central govt and little less than this money from state govt +salary of soldier till his retirement date given to his wife/mother every month and after that pension(lowest salary in army is about 21000INR) + one family member get job in central govt.

Wow that is some great benefits by GOI. :tup:
You are talking about investigation of one specific incident, where the Indian soldier was beheaded. India rejected cause as I said, it doesn't want to internationalize the issue.

Having UN obeservers to monitor the cross border infiltration is just not feasible, unless there is a UN observer posted at every Indian post and all along the LOC, 24X7, and no such proposal has been made by Pakistan anyways.

Read this from 2008:

You will Kill Our 2 Soldiers, We will Kill Your 4 Soldiers, And the This Killing Business Keeps on Multiplying.

And Then Lazy A** Monkeys from Both the Sides keeps Tab on the Death Toll like they are Playing a Video Game.

Then Few Pictures gets Posted of these Brave Men, Few Kind Word for him and Few Words of Revenge waiting to be taken for his Supreme Sacrifice and the Funny Part is these Words are said by Keyboard Warriors of Both the Sides, Who after Typing this go for an Luxurious Sleep.

Ever given a Thought, What These Brave Fallen Men, Means for there Dear One's
Whose Sacrifice We have Turned Into a Number Game.
Wow that is some great benefits by GOI. :tup:

yeah bro, martyred officers's family get even more usually petrol pump licence for free along with 25 lakh rupees as insurence done by army itself(for captain, don't know for other officers) etc.
PA should not have started this, but I am afraid it won't stop as they are obliged to support their non state actors' regiment infiltrate to the Indian side.

well, my friend in IA tells me that all these PA men died in the single bunker busting attack a couple of days back (he says about 10-12 men were killed on Pak side), but to avoid a morale dip, PA is releasing the figures scattered over a few days and will probably show only 5-6 deaths instead of full figures..

Won't be surprised if that is true. They have a history of lying and abandoning their dead soldiers.
Indians are the bad, bad guys! Pakistan has never violated the ceasefire agreement till date! They've just 'retaliated' to unprovoked firing from the infidels! You see, the PA is lily white. They always follow the rules of the game! It's the Indians who are the spoilers.

Stupid Yindoo banyas! :angry:
yeah bro, martyred officers's family get even more usually petrol pump licence for free along with 25 lakh rupees as insurence done by army itself(for captain, don't know for other officers) etc.

Much respect, one thing you guys most definitively got right. I don't think even US gives as much.
Pakistan is doing nothing. India is attacking. No response from Pakistan. Guess we don't want any escalation and am glad that we are acting the more mature part.

Childish acts by India, mature response by Pakistan.
Lol tell that to LEJ who shout slogans in the heart of Pakistan shia kafir shia kafir !!!!
Lashkar e jhangvi was created by india in 80s in pakistan laskar e jhangvi piece of $hitts were fighting with baitullah mehsud nd those northern alliance drug lords nd fassadies tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp against pakistan army. These lashkar e jhangvi bastards dont do jihad in india nd in kashmir nd dont kill hindus but kill muslims nd destablise pakistan those same lashkar e jhangvi bastards blew up marriot hotel in islamabad with truck bombing for india these lashkar e jhangvi bastards were behind attacks against pakistan army in lahore nd recently in gujarat wen those lashkar e jhangvi bastards infiltrated difa e pakistan council convoys came 2 gujarat nd they attacked pakistan army camp in gujarat. This is lashkar e jhangvi soon they nd their kaafir indian agent leadership will b wiped out from pakistan.
well, my friend in IA tells me that all these PA men died in the single bunker busting attack a couple of days back (he says about 10-12 men were killed on Pak side), but to avoid a morale dip, PA is releasing the figures scattered over a few days and will probably show only 5-6 deaths instead of full figures..
You're spot on. The bunker was destroyed by an L-70 anti aircraft gun (similar to the one shown below). Not sure how many Pakistani soldiers died though.


Check out the size of the 40mm rounds! :woot:
Much respect, one thing you guys most definitively got right. I don't think even US gives as much.

you can say it's Death lottery - Many Independent organizations , communities also offer Money or benefits in some way , Their Family Enjoy all Military benefits in daily life as well (there are many like army good store , Travailing Benefits etc.) .

in short Alive Soldier can never earn that much for his Family .
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