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Indian shelling in tatta pani.Pakistani Soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred

You must have a lot of time and patience to be dedicating in replying and arguing with these people. Don't bother, ground reality will not be changed here, nor will any of them ever be convinced.

You are certainly right on that. I have given up arguing with 14-15 year old Indian fanboys, its simply a waste of time. They all are keyboard warriors on the internet.
And Country have seen the Balls of BJP when the Foreign minster accompanied terrorist to Kandahar.....................Now grow up and don't bring politics in National security................................

This shows how very little you know, first of all did we have a national security procedure in dealing with hostage taking? no such mandate was in place for example the US policy is never to negotiate with terrorists but our nation we had nothing in place. Politics is vital in national security anyone who says otherwise is a fool!
This shows how very little you know, first of all did we have a national security procedure in dealing with hostage taking? no such mandate was in place for example the US policy is never to negotiate with terrorists but our nation we had nothing in place. Politics is vital in national security anyone who says otherwise is a fool!

If guess he would be singing a different tune if his relatives have been there on that plane. And Congi and communist trolls conveniently forget that both Congress and Communists absolutely authorised the prisoner exchange for hostages and the decision was taken after a all party meeting. Infact big bindi Brinda Karat actually held a demonstration to get the hostages released that time.
If guess he would be singing a different tune if his relatives have been there on that plane. And Congi and communist trolls conveniently forget that both Congress and Communists absolutely authorised the prisoner exchange for hostages and the decision was taken after a all party meeting.

And he says to keep politics out of national security the two are linked whether we like it or not as we are not under military rule.
Pakistan summons Indian envoy over second killing

Pakistan summoned the Indian ambassador to Islamabad on Friday to protest against the death of another Pakistani soldier in what it said was a second cross-border attack from Indian troops in Kashmir. Pakistan said the soldier was killed on Thursday. It was the third deadly incident and fourth death reported in five days in the disputed Himalayan region, which is claimed in full by both India and Pakistan but ruled in part by each. "We have summoned the Indian high commissioner to the foreign office to protest the firing incident at the LOC (Line of Control). He is here and meeting with the secretary of foreign affairs at the moment," foreign ministry spokesman Moazzam Ahmed Khan told AFP. Pakistan said the soldier died as a result of "unprovoked" fire from India. An Indian army spokesman said Pakistan opened fire and Indian soldiers retaliated. The United States has urged the nuclear-armed rivals to cool tensions along the heavily militarised Line of Control. On Tuesday India said two of its soldiers were killed by Pakistani troops and one of them was beheaded. Pakistan denied any responsibility. On Sunday the Pakistani army accused India of killing one of its soldiers and wounding another in a cross-border attack. India said its troops had opened fire following a Pakistani mortar attack, but denied they crossed the border. Kashmir, a Muslim-majority territory, has been the cause of two of their three wars since independence from Britain in 1947. A ceasefire has been in force along the Line of Control since 2003 despite sporadic violations on both sides. Despite the recent killings, both countries have appeared determined to prevent the violence from wrecking a fragile peace process, which resumed in 2011.

Pakistan summons Indian envoy over second killing | The Nation
It would be great to see yourself, and others of your ilk to stand underneath one of those "50 year old missiles".

I am shivering with terror... ab itna mat darao mujhe... better use those missiles for Talibunnies if it works well :pakistan:

How about you use it for those terrorists who killed 100+ Pakistanis yesterday? They deserve it.
(Reuters) - Pakistan has summoned India's High Commissioner over violence in the disputed region of Kashmir, a Pakistani foreign ministry official said on Friday.

The official said Islamabad expressed its "concern and frustration" in the meeting between Sharat Sabharwal and Pakistan's foreign secretary.

Pakistan summons Indian envoy over Kashmir tensions | Reuters
Pakistan summons Indian envoy over second killing

Pakistan summoned the Indian ambassador to Islamabad on Friday to protest against the death of another Pakistani soldier in what it said was a second cross-border attack from Indian troops in Kashmir. Pakistan said the soldier was killed on Thursday. It was the third deadly incident and fourth death reported in five days in the disputed Himalayan region, which is claimed in full by both India and Pakistan but ruled in part by each. "We have summoned the Indian high commissioner to the foreign office to protest the firing incident at the LOC (Line of Control). He is here and meeting with the secretary of foreign affairs at the moment," foreign ministry spokesman Moazzam Ahmed Khan told AFP. Pakistan said the soldier died as a result of "unprovoked" fire from India. An Indian army spokesman said Pakistan opened fire and Indian soldiers retaliated. The United States has urged the nuclear-armed rivals to cool tensions along the heavily militarised Line of Control. On Tuesday India said two of its soldiers were killed by Pakistani troops and one of them was beheaded. Pakistan denied any responsibility. On Sunday the Pakistani army accused India of killing one of its soldiers and wounding another in a cross-border attack. India said its troops had opened fire following a Pakistani mortar attack, but denied they crossed the border. Kashmir, a Muslim-majority territory, has been the cause of two of their three wars since independence from Britain in 1947. A ceasefire has been in force along the Line of Control since 2003 despite sporadic violations on both sides. Despite the recent killings, both countries have appeared determined to prevent the violence from wrecking a fragile peace process, which resumed in 2011.

