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Uighur Muslim Kicked from Home Over Niqab

Assuming these claims are true and, even so, are not describing temporary state-of-emergency rules, the fundamental difference is that we are talking about a region in the throes of a violent separatist movement. Under these conditions, a certain tightening of civil liberties is expected.

Such is not the case in France.

But it is same case as in kashmir and 'a certain tightening of civil liberties is expected'. Thanks you for understanding Indian concerns.......
You may have missed it, but most people accept that legitimate security concerns trump religion in any country.

Any actions that France takes which can be justified on grounds of security are fine.

Building minarets in Switzerland, or wearing a headscarf in a French school are not valid security concerns. Hiding one's face is.

When the Chinese army systematically rapes thousands of Uyghur women and we find thousands of Uyghur bodies in unmarked graves, then we can start comparing Xinjiang with Kashmir.

Until then, some Indians' crocodile tears will find no takers.

You will never find Uyghur bodies in unmarked graves, because Chinese use to burn them.
@Zarvan @turbo charged what do you think, how can pakistan using their esteemed position as the vanguard of ummah convince, if not force china to stop such practices?

Or do you support it? Since most Pakistanis who post on all kids of muslim issues in India have fallen into the deeper than oceans ''reality check'', they are unable to post.

niqab is a personal choice and a fundamental right ,,,women who want to wear it should be allowed at all cost..,,,and i do not think chinese would like to alienate their citizens by providing state cover to such discrimination of muslims in their country......if there is some other concern or issue.,,,,chinese law enforcement have enough women,,,,,,they can see the muslim women to ensure her identity

mind you ,,,,,i am neither your kanna nor kanna of china or france or russia or US.......whats wrong in france according to me would remain wrong no matter were it happens.
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niqab is a personal choice and a fundamental right ,,,women who want to wear it should be allowed at all cost..,,,and i do not think chinese would like to alienate their citizens by providing state cover to such discrimination of muslims in their country......if there is some other concern or issue.,,,,chinese law enforcement have enough women,,,,,,they can see the muslim women to ensure her identity

mind you ,,,,,i am neither your kanna nor kanna of china or france or russia or US.......whats wrong in france according to me would remain wrong no matter were it happens.

Well said, I'm sure many of your countrymen acting like slaves of china must be embarrassing to a proud muslim such as yourself.
Look at all these morons here talking about banning niqab in india. :disagree:
Why not save that discussion for IDF? Why have it here when you know this is PDF

Well said, I'm sure many of your countrymen acting like slaves of china must be embarrassing to a proud muslim such as yourself.

How are the "other half" of my countrymen acting like the slaves of china? Elaborate on that
Everyone should note at the position Indian members take on certain issues. Many of them constantly whine about Article 370 on Kashmir, and on this thread, Indian members like Roybot and Nastikan thanked comments which basically insinuated that governments have the right to do demographic swamping on its minorities- if its a country like the Philippines or India.


The same Roybot that is screaming false accusation about China doing demographic swamping (I posted a thread on it) and Nastikan who I remember distinctly screaming that Uyghurs were being swamped on and earlier thread.


These Indians want Article 370 ended so they can demographically swamp Kashmir and make it a Hindu majority region.
Hey wana be Haitian , you need to switch your flags.
Hey keyboard warrior! I am half Haitian and my Flags represent my ethnicity not my location.So shut the F**k up and don't tell me what to do.

anyway I expected more from you, any comments regarding ban on veil in China ,which happens to be topic of this thread ??
You think I want to have this discussion with you a racist like you? Naw I don't like to debate with people like you.Besides why do you so concerned about ban on veil? Shouldn't you be happy :lol:
Hey keyboard warrior! I am half Haitian and my Flags represent my ethnicity not my location.So shut the F**k up and don't tell me what to do.

You think I want to have this discussion with you a racist like you? Naw I don't like to debate with people like you.Besides why do you so concerned about ban on veil? Shouldn't you be happy :lol:

Indians can't get any girls, that's why they demand to see girl's faces. Just like they demand girls to have sex with them AKA rape them.

What does a girl covering her face have to do with you stupid bhartees?

Mind your ******* business. Losers.
You also need understand more than 99% Chinese do not cover their faces. What about in Rome, observe Roman's way???

niqab is a personal choice and a fundamental right ,,,women who want to wear it should be allowed at all cost..,,,and i do not think chinese would like to alienate their citizens by providing state cover to such discrimination of muslims in their country......if there is some other concern or issue.,,,,chinese law enforcement have enough women,,,,,,they can see the muslim women to ensure her identity

mind you ,,,,,i am neither your kanna nor kanna of china or france or russia or US.......whats wrong in france according to me would remain wrong no matter were it happens.
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