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India is taking 'holycow' to a whole new level, even killing for it.

The fact in actual is...

The quality of Milk of the cow breed in the subcontinent. The milk produced by desi cow is the world best in quality. And beats all milk types in the world. The Milk business is very profitable and in Europe the best quality milk is not less than 2 pounds a litre. But this best milk is way inferior to the milk produced by desi breed of cow. And this is why there is so much fuzz.

Some people wanted to import cows from rest of the world for more quantity but this agenda is being supressed. And I guess, Pakistan should also take it seriously. The cows we have produce best quality of lacto. This milk can be used for ailments.
You've covered only one side of the picture. I would like you to talk more on Cow piss as well. Isn't it good for ailments? I saw a clip on youtube, Hindu was preaching his pupils on cow piss benefits.
You've covered only one side of the picture. I would like you to talk more on Cow piss as well. Isn't it good for ailments? I saw a clip on youtube, Hindu was preaching his pupils on cow piss benefits.

yes even cow dung is used in Punjab, Sindh both in Pakistan and India as fuel and manure/fertilizer (khaad) there are many uses. It is the tradition and you cannot steal it from rural people.

This flattery of tetra pack milk comes from literate donkeys in urban areas. But we Indian are trying to protect the Amul for it's quality. Which comes from desi cow milk.
I don't agree with killing, for any purpose of religion, but what gives u the right to criticize Indians for their religion?
Hinduism should be respected, as Islam, Christianity and Judaism are.
if someone would even dare to say a word about Islam, he'd get instant ban, but u can joke about other religions?
This thread should be removed, and not to be discussed.
@waz @WAJsal
Nobody is making fun of Hinduism for considering cows holy. The point that is being raised and should be addressed is the senseless killing over the consumption of beef.

The core issue being discussed(trolls aside) is the misuse of religion by ppl to freely persecute a certain group in the society.

This is not a d*ck measuring India vs Pakistan thing. U can see examples of such misuse of religion for persecution of certain groups in Pakistan as well and there r threads on PDF for those instances as well. See below...



Any idiotic comments that u maybe referring to r mainly trolls. This thread should not be closed bcuz of a few idiots. A healthy discussion should always be welcome and trolls should be kept in check.
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@The_Showstopper , my friend, what is the history of this Holy Cow protection affair. What is its history i.e how far it goes? Or is it a new trend?

It helps to frame the actions of the Sons of Cow in proper perspective. Thanks, yet again!

@StraightShooter , dear indian, thank you for taking the time and effort to put forward your views and motivation. Could not reply on the other thread as it was closed for some reason.

So, you are a Humanist? Not a dedicated fanatic at all... somehow your earlier posts created this impression. If this is the case, please, accept my unreserved appologies for misconception.

Provocation is probably best form of marketing... always works.

One must choose one's approach carefully though. Certainly, if one is inclined towards bringing Harmony among humans and wishes to advance Human Condition.

What is you take on Holy Cow and actions of the Sons of Cow?

@Hindustani78 has apparently taken the 5th. Or perhaps his/her 'job' requires him/her to do other things. Pitty. Would have liked to know his/her motivation and Core.


You can refer the following links...

yes even cow dung is used in Punjab, Sindh both in Pakistan and India as fuel and manure/fertilizer (khaad) there are many uses. It is the tradition and you cannot steal it from rural people.

This flattery of tetra pack milk comes from literate donkeys in urban areas. But we Indian are trying to protect the Amul for it's quality. Which comes from desi cow milk.
Yes, that could be correct but the piss benefits he was explaining were different from the dung. He was saying something like, have some drops of cow piss in your eyes and it would recover your sight. Obviously, he was speaking in hindi so it was kind of difficult to understand him but I do remember he said have a few drops of piss in your eyes for sharp sight. I doubt if he was saying the truth. Maybe he was misguiding his pupil.
Yes, that could be correct but the piss benefits he was explaining were different from the dung. He was saying something like, have some drops of cow piss in your eyes and it would recover your sight. Obviously, he was speaking in hindi so it was kind of difficult to understand him but I do remember he said have a few drops of piss in your eyes for sharp sight. I doubt if he was saying the truth. Maybe he was misguiding his pupil.

you can try! :)
The fact in actual is...

The quality of Milk of the cow breed in the subcontinent. The milk produced by desi cow is the world best in quality. And beats all milk types in the world. The Milk business is very profitable and in Europe the best quality milk is not less than 2 pounds a litre. But this best milk is way inferior to the milk produced by desi breed of cow. And this is why there is so much fuzz.

Some people wanted to import cows from rest of the world for more quantity but this agenda is being supressed. And I guess, Pakistan should also take it seriously. The cows we have produce best quality of lacto. This milk can be used for ailments.

Complete nonsense.

Drink the milk in western countries man. It is delicious. Creamy.

I cannot drink milk plain here. Just don't like the taste. Need to mix cocoa or coffee.

