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Indian Muslims move on! What?


Jun 14, 2010
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Indian Muslims move on! What?
Move on? What does that suppose to mean?​

The Milli Gazette
Published Online: Oct 04, 2010

While the verdict on Babri Masjid seems to have disappointed most Muslims, our Hon'ble intellectuals, mostly Hindus, sympathising with Muslims, once again came out with a noble suggestion, “Move On”. Is the task of “Moving On” left only with the minorities of this country who, for the last sixty years, have always been at the receiving end after suffering from the menace of the majority community?

Be it Muslims, Sikhs or Christian. Genocides, carnages, humiliation, discrimination and bias attitudes seem to have become their everyday fate. Why the Hindus didn't move on after the killing of Indira Gandhi? Did she belong to Hindus alone? Why the Majoritarians didn't move on after the killing of a Priest in Khandmal, allegedly by a Maoist and went on rampaging and killing hapless Christians? Why didn't they move on after 56 kar sevaks, whose identity to this day is a mystery were burnt inside the compartment, went on killing, burning, and raping three thousand innocent Muslims in Gujarat in 2002.

And did Hindus move on after Babar, allegedly, destroyed the temple and built a mosque in Ayodhya six hundred years ago? NO! NO!! NO!!! Hindus, being the majority and eternal patriots of this country ought to have an eternal right to retaliate with total brutality even after six centuries. But minorities, being vulnerable and “lesser” patriots, despite being wounded, in order to prove their patriotism, needed to keep on moving because India is moving. No matter, however brutal atrocities they may have had to suffer from the “Indigenous”, crooked, biased, corrupt and hate mongering bosses of this country. Ask historians, and they would prefer even on their death, an “enslaved” India, either by the British or the “Invader Mughals” over the horribly “patriotic” and terrifyingly independent India. Shame on such an insane majority.

Mushtaque Madni,
Editor, Urdu Usool,

Indian Muslims move on! What?
I would rather "move on" and focus on the more important issues facing India, rather than continue the confrontation, which drags down our resources and promotes more hate in the community.

There are lots of poor people amongst the Hindus and Muslims, especially near that area who are not going to gain anything from the resolution of this issue, just moral victory and that means nothing on the dinner plate, it means nothing for their future.

If true India has to rise, it has to rise above these issues and "move-on".
Indian Muslims move on! What?
Move on? What does that suppose to mean?​

The Milli Gazette
Published Online: Oct 04, 2010

While the verdict on Babri Masjid seems to have disappointed most Muslims, our Hon'ble intellectuals, mostly Hindus, sympathising with Muslims, once again came out with a noble suggestion, “Move On”. Is the task of “Moving On” left only with the minorities of this country who, for the last sixty years, have always been at the receiving end after suffering from the menace of the majority community?

Be it Muslims, Sikhs or Christian. Genocides, carnages, humiliation, discrimination and bias attitudes seem to have become their everyday fate. Why the Hindus didn't move on after the killing of Indira Gandhi? Did she belong to Hindus alone? Why the Majoritarians didn't move on after the killing of a Priest in Khandmal, allegedly by a Maoist and went on rampaging and killing hapless Christians? Why didn't they move on after 56 kar sevaks, whose identity to this day is a mystery were burnt inside the compartment, went on killing, burning, and raping three thousand innocent Muslims in Gujarat in 2002.

And did Hindus move on after Babar, allegedly, destroyed the temple and built a mosque in Ayodhya six hundred years ago? NO! NO!! NO!!! Hindus, being the majority and eternal patriots of this country ought to have an eternal right to retaliate with total brutality even after six centuries. But minorities, being vulnerable and “lesser” patriots, despite being wounded, in order to prove their patriotism, needed to keep on moving because India is moving. No matter, however brutal atrocities they may have had to suffer from the “Indigenous”, crooked, biased, corrupt and hate mongering bosses of this country. Ask historians, and they would prefer even on their death, an “enslaved” India, either by the British or the “Invader Mughals” over the horribly “patriotic” and terrifyingly independent India. Shame on such an insane majority.

Mushtaque Madni,
Editor, Urdu Usool,

Indian Muslims move on! What?

I lagree with the article as far as the absurdity of the Christian killings is concerned...
Pakistanis don't understand the nature of the Ramjanmbhoomi/Babri masjid controversy....
it is not just a mosque built on any land...
Try to understand this...Ramjanmbhoomi is the most important piece of land for the Hindus...it is the place where Sri Ram was born...
It is like our Mecca.
Now you are free to build mosques anywhere...choosing to build it on our holiest of holy shrine...in a country that harbors millions of Hindus is a crime.
It wasn't committed by one faith on the other....it was an erronous decision on part of the Mughal king.
I'd be happy if the Pakistanis try to understand the true nature of this controversy.
Ramjanmabhoomi is one of most sacred place for hindus and it is will be difficult for some hindus to move on from the fact that an invading emporer destroyed a temple and built a mosque there.Apart from that,hindus and muslims should move on from other violent incidents that took place in india.There was ghodra incident,gujrath riots,akshardam temple attack where some terrorist came and shot all the innocent worshippers there,2nd akshardam temple attacks,10+bombings in mumbai,17+bombings in gujrat,delhi bombings,ajmer blasts,mecca masjid blast,samjotha express bombings..If indian society haven't moved on from those sad incidents we would be another pakistan by now.
I would rather "move on" and focus on the more important issues facing India, rather than continue the confrontation, which drags down our resources and promotes more hate in the community.

There are lots of poor people amongst the Hindus and Muslims, especially near that area who are not going to gain anything from the resolution of this issue, just moral victory and that means nothing on the dinner plate, it means nothing for their future.

If true India has to rise, it has to rise above these issues and "move-on".
Ignoring this would only create divisions. Showing that India is truly a secular country and provide justice to all including Muslims would go a long way in to actually promoting stability, peace and brotherhood in communities.

.... Justice never hurt anyone
Not another thread.....:hitwall:
I lagree with the article as far as the absurdity of the Christian killings is concerned...
Pakistanis don't understand the nature of the Ramjanmbhoomi/Babri masjid controversy....
it is not just a mosque built on any land...
Try to understand this...Ramjanmbhoomi is the most important piece of land for the Hindus...it is the place where Sri Ram was born...
It is like our Mecca.
Now you are free to build mosques anywhere...choosing to build it on our holiest of holy shrine...in a country that harbors millions of Hindus is a crime.
It wasn't committed by one faith on the other....it was an erronous decision on part of the Mughal king.
I'd be happy if the Pakistanis try to understand the true nature of this controversy.

Its a lost cause. I have only seen Pakistanis crying for muslims. In a way always trying to justify the two nation theory, as if they are unsure.
Reminds me of a brilliant post by RamGorur regarding Pakistan's identity crisis :

[quote="RamGorur";1230618]You forgot the most import one:

More Chinese than actual Chinese

In a nutshell, they are everything and everyone, but Pakistanis. (Sometimes they are more Indian Muslims than actual Indian Muslims. But other times, Indian Muslims are not Muslims at all.) [/quote]
time has changed , it's more about india-china now ...

everyday pakistani members opened many india related threads..with hardly anybody reponding to those troll threads...

there are more threads running on india-china , and pakistani members need to accept the fect that indian not thinks about them...

live the reality..

take it with a pinch of salt ..
Who said Hindus didn't move on? Most of the hindu population doesn't give much importance abt the ram temple or what so ever that was. They have moved on to more important issues of development.
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