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Uighur Muslim Kicked from Home Over Niqab

Thanks !!For conceding ground in name of higher and deeper friendship.

@kaykay,@nonsuperstitious @jaunty @INDIC @Roybot this is something you guys wouldn't have witnessed ever.

Nothing to concede.

I wrote early on that Indian "concerns" about Muslims in Xinjiang should be compared to India's mistreatment of Muslims in Kashmir, since they are both regions embroiled in a separatist insurgency,

Are Indians willing to compare the human rights record in Kashmir with that in Xinjiang?
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Since when Hindu's became champion of Human rights, while they kill Muslims and want to elect the political beneficiary, mastermind and instigator of violent riots as the next Prime Mininster (google Narendra Modi) and this monster may very well become the popularly elected next PM. So Hindu's should not talk about hypocrisy, they need to look at the mirror instead:
2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Narendra Modi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is SIT hiding proof in Gujarat riots case? - Times Of India

Is SIT hiding proof in Gujarat riots case?
TNN Jul 18, 2013, 02.59AM IST

Special Investigation Team|Gujarat riots case|clean chit to Narendra Modi

NEW DELHI: The much-touted clean chit to Narendra Modi in the Gujarat carnage is thanks to the suppression of a huge pile of incriminating evidence by the Supreme Court-appointed special investigation team (SIT). This is the essence of the arguments that have going on before Ahmedabad magistrate BJ Ganatra since June 25 in support of the protest petition filed by riot victim Zakia Jafri.

The evidence allegedly suppressed by SIT came to light from the documents it had been forced to give Jafri on account of the Supreme Court's intervention earlier this year. The arguments so far have been on the new evidence relating to February 27, 2002, the day on which the Godhra train burning had taken place.

Highlights of the documents brought to light by the petition opposing SIT's closure report and the arguments made on them by Jafri's lawyers:

The fax message sent to the home department in the morning by district magistrate Jayanti Ravi shortly after the Godhra incident indicated that the initial aggressors were kar sevaks who had been shouting slogans and had instigated a quarrel with Muslim vendors on the platform. Yet, when minister of state for home Gordhan Zadafia spoke in the Gujarat assembly on the train burning, he glossed over the provocation offered by VHP-mobilized kar sevaks. Worse, after visiting Godhra the same afternoon, Modi inflamed passions by claiming that the train burning was the result of a "one-sided" and "premeditated" act of "terror".

SIT accepted VHP leader Jaideep Patel's claim that he had rushed from Ahmedabad to Godhra because of a call he had received on his mobile from a kar sevak travelling in the ill-fated train. But, according to Jafri's lawyer, call data records showed that Patel had received a call from one of Modi's personal assistants. This evidence indicated that Modi himself had asked Patel to go to Godhra and take charge of the situation there. As a corollary, the police allowed Patel and his followers to enter the gutted coach and take out the bodies. More significantly, after Modi's visit, the Godhra administration issued a letter to Patel authorizing him to take possession of 54 bodies. Patel is currently facing trial in the Naroda Gam case.

During the sitting of the assembly on February 27, 2002, former chief minister Suresh Mehta was sitting next to Modi. In his testimony to SIT, Mehta said that he had heard Modi remarking, "Hindus should wake up now".

SIT glossed over a slew of alerts which had been sent by the state intelligence bureau for at least 20 days preceding the Godhra incident. Those alerts brought out the communal tension raised by the cadres of the VHP and Bajrang Dal who had been mobilized and armed with trishuls to attend the mahayagna programme of building a Ram temple at the Ayodhya site. SIT also ignored the Modi administration's failure to take any cautionary measures at the railway stations despite the reports of violence by kar sevaks in at least two stations prior to the Godhra flare-up.

At the hearing that will resume on Thursday, Jafri's lawyers are due to present arguments on the controversial meeting Modi held with senior police officers on the eve of the post-Godhra violence. It was in connection with this meeting that the Supreme Court-appointed amicus curiae Raju Ramachandran had recommended that Modi could be tried on the charges of hate speech and disobeying law.
France is not a region embroiled in a Muslim separatist insurgency.

Kashmir qualifies, Xinjiang qualifies, Paris doesn't.

Don't waste my time until you learn English -- use a dictionary if you need to.

Sorry Mate, Blimey! I thought AQ were a terrorist organization of great magnitude! I did not figure Uighur women in niquab in her house in china were more scary than AQ!

This is why I think you are a hypocrite here! :smitten:

Oh look below ! that's not really a threat vs a women in a head scrap and veil!

France, US top al Qaeda's list of Western targets - TERRORISM - FRANCE - FRANCE 24

French police arrest six suspected of plotting terrorist attack

France calms fears of rail network terrorist attack | euronews, world news

French investigate Woolwich
Sorry Mate, Blimey! I thought AQ were a terrorist organization of great magnitude! I did not figure Uighur women in niquab in her house in china were more scary than AQ!

You may have missed it, but most people accept that legitimate security concerns trump religion in any country.

Any actions that France takes which can be justified on grounds of security are fine.

Building minarets in Switzerland, or wearing a headscarf in a French school are not valid security concerns. Hiding one's face is.

If you are willing to give reaction like post no. 41 on the way treat muslims in Kashmir then only.

When the Chinese army systematically rapes thousands of Uyghur women and we find thousands of Uyghur bodies in unmarked graves, then we can start comparing Xinjiang with Kashmir.

Until then, some Indians' crocodile tears will find no takers.
Back that with unbiased source.

If Unmarked graves can be dug and their DNA verified, you won't find any local match.All are from across the border from various countries.

