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Indian shelling in tatta pani.Pakistani Soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

PÂK army must take revenge and bomb the **** out of these posts who attacked Our jawan
I still believe the Indian and Pakistani top politicos have an understanding to do this - and divert public attention from domestic policy failures.
I do not agree us escalating the issue on LOC. Only innocent soldiers on both side will lose life. Everyone will forget it and the families of those soldiers from both sides will suffer.

When war mongering people want to escalate these issues, completely forget they are not the one facing the music. Easy to say go and fight by sitting in Luxury.

Shame on us who want to escalate the war, it has happened again to me, I always wanted good relations some MF do not want that to happen.

When will we learn the value of peace?
All these threats, attacking eachother, threatning to nuke eachother....jesus I need a drink (pepsi of course :partay: )
It did well in 48, 65 etc. No one cried then. Speaking about mothers, we were all taught manners, so please use yours.

You lost both of those wars. And sorry for the insult.

How did that surge work out for ya kid? You guys had to lobby hard to keep your side arms at hand while on base with your ANA drug buddies. (How's that ANA project going? Heard its nothing to get 'green' with envy about.

ANA could probably dismantle a good portion of Pakistan's Army.
This is just shameful. Both nations are very big and killing of a few soldiers matters nothing to both, but its horrible for the bereaved families.

Laanat on India and Pakistan.
Just pawns and , servnats to age old politicians who are oppourtinist and waiting for these chances to play their political games

Sad , to find another person lost their live
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

PÂK army must take revenge and bomb the **** out of these posts who attacked Our jawan

Pakistan Army is always on aggressive mode against India. May be after 5 years Indian Army was once again aggressive and it became international news. So there is a big difference. They try to take revenge, will not be left to survive. There is enough anger in Indian army for the mutilation PA did.
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
PÂK army must take revenge and bomb the **** out of these posts who attacked Our jawan
Bring it on. But don't cry foul when it causes more deaths at your side.

Stop this war mongering. We don't want war. We have major problems.
I think it's a good time for DRDO to test the 55mm mortars :woot:

Just get kiling :woot:
Until some of us on PDF, the political system and the forces dont realise peace is the way foreword, we are all going to die in the worst way posiable.

For the sake of our loved ones we should stop.
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