Pakistan summons Indian envoy over second killing | The Nation

After Hearing Pakistani Side of Story Indian Envoy Said "FU ":devil:
Give him a minute before he can prepare spin and propaganda for it.

There is no propaganda . What a pity , India liberated Bangladeshies from the evil hands . Thousands of Bangla women were raped by East Pakistan army , thousands were killed .India freed your countrymen. Even today , India doesnot have any serious disputes with Bangladesh . India helps you guys in trade and commerce .And after all this what we get is a backstab from a foolish bangladeshi fundamentalist.

If you have grudge towards India ..keep it to yourself ....you never represented bangladeshi people and you will never be.

Even Pakistani posters are ready for an honest debate .....but you are just ranting . Did you ever had your own views ??
If guess he would be singing a different tune if his relatives have been there on that plane. And Congi and communist trolls conveniently forget that both Congress and Communists absolutely authorised the prisoner exchange for hostages and the decision was taken after a all party meeting. Infact big bindi Brinda Karat actually held a demonstration to get the hostages released that time.
Come on.....................Don't tell me all this foolish things.....................When Hijacked plane was in Amritsar for nearly 30 minutes for refueling what action did then BJP govt with balls do ......................let the plane fly away to Pakistan................
Come on.....................Don't tell me all this foolish things.....................When Hijacked plane was in Amritsar for nearly 30 minutes for refueling what action did then BJP govt with balls do ......................let the plane fly away to Pakistan................

Because there was no SOPs for hijacking those days...that the NSG had to travel from Manesar to Amritsar through road since they did not have aircraft those days. Any guy who has a iota of idea of Indian capabilities those days would understand that. Now also keep in mind that congress was ruling India for 52 years prior to that.
Come on.....................Don't tell me all this foolish things.....................When Hijacked plane was in Amritsar for nearly 30 minutes for refueling what action did then BJP govt with balls do ......................let the plane fly away to Pakistan................

I think you still do not understand at that time we did not have a policy in dealing with hostage taking there was no set protocol which we could adopt so how can you blame BJP? Congress was in charge all these years why did they never make one?
I think you still do not understand at that time we did not have a policy in dealing with hostage taking there was no set protocol which we could adopt so how can you blame BJP? Congress was in charge all these years why did they never make one?

Dear Yeti ,

There was no protocol required to deal with such incidents . Security forces and leadership must always be prepared to give answers to unforeseen situations . Let us accept that letting the plane take-off from Amritsar airport was a big mistake .
Dear Yeti ,

There was no protocol required to deal with such incidents . Security forces and leadership must always be prepared to give answers to unforeseen situations . Let us accept that letting the plane take-off from Amritsar airport was a big mistake .

I agree with you fully the whole chapter was handled very badly I remember watching the images on TV and thinking why the hell did we not just storm the plane after they killed that newly wed husband. But you see there has to be a set protocol in place in such situations all countries like USA and UK have these already for example the USA will not negotiate with terrorists they would just launch a task team to rescue the hostages and the UK when the Iranian Embassy siege took place used the SAS to storm the building.

Now what was India's policy? we never had one we were confused what should we do whether to launch a raid or negotiate in the end we gave in to their demands and they got what they wanted mission completed we had failed.


This is just one example of such protocals that Philippines is defining im just using this as a example to show why we needed this in place for a such crisis situations.
Bring it on. But don't cry foul when it causes more deaths at your side.

Stop this war mongering. We don't want war. We have major problems.

lol war mongering em not the 1 who was asking for behead 10 pakistani soldiers em not the 1 who lives in fools world :D its alwys u indian guys and ur indian media who crys not the other way around and dont forget if they can't protect it, you can be damned well sure they ll avenge it and your indian army dont have the gutts 2 dont forget wht happend when last time your mighty army was getting ready for war lol pak didnt fired a single bullet and lol :D dont have to remind that :D

Pakistan Army is always on aggressive mode against India. May be after 5 years Indian Army was once again aggressive and it became international news. So there is a big difference. They try to take revenge, will not be left to survive. There is enough anger in Indian army for the mutilation PA did.

if pak was on the aggression then why india 1st attacked pakistani post and killed a pakistani soldier it was india who crossed loc its always u in 1948 1965 1971 1991 every time india

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