There have been a zillion threads here about Kashmir, and I honestly don't want to get into it again.
I trust you can satisfy your curiosity by using the search functionality.
Since when Hindu's became champion of Human rights, while they kill Muslims and want to elect the political beneficiary, mastermind and instigator of violent riots as the next Prime Mininster (google Narendra Modi) and this monster may very well become the popularly elected next PM. So Hindu's should not talk about hypocrisy, they need to look at the mirror instead:

So whats yours take on the topic at hand? Which is Uyghur Muslim discrimination and persecution at the hands of PRC? If you can't say anything on the topic, then no need to derail the thread.
So whats yours take on the topic at hand? Which is Uyghur Muslim discrimination and persecution at the hands of PRC? If you can't say anything on the topic, then no need to derail the thread.

Uyghur Muslim's are not problems for Hindu's to worry about, you got too many problems of your own to worry about, let Chinese and other Muslims worry about it. Unlike all of you guys, I have actually been to Xinjiang, driven through and stayed in many parts and have made many Uyghur, Kazakh and Kyrgyz friends there. So I know how it is over there from first hand experience. Thank's for the mention by the way.

If that culture tickles your fancy so much, go travel in that area, and stay in some Uyghur owned hotel and eat in Uyghur owned restaurants, they have delicious food and wonderful freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, lamb stews, kabobs and fermented horse milk kumyz in nomad areas.
As long as it is not the evil-looking Burqa, we may tolerate a little bit. At least I think.
This continues to escape Indian comprehension, understandably, but the Uyghur conflict is primarily ethnic not religious. Other Chinese Muslims are not persecuted for their religion, so there is no case to be made of systematic Muslim oppression in China. Also, China's policy towards all religions is strict; so, again, Muslims are not being singled out.

The situation in other countries merits attention because Muslims are specifically singled out for special mistreatment, contrary to the secular principles touted.

And, since YOU brought up India, India is one of the worst offenders in this regard. Indian police is notorious for targeting Muslims under false pretenses.

In the context of separatist movements, as the Uyghur movement is, shall we discuss the Indian security forces' record in Kashmir towards Muslims?

I suggest all the "concerned" Indians work for the betterment of their fellow Indian Muslim citizens before pointing fingers elsewhere.

Do you even understand the term "logical consistency"?

China persecutes only Uighurs, so china is not anti muslim.

India persecutes (allegedly) only kashmiries, but still India is anti muslim. Not concerning how muslims living in other parts of india are very happy.

You contradict yourself, not only here but at other places as well. Not to mention that you are clearly going off topic. Which shows that you are here only to troll
So whats yours take on the topic at hand? Which is Uyghur Muslim discrimination and persecution at the hands of PRC? If you can't say anything on the topic, then no need to derail the thread.

LOL at the Indians' holier-than-thou attitude. Kashmir muslims were systemically raped and many killed by the indian troops, now you guys wanna take issue over a veil? Come liberate Xinjiang :omghaha:
Uyghur Muslim's are not problems for Hindu's to worry about, you got too many problems of your own to worry about, let Chinese and other Muslims worry about it. Unlike all of you guys, I have actually been to Xinjiang, driven through and stayed in many parts and have made many Uyghur, Kazakh and Kyrgyz friends there. So I know how it is over there from first hand experience. Thank's for the mention by the way.

If that culture tickles your fancy so much, go travel in that area, and stay in some Uyghur owned hotel and eat in Uyghur owned restaurants, they have delicious food and wonderful freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, lamb stews, kabobs and fermented horse milk kumyz in nomad areas.

question: what is your name ?
answer: I am from Bangladesh..
I am Muslim..
my father's name is...x
my brother's name is..y.
end end result:zero.
too much talk, unwanted information, yet no answer for the actual question which is asked.
Uyghur Muslim's are not problems for Hindu's to worry about, you got too many problems of your own to worry about, let Chinese and other Muslims worry about it. Unlike all of you guys, I have actually been to Xinjiang, driven through and stayed in many parts and have made many Uyghur, Kazakh and Kyrgyz friends there. So I know how it is over there from first hand experience. Thank's for the mention by the way.

If that culture tickles your fancy so much, go travel in that area, and stay in some Uyghur owned hotel and eat in Uyghur owned restaurants, they have delicious food and wonderful freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, lamb stews, kabobs and fermented horse milk kumyz in nomad areas.

It isn't. Us Hindus thought that the pan Islamists like yourself might sympathize with their plight. Guess not :cry:
Do you even understand the term "logical consistency"?

China persecutes only Uighurs, so china is not anti muslim.

India persecutes (allegedly) only kashmiries, but still India is anti muslim. Not concerning how muslims living in other parts of india are very happy.

Already addressed.
The Uyghurs want separation based on ethnicity.
The Kashmiris want separation based on religion.

you are clearly going off topic

I entered the discussion in response to an Indian poster comparing the situation with India.
It isn't. Us Hindus thought that the pan Islamists like yourself might sympathize with their plight. Guess not :cry:

I care about them, that is why I visited the place, stayed in their hotels, ate in their restaurants and spent time with them. If you care about them, go do it, instead of trying to score points against China. India is not in the same league with China, so please stop trying to compete with them. Its laughable and makes you look more pathetic.
I care about them, that is why I visited the place, stayed in their hotels, ate in their restaurants and spent time with them. If you care about them, go do it, instead of trying to score points against China. India is not in the same league with China, so please stop trying to compete with them. Its laughable and makes you look more pathetic.

Still no comment on the issue I see :lol:
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