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India is taking 'holycow' to a whole new level, even killing for it.

Killing human to protect animal is very difficult to digest and should never be encouraged at any cost. PERIOD. But, as I understand, Hindus have vast branches of faith and killing cow is considered as good as killing its supreme god Brahma. Not all are actually interested in protecting cow but just to show off its power and religious upper hand over others, some miscreant are getting indulged in such acts and defaming our nation.
Brothers Leave India at her own , We should concern Our own issues , to be Fair at least India has good Law and Order System then us, and in many things they also like us but they are progressing more then us....... Indian Supreme Court Order To register criminal Case against BJP Advani . look so what our does. So Please Take Issue of Pakistan to discuss here.
That is how all animals in Pakistan are being hunted down to extinction. India is doing a remarkable job saving all its denizens.
According to your logic, all carnivores should be exterminated and save only the herbivores.
Wow... There goes the ecological system down the toilet. Not that India has a lot of them.
According to your logic, all carnivores should be exterminated and save only the herbivores.
Wow... There goes the ecological system down the toilet. Not that India has a lot of them.

Nah even carnivores do well in India considering both our lion, tiger, leopard, and other predator population is increasing rather well. India has done a very good job even during its laggard years in protecting its ecology given the health of our forests and its animals. I doubt China comes anywhere close to India in health and diversity of fauna or ecosystems.
By Ishaal Zehra | Islamabad

“Must take steps for protection of women aggressively. You are protecting cows but atrocities being committed on women,” Jaya Bachchan said addressing in Indian Rajya Sabha (Senate). Believe me this isn’t the women alone. Hindus are treating humans far lesser than the cows.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat while speaking at an event to observe the birth anniversary of their Hindu Lord Mahavir, Last week, advocated a nation-wide law against cow slaughter, calling it an evil or sin that must be removed. He also pitched for stepping-up of cow protection efforts by bringing more people in the drive while completely obeying the law and the Constitution.

Earlier that week a 55-year-old Muslim man transporting few cows to his home died after being beaten by a mob of about 200 cow protection vigilantes in north Indian state of Rajhistan. At least six more people were wounded in the attack. And Mohan Bhagwat statements were seen in a continuation of this horrific incident in the BJP-ruled Rajasthan that sparked protests from opposition parties and put the saffron party on the defensive.

Bhagwat said many states where RSS functionaries have been in power have enacted such a law and expressed confidence that other governments will follow suit by dealing with local "complexities". Adding on he said, I am confident that wherever RSS workers are in power, they will deal with local complexities and work in that direction. Cow protection should be promoted in such a way that it wins over more and more people to the cause and brings praise for those doing it.

Hindus form 80 percent of India's 1.3 billion population and consider cows to be sacred. In many Indian states, the slaughtering of cows and selling of beef is either restricted or banned.

The Muslim men who had bought the dairy cows at a cattle fair were taking them home to neighbouring Haryana state when the mob of cow protection vigilantes stopped the trucks. These vigilantes, Hindus, surrounded six vehicles carrying cattle on a highway connecting Jaipur to New Delhi and pulled out five men, Muslims, and beat them. Video of the incident showed the men being beaten with sticks and iron rods.

Oddly enough, the State home minister of Rajhistan, Mr. GC Kataria justified the incident, where a bunch of men beat a man to death, saying that both parties were to be blamed for the Muslim man's death because cow smuggling was illegal in the state. Although the cow bearers had all the relevant documents with them still the minister wrapped up the issue saying a case had been registered for both the sides

Though India under the rule of BJP is picturing itself as a mighty global future leader of the Asia but failed to protect her minorities and women as a whole. Thousands of women, including foreign tourists, were raped and some even killed by these fanatic Hindus. While, at least 10 Muslim men have been killed in similar incidents across the country by Hindu mobs on suspicion of eating beef or smuggling cows in the past two years.

In 2015, a Muslim man was lynched by his neighbours near New Delhi over rumors he had slaughtered a cow. Police later said the meat was mutton.

Last month a hotel manager was beaten by a mob and his restaurant sealed in Jaipur after Hindu vigilantes accused him of serving beef.

Cow protection groups, known as gau rakshak, have proliferated in recent years, since the Bharatiya Janata Party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power. These vigilante groups have carried out violent attacks on Muslims suspected of slaughtering cows. Last month after winning the state elections in the country's most populous state Uttar Pradesh, Modi appointed Yogi Adityanath, a popular leader known for his fiery Hindu rhetoric, as its CM. Uttar Pradesh is also a home to much of the country's Muslim-dominated meat industry. Appointing a Yogi with evident thoughts of hatred towards Muslim community started making sense when shortly after being sworn in, Adityanath launched a crackdown on abattoirs, grinding much of the industry to a halt.

Last month, the state of Gujarat also increased the punishment for cow slaughter from seven years to life imprisonment. To a question on the party's stand regarding slaughterhouses running in Gujarat, state BJP spokesperson Bharat Pandya said the government is committed to saving cows.

In several northeastern states, including some where BJP is in power, cow slaughter is not banned while beef is consumed widely in states like Kerala and West Bengal where the party is working to emerge as a strong political force. "Our wish is that there should be a law against cow slaughter across India," the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat opined. Whether there is a law or not if the society's behaviour changes, cow slaughter will stop, he said. And the only way to change the society behavior these fanatics can think of is by killing few and cut many.
Criminals are using Cow Protection to get away with their crimes.. its a racket that is running all over cow belt.... organized gangs of cow smugglers and cow thieves are using Cow Protection as a pretext to bully and extort honest people... Even car/truck thieves use Cow Protection as a pretext to cover up there crimes... Even in the latest killing of old man in Rajasthan was about loot of 400000 RS he was carrying and when he challanged them he was beaten on the pretext of Cow smuggling....
Nah even carnivores do well in India considering both our lion, tiger, leopard, and other predator population is increasing rather well. India has done a very good job even during its laggard years in protecting its ecology given the health of our forests and its animals. I doubt China comes anywhere close to India in health and diversity of fauna or ecosystems.


