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India is taking 'holycow' to a whole new level, even killing for it.

they are minority then they should live like minority.. Or leave the country like thousands of hindus and sikhs are leaving Pakistan to come to India
You Sanghis are a confused lot, sometimes you claim that Indian muslims are minority and when it suits you they are no longer a minority:undecided:. Look what your fellow Sanghi has to say about Indian muslims.
On August the 14th 1947, there was a genocide against the Pakistani people by indians especially the sikhs. This was done in order to stop the creation of Pakistan. The aim of the sikhs in particular was to wipe out the Pakistani race. The sikhs/indians failed. Against all odds the Pakistani people and nation survived. NO power on earth now let alone the indians can persecute or harm the Pakistani peoples. The fate of the Palestinians, Red Indians, Aborigines & Rohingyas can now NEVER befall the Pakistani people. Without the Pakistani nation, the Pakistani race would face a fate far worst than that which was inflicted on the Red Indians and the Incas in the 16th century.
Was there any Republic of India before 15th Aug 1947?
Other NON VEGETARIAN Food is also available in Plenty
Such as Goat and Sheep Meat ; Chicken

Why this Lust for Cow Meat
Lust for cow meat? I thought India was a secular state. This means any person of any religion is free to follow his/her beliefs without the state's interference. This means a Muslim can slaughter a cow and eat beef and that's nobody's business. He isn't forcing Hindus to eat it. Just like Hindus can drink alcohol but it's not allowed in Islam. Do u see Muslims in India beating up and killing hindus for consuming alcohol?

By ur reasoning "Other NON ALCOHOLIC Drugs are also available in Plenty
Such as Heroine and Cocaine Drugs ; Meth

Why this Lust for Alochol"
How would u feel if a Muslim mob killed a Hindu for consuming alcohol and then a Muslim posts this reasoning as a reply? As if to defend those actions.

The course of action that should be followed is rather simple. If India wishes to go down this path and pass such laws in favor of one religion(Hinduism in this case) then just make it easier on all its subjects and declare itself a religious state. If India wishes to maintain its secular status then follow through by not having such cow protection laws.
Was there any Republic of India before 15th Aug 1947?

That doesn't change the fact that the indians and the sikhs in particular tried to annihilate the Pakistani people and committed one of the worst genocides known to mankind against my people.

Despite the fact that the indians/sikhs failed in their attempt to destroy my race it will NEVER be forgotton or forgiven by us.
When muslims kill blasphemous persons then it is saving Islam and taking revenge but when Hindus protect their sacred animal then it is terrorism???
Yeah both Pakistan and India have their faults. The difference is Pakistan has declared itself an Islamic Republic and India claims itself a secular state. In Pakistan the laws favor Islam bcuz the country declared itself an Islamic Republic to the whole world. India declared itself secular and yet the laws favor Hinduism. This is what makes India a hypocrite.

In any case if u browse through the comments u will see Pakistanis(on PDF) condemning the actions of the mob who killed that poor fellow. Those responsible were jailed.

In contrast there are some Indians(not all) supporting(on PDF) the actions of these cow protection mobs and those responsible for killing are roaming free.
This is the golden opportunity for the modi regime to delcare all life as sacred, hence protected by law.

All life forms in indian state must be declared such, without discrimination.

With this one master stroke modi will not only get Nobel Peace price, but the indian state will become a planentary benchmark for highest morality.

This golden opportunity is only modi gov to loose.

@PAKISTANFOREVER - in 1947 around partition, both sides suffered severe bloodshed. it is dishonest to Indians attacked pakistanis. Also, there is no such race called pakistani race
What india has become is not less than TALIBAN.
Believe me RSS type recon just started. They will only stop till they create clear line there are still some people love india they gonna suck every drop of love from their bones. Cuz hate never gave a birth to love.
While we gonna enjoy COW steaks.

Relax and don't press the panic button. There are serious issues in India right now but calling it Taliban is over-the-top.

There are pockets of radicalization, and they have always been there. They are just more emboldened now that they think the government is on their side.

