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India is taking 'holycow' to a whole new level, even killing for it.

Nope.I feel sorry for Indian Muslims deprived of one of the greatest meats on Earth:disagree:

Its a matter of choice. I have eaten Beef, Chicken, Venison, Turkey Meat and Goat Meat. I find Chicken the best. Beef happens to be too hard for my taste.

That said for some reason nothing beats Paneer (cottage cheese) in Biryani or Pulao.
Criminals are using Cow Protection to get away with their crimes.. its a racket that is running all over cow belt.... organized gangs of cow smugglers and cow thieves are using Cow Protection as a pretext to bully and extort honest people... Even car/truck thieves use Cow Protection as a pretext to cover up there crimes... Even in the latest killing of old man in Rajasthan was about loot of 400000 RS he was carrying and when he challanged them he was beaten on the pretext of Cow smuggling....

I have no doubt that you are partly correct. Such instances where miscreants use the pretext of cow protection to carry out some extortion/criminal activities must surely be happening. But you cannot discount that the reason they can camouflage their actions is because there are enough genuine instances of vigilantes roaming around and authorities being lax about it.

But some muslims though very rare are genuinely good people and feel Indian

Wow...Thanks for being so considerate.
That's a wrong and dishonest way to compare. Muslims have no love for Alcohol.

In Hindu religion there is ritual of offering to fire.

If a Hindu offers Quran to fire he will get blessing of GOD. When a Hindu buys Quran it becomes his personal property. Are muslims willing to tolerate a Hindu using something muslims love and respect, for Hindu Spiritual and other needs ?

As for Secularism tag, It will take time. 70% Hindus want secularism to retain Kashmir.
So then u agree with the two nation theory?

The whole reason for the creation of Pakistan was that our leaders(those who advocated for the creation of a separate country for Muslims) foresaw these sorts of problems arising for Muslims in a Hindu majority India. Some examples are the Gujarat Massacre, Babri Masjid being destroyed, and now this recent cow protection movement resulting in the death of Muslims.

In contrast leaders like Nehru and others thought that religion has no part to play in a state. They said India shouldn't be partitioned. The whole state would be secular and everyone would be allowed to freely practice their religion.

It seems that u agree more with the viewpoint of Pakistanis(two nation theory) than u agree with Indians(one nation theory).

As for u saying my example doesnt apply...Let me give another.

Polytheism and praying to stone gods is banned in Islam. Our God finds it offensive when humans consider some made up idols his equal. Do u see Muslims up in arms against Hindu temples and Hindu's praying to stone idols following polytheism? U know why bcuz Islam also teaches to tolerate other religions. It teaches to not persecute them. Don't force ur ways on them. This is literally a line(translated from the Quran), "to you be your religion, and to me my religion"

P.S. Muslims are not slaughtering cows and eating beef to offend Hindus. Islam came about 1400 years ago in present day Saudi Arabia, where there were no Hindus at the time. Arabs didn't know of ur religion. Nobody specifically created this tradition to mess with u guys. The slaughtering of cow and other Halal animals is to commemorate Abraham sacrificing his son in the absolute show of faith.
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Many hindu "Bhagwans" such as Indra and Agni are described as having special preferences for different types of flesh - Indra had weakness for bull's meat and Agni for bull's and cow's. It is recorded that the Maruts and the Asvins were also offered cows. In the Vedas there is a mention of around 250 animals out of which at least 50 were supposed to be fit for sacrifice and consumption. In the Mahabharata there is a mention of a king named Rantideva who achieved great fame by distributing foodgrains and beef to Brahmins. Taittiriya Brahman categorically tells us: `Verily the cow is food' (atho annam via gauh) and Yajnavalkya's insistence on eating the tender (amsala) flesh of the cow is well known. Even later Brahminical texts provide the evidence for eating beef. Even Manusmriti did not prohibit the consumption of beef.

As a medicine

In therapeutic section of Charak Samhita (pages 86-87) the flesh of cow is prescribed as a medicine for various diseases. It is also prescribed for making soup. It is emphatically advised as a cure for irregular fever, consumption, and emaciation. The fat of the cow is recommended for debility and rheumatism.
Imagine you're enjoying a steak and next thing you know you get lynched by a horde of angry little Indian men.:disagree:
Oh well, I find the stupidity of Beef obsession by both side really hilarious. One side going apeshit crazy over cows and other side showing how they will go beyond all measures to ensure that they eat beef -- a lot. One side is spewing bullshit about Cows being mothers or mother-like to humans and the other side wants to clog their arteries by eating too much of cholestrol rich red meat, just to piss off the other side. Seriously, we the people of subcontinent need some serious exercise in critical thinking and education.
I don't agree with killing, for any purpose of religion, but what gives u the right to criticize Indians for their religion?
Hinduism should be respected, as Islam, Christianity and Judaism are.
if someone would even dare to say a word about Islam, he'd get instant ban, but u can joke about other religions?
This thread should be removed, and not to be discussed.
@waz @WAJsal
I don't agree with killing, for any purpose of religion, but what gives u the right to criticize Indians for their religion?
Hinduism should be respected, as Islam, Christianity and Judaism are.
if someone would even dare to say a word about Islam, he'd get instant ban, but u can joke about other religions?
This thread should be removed, and not to be discussed.
@waz @WAJsal

As much as I understand this thread is not to make fun of Hindu religion but a commentary on stupidity of Violent Cow Protectionism ongoing in India. There are individual posts which are against the rules of the forum. I did report some of those posts and almost always they are taken care of by our omnipresent and omnipotent Mods (Thanks @The Eagle). It is simple, if you find an offensive post, report to moderators, it will be taken care of, eventually and mostly pretty soon.
I don't agree with killing, for any purpose of religion, but what gives u the right to criticize Indians for their religion?
Hinduism should be respected, as Islam, Christianity and Judaism are.
if someone would even dare to say a word about Islam, he'd get instant ban, but u can joke about other religions?
This thread should be removed, and not to be discussed.
@waz @WAJsal

No one gave a dime b4......than the killings started

read my previous where there own hindu religion allows eating cow beef

Cow is nothing more than a tool to control ppl and power in India

Killing humans on pretext of so called cow protection has a potential to destabilize entire south Asia.....
In the name of religion Hindus kill much more human beings than Muslims, including fanatics like ISIS, Dhaesh etc. India is a terrorist state that carries out terrorism in Pakistan using Afghanistan and Iran. However, US and NATO are blind to this fact. We've not even bothered about it now as China is the super power now. We'll deal everything at merit.
The fact in actual is...

The quality of Milk of the cow breed in the subcontinent. The milk produced by desi cow is the world best in quality. And beats all milk types in the world. The Milk business is very profitable and in Europe the best quality milk is not less than 2 pounds a litre. But this best milk is way inferior to the milk produced by desi breed of cow. And this is why there is so much fuzz.

Some people wanted to import cows from rest of the world for more quantity but this agenda is being supressed. And I guess, Pakistan should also take it seriously. The cows we have produce best quality of lacto. This milk can be used for ailments.
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