@The_Showstopper , my friend, what is the history of this Holy Cow protection affair. What is its history i.e how far it goes? Or is it a new trend?

It helps to frame the actions of the Sons of Cow in proper perspective. Thanks, yet again!

@StraightShooter , dear indian, thank you for taking the time and effort to put forward your views and motivation. Could not reply on the other thread as it was closed for some reason.

So, you are a Humanist? Not a dedicated fanatic at all... somehow your earlier posts created this impression. If this is the case, please, accept my unreserved appologies for misconception.

Provocation is probably best form of marketing... always works.

One must choose one's approach carefully though. Certainly, if one is inclined towards bringing Harmony among humans and wishes to advance Human Condition.

What is you take on Holy Cow and actions of the Sons of Cow?

@Hindustani78 has apparently taken the 5th. Or perhaps his/her 'job' requires him/her to do other things. Pitty. Would have liked to know his/her motivation and Core.


Do what ever u want but rip that label off of secularism. We expect more animal laws.
You are expecting Constitution and Democracy to do the job of Ghaznavi and Aurangzeb.
Tell that to the dalits and minorities in a Hindu extremist state...

Secularism is an experiment, we are trying to see if it is possible. Hindus didn't feel the need for a Hindu state at the time of Independence, but now we are slowly losing faith. Hindu and muslims are like oil and water, this is why Secularism is failing. Issue of Dalits is just equality, which is being solved, In a generation or two Dalits will be totally indistinguishable from the rest of Hindus. But nothing can solve this Hindu- Muslim issue. It is not solvable, there is no middle ground. When sufficient Number of Hindus lose faith in constitution and secularism, it will happen. Things take time.

For example if Kashmiris do plebiscite and make an Independent Islamic state, It will jolt the so called secular Hindus to reality. India would most certainly become a Hindu state after Kashmir. Except for small Punjab and farflung areas of North east rest of the India is Hindu majority. Besides Sikhs and buddhists and jain lives won't much in a Hindu state. Hindu majority area is 95% of India and India has nuclear weapons and huge army. So, 95% India will remain intact and become a Hindu state, Even after Kashmir. This is why Indian muslims don't support Pakistan on Kashmir issue. But some muslims though very rare are genuinely good people and feel Indian, they understand Hindu sentiments. For example people like Maulana Abul Kalam azad. But just like Jinnah said, World is not made of Gandhi.
Lust for cow meat? I thought India was a secular state. This means any person of any religion is free to follow his/her beliefs without the state's interference. This means a Muslim can slaughter a cow and eat beef and that's nobody's business. He isn't forcing Hindus to eat it. Just like Hindus can drink alcohol but it's not allowed in Islam. Do u see Muslims in India beating up and killing hindus for consuming alcohol?

By ur reasoning "Other NON ALCOHOLIC Drugs are also available in Plenty
Such as Heroine and Cocaine Drugs ; Meth

Why this Lust for Alochol"
How would u feel if a Muslim mob killed a Hindu for consuming alcohol and then a Muslim posts this reasoning as a reply? As if to defend those actions.

The course of action that should be followed is rather simple. If India wishes to go down this path and pass such laws in favor of one religion(Hinduism in this case) then just make it easier on all its subjects and declare itself a religious state. If India wishes to maintain its secular status then follow through by not having such cow protection laws.
That's a wrong and dishonest way to compare. Muslims have no love for Alcohol.

In Hindu religion there is ritual of offering to fire.

If a Hindu offers Quran to fire he will get blessing of GOD. When a Hindu buys Quran it becomes his personal property. Are muslims willing to tolerate a Hindu using something muslims love and respect, for Hindu Spiritual and other needs ?

As for Secularism tag, It will take time. 70% Hindus want secularism to retain Kashmir.
A lot of Bad Things happen in USA too
ie Racist Attacks ; School and College shootings

Does that affect its stature
It does,
It does at least in the eyes of AMERICANS themselves. Sadly, that is not the case in India with people like yourself as well being proud of such things and always defending atrocities just because they are being committed by Hindus in India. That is sad for humanity, whether it concerns you or not is irrelevant to me. What is wrong is wrong whether you admit it or not.

I wont u use the words "Only an Indian" for what i am about to say next as i know many sensible human beings from India both on and off this forum. But i will say that only an Indian like YOU will feel proud in saying that "Yes our women are raped but as long as we are getting millions of tourists it do not matter".

Sir,we know what happened in Mumtaz case he is hero now.And these guys will walk free someday,I am sure.

What happened in Mumtaz's case is that state acted on its writ and hanged him something that can never happen in India. And these guys of Mashal Khan case aren't going anywhere since they are nowhere in popularity as compared to Mumtaz Qadri.

I didn't expect such kind of posts from you. It is disappointing to say the least. Having introspection is good. But what you are doing is self hate or self loathing. We are not perfect but still we are not have mobs and terrorist factions like gau Rakshaks that are state sponsored to crush minorities.

There goes secularism and equality

India was never a secular state to begin with.
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