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Uighur Muslim Kicked from Home Over Niqab

You mean the way we see no tricolor flag condemning Israeli atrocities against Palestinians or we see more tricolor Indian members supporting Israeli atrocities against Muslims.

Anyway we don't see any Red flag poking their nose in green flags' internal matters unlike Indians.

Yeah. Chinese did not interfere in 1971 war and was mute spectator when you were divided in two parts. India is happy that you have such 'great' friends :cheesy:
Yeah. Chinese did not interfere in 1971 war and was mute spectator when you were divided in two parts. India is happy that you have such 'great' friends :cheesy:

As if Pakistan interfered in 62 war :)

Anyway I don't see that China was or even now bound to interfere in Indo-Pak wars.

US hell bent on damaging China but still we have relations with US . And China does not ask to cut ties with US.

The moral of the story is just to please Indians we can NOT go against China.

So go play your cards somewhere else
This is simply a human rights violation. For all those raising security concerns, I will repeat what I said in the thread about France banning face veils in public:-

1. how many women or persons posing as Muslim women in a burka conducted an act of terrorism in this area ?
2. can it be claimed that the security forces of this country cannot afford to hire enough female security personnel to check the identity of women wearing a burka ?

When we try to sugar coat discrimination then we are equally guilty of the crime. I can understand the people of China being hesitant to speak out against this injustice but the rest of the world has no reason to condone it. People are entitled to the freedom of worship which includes their cultural rights. Again, for those claiming that the security of the region demands this kind of action, please refer to points 1 and 2 above
Discrimination pure & simple

Its why people who keep talking about discrimination against hindu's christians, ahmedi's etc in Muslim countries need to keep quiet..

Discrimination occurs, muslims are discriminated against its just a fact of life

Just try to pay back discrimination in kind when you have the power to do so
Assuming these claims are true and, even so, are not describing temporary state-of-emergency rules, the fundamental difference is that we are talking about a region in the throes of a violent separatist movement. Under these conditions, a certain tightening of civil liberties is expected.

Such is not the case in France.

see every country has their own method of handling issue ,they work on specific model
what is biggest negative aspect of china ,they have zero importance for spiritual and religious things

see Hindu mythology base on worshiping three energy (basically there is three sects)
1> energy who can create( lord wisnu symbolic represent it) vaishnavs believe that energy which create the world ,is the supreme power power (philosophically they believe ,if you will make society strong ,individual will get strong automatically ,so their model is purely from society to individual)
2>energy which can destroy the world (loard shiva symbolic represent it ) shivas believe destroyer is the supreme engergy
3>materialistic energy,which is required to run the world (godess kali symbolic represent it )saktas believe that energy which is required to survive in materialistic world is supreme power, philosophically they believe ,if you will make individual strong ,society will get strong automatically ,so their model is purely from individual to society, which totally revers from vaishnavs philosophy
today age we called age of kali (means materialism will dominate during this period )

so important is ,how much you are allowing materialism to dominate on you, what is biggest disadvantage of materialistic world, you will have strong lust for materialistic things like power, money , glamorous things, every single things attract and dominate on you ,up to certain period you will enjoy all this and after, that you will start feeling suffocation,depression, it is proven that materialism alone can't make you happy , you have to have spiritual aspects in you life

today china total drive is toward materialism and they are totally discouraging spiritual aspects ,which is not good for any society , that can lead to disaster ,today they are not realizing but letter will realize ,for sure
As if Pakistan interfered in 62 war :)

Anyway I don't see that China was or even now bound to interfere in Indo-Pak wars.

US hell bent on damaging China but still we have relations with US . And China does not ask to cut ties with US.

The moral of the story is just to please Indians we can NOT go against China.

So go play your cards somewhere else

Relations with US? You mean they are killing your citizens and soldiers on daily basis :omghaha:

Relations with US? You mean they are killing your citizens and soldiers on daily basis :omghaha:

And a little correction. You can not Afford to go against China
Relations with US? You mean they are killing your citizens and soldiers on daily basis :omghaha:

And a little correction. You can not Afford to go against China

1. You don't have substantial points to defend yourself :) anyway US-Pak relations are far unique based on mutual interests.

2. We don't have any reason to go against China . Afford or cant that's is not the issue.
This is discrimination, plain and simple. People should be free to wear what they want at home. If she went to any restricted place with niqab where showing face is required for identification then may be she should not be allowed. Anything else is excessive.
Assuming these claims are true and, even so, are not describing temporary state-of-emergency rules, the fundamental difference is that we are talking about a region in the throes of a violent separatist movement. Under these conditions, a certain tightening of civil liberties is expected.

Such is not the case in France.

wow simply wow. what is good for the goose in not for the gander. the Duplicity is glaring and pathetic honestly!*Mind you the threat below is an *AQ threat! and not some women in niquab NOW deemed a threat by you.

France, US top al Qaeda's list of Western targets - TERRORISM - FRANCE - FRANCE 24

I will remind you of this new threshold when you complain about Kashmir, Israel, other non Chinese and other non dependent partners.
How is this discrimination? Nobody is allowed to wear niqab, not just Muslims. Discrimination would be only allowing muslims to preach their religion, or allowing different blood money for people of different religions or not allowing non muslims to hold certain posts etc etc. China is just very strict on religious bu!!sh!t, and that's a +, society at large comes first than individual mombo jumbo.

Pakistanis, who officially practice religion based discrimination will not find anything wrong with China's practice as Islam teaches them to be practical. Besides, those frigates and missiles are not going to build themselves.
Whatever u like or dislike, the China is not a muslim country.
Our law can rule how citizen's dress, and Chinese ppl and China government did not pro-Muslim just stay neutral in Arab's conflict. Pls remember our Chinese not pro-Muslim.
Chinese country and Chinese rules. It is the chinese constitution that holds the right not some religious texts.
wow simply wow. what is good for the goose in not for the gander. the Duplicity is glaring and pathetic honestly!*Mind you the threat below is an *AQ threat! and not some women in niquab NOW deemed a threat by you.

France, US top al Qaeda's list of Western targets - TERRORISM - FRANCE - FRANCE 24

I will remind you of this new threshold when you complain about Kashmir, Israel, other non Chinese and other non dependent partners.

France is not a region embroiled in a Muslim separatist insurgency.

Kashmir qualifies, Xinjiang qualifies, Paris doesn't.

Don't waste my time until you learn English -- use a dictionary if you need to.

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