One lost election and they will be back in hiding. Although I concede that we have to continue being vigilant lest they raise their heads again.
IMHO the biggest undoing of Congress and SP and BSP will be failure to recognize Muslim women as a separate entity. I have personally seen huge anger among Muslim women and no voice to express that. BJP have just given a small vent to that and is baking her own bread in the resulting flame. Unlike men, whose dis-satisfaction take a form of riot, women act more silently and in a non-violent manner but given a single critical decision they topple even the most well thought out plans. The worst part is that it remains hidden for so long that no one suspects it will happen only when it happens.
Can I know as to why the muslim women are so angry? And can you also give me an approximate figure/percentage of these angry muslim women?

Sreenivasan Jain is from NDTV ; which is a KNOWN Anti Hindu channel
Can you claim that what NDTV reported has never happened?

BTW what about that Hindu Doctor from Delhi who was killed by Muslims; last year

You and NDTV wont remember it of course

What about Bengal ; Kashmiri Pandits

Nothing is HIDDEN these days
When will Sanghis stop peddling lies? This is what Police had to say about the killing..

9 People, Including 4 Minors, Arrested For Brutal Murder Of Delhi Doctor, Police Rule Out Communal Angle

Source: http://www.indiatimes.com/news/indi...or-police-rule-out-communal-angle-252567.html


If I have to select limitation on religious freedom with a pro-development government, I will choose it any day over a secular, socialist but lethargic and nepotist government.
That's your choice, I hope you won't force your choice on others like what Hindutva goons have being doing in the recent past.
Relax and don't press the panic button. There are serious issues in India right now but calling it Taliban is over-the-top.

There are pockets of radicalization, and they have always been there. They are just more emboldened now that they think the government is on their side.

One lost election and they will be back in hiding. Although I concede that we have to continue being vigilant lest they raise their heads again.
There are 2 things frist they are growing in numbers abhijeet type people we all know were there already but they grabing sonu nigham type people as we.
second is they are in Gov and winning. Taliban were less than 10% of population in Afg but they were holding the main stream for good long time. BJP RSS are not going anywhere till india become hindu Taliban type State.
There are 2 things frist they are growing in numbers abhijeet type people we all know were there already but they grabing sonu nigham type people as we.
second is they are in Gov and winning. Taliban were less than 10% of population in Afg but they were holding the main stream for good long time. BJP RSS are not going anywhere till india become hindu Taliban type State.
You Pakistanis have made Islamic state, If Hindus want the same, a Hindu state. You are equating Hindu state to Taliban, But Hindu state will be better than Islamic state. This is unfair. A cow protection law >> Blasphemy law in Pakistan.
You Pakistanis have made Islamic state, If Hindus want the same, a Hindu state. You are equating Hindu state to Taliban, But Hindu state will be better than Islamic state. This is unfair. A cow protection law >> Blasphemy law in Pakistan.

Tell that to the dalits and minorities in a Hindu extremist state...
There are 2 things frist they are growing in numbers abhijeet type people we all know were there already but they grabing sonu nigham type people as we.
second is they are in Gov and winning. Taliban were less than 10% of population in Afg but they were holding the main stream for good long time. BJP RSS are not going anywhere till india become hindu Taliban type State.

The Sonu Nigam controversy was yet another example of needless sensationalism out of nowhere. He made an idle comment which is personal in nature and it got blown totally out of proportion. Don't you see by the very reaction to what he said that the problem is one of mob mentality right now, rather than just Hindutva?

We seem to be helpless against every firestorm of opinion on social media and instead of respecting personal space we have become mutual judges of everyone's actions. Hindutva fanatics are only one side of the issue.

Yes, they should be opposed politically and every effort made to ensure they do not feel further empowered. But we must understand the broader issue is severe marginalization of poor people and the resultant ignorance it spawns is not good for anyone.

If anything, the Hindutva fanatics must be blamed for shifting the focus in a poor country where we should be more concerned about poverty alleviation and how to make basic services available to everyone. Instead, we are now busy discussing cows and lynch mobs.
You Pakistanis have made Islamic state, If Hindus want the same, a Hindu state. You are equating Hindu state to Taliban, But Hindu state will be better than Islamic state. This is unfair. A cow protection law >> Blasphemy law in Pakistan.
Do what ever u want but rip that label off of secularism. We expect more animal laws.
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