When I go abroad, in hotel breakfast buffets I just freak out on the chilled milk. Araam se teen chaar glass gatak jata hun.

yes even cow dung is used in Punjab, Sindh both in Pakistan and India as fuel and manure/fertilizer (khaad) there are many uses. It is the tradition and you cannot steal it from rural people.

This flattery of tetra pack milk comes from literate donkeys in urban areas. But we Indian are trying to protect the Amul for it's quality. Which comes from desi cow milk.

Amul is an Indian classic. Like Johnson Baby Powder, and Forhans toothpaste (orange tube, now dead), and hara walla Hamam sabun (medimix smells quite alike).

Nothing reminds me of home like Amul cheese. The olden days blue round tin. Which mom used to cut open with equally ancient tin opener. The slightly kadwa aftertaste. Bliss!
So then u agree with the two nation theory?

The whole reason for the creation of Pakistan was that our leaders(those who advocated for the creation of a separate country for Muslims) foresaw these sorts of problems arising for Muslims in a Hindu majority India. Some examples are the Gujarat Massacre, Babri Masjid being destroyed, and now this recent cow protection movement resulting in the death of Muslims.

In contrast leaders like Nehru and others thought that religion has no part to play in a state. They said India shouldn't be partitioned. The whole state would be secular and everyone would be allowed to freely practice their religion.

It seems that u agree more with the viewpoint of Pakistanis(two nation theory) than u agree with Indians(one nation theory).

As for u saying my example doesnt apply...Let me give another.

Polytheism and praying to stone gods is banned in Islam. Our God finds it offensive when humans consider some made up idols his equal. Do u see Muslims up in arms against Hindu temples and Hindu's praying to stone idols following polytheism? U know why bcuz Islam also teaches to tolerate other religions. It teaches to not persecute them. Don't force ur ways on them. This is literally a line(translated from the Quran), "to you be your religion, and to me my religion"

P.S. Muslims are not slaughtering cows and eating beef to offend Hindus. Islam came about 1400 years ago in present day Saudi Arabia, where there were no Hindus at the time. Arabs didn't know of ur religion. Nobody specifically created this tradition to mess with u guys. The slaughtering of cow and other Halal animals is to commemorate Abraham sacrificing his son in the absolute show of faith.
If Partition had not happened, babri masjid ,Gujarat massacre etc would not have happened. By creating Pakistan and genociding Hindus in operation search light, and using armed jihad in Kashmir, Muslims have given right leaning Hindus and motivation reasons to do babri and Gujarat. Actually these are very small compared to your deeds. It took a Modi and Hindutwa to make some people realize the value of secular Hindus.
Again you are wrong, wheather TNT is right or wrong India was partitioned in the name of protecting Islam. But after securing a nation you made Pakistan an Islamic republic and started persecution of Hindus and other minorities. Today in your Islamic republic there are barely any Hindus left. Hindus had had full faith in secularism and Humanity till Pakistan and Bangladesh started wiping out Hindus. Still we followed Nehru with half hearts and made a secular contitution. We thought Muslims would understand our magnanimity and sentiments. Then we saw genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh operation search light. Kashmir a Muslim majority area wants to cede after removing it's minority. Muslims in India have no other choice than being Indian and secular, their situation automatically makes them Indian democratic and secular. 90% Muslims of India followed Jinnah and voted for Pakistan. Partition was done under British rule, another partition is not possible. Weather TNT is right or wrong 90% Muslims in Indian subcontinent believed in TNT. Even Muslims in India collude with Pakistan. There is no reason left for Hindus to believe in secularism.

Muslims have persecuted millions of Hindus and other polytheists in the name of one God. Muslims in India don't stop Hindus from worshipping idols because they are powerless not because they genuinely don't want to. Where Muslims can for example in Pakistan, already Hindus freedom is restricted.

God stopped Abraham before he actually sacrificed his son, God just wanted to test resolve of Abraham. Current Islamic practice is continuation of previous pre- Islamic Arab religion. Sacrificing an animal and consuming it's meat is not sacrifice by any logic. Hindus also do animal sacrifice search Gadhimai festival. In ancient India there were many droughts, after generations of Hindus survived droughts by consuming milk. Hindus started to avoid unnecessary killing of these animals. Muslims see this as a opportunity to get cheap meat.
In a complex and diverse society there will be some conflict

What matters is how the country manages and resolves its internal conflicts

The whole Impression being created is that
1 Indian Muslims are Starving

2 Indian Muslims cannot get Non Veg Food

There is PLENTY of Non Vegetarian food available for ALL people

It includes Fish ; Chicken ; Goat ; Sheep and Pork

The problem is Beef

Beef is also available in Several states such as
Kerala ; Bengal ; Goa ; Telangana and many North East states

And Indian Muslim Population today stands at 180 MILLION
as compared to 35 Million in 1947

So Obviously they are Having a Proper Diet ; Isn t it
In one post you mention and use terms like "realities of the world" and "things that matter", in the next post you write this?

Here is a reality check for you:
There are millions of Shia Muslim happily living in Pakistan yet the 10 killed are highlighted. There are 200 million citizen in Pakistan yet the 5 missing bloggers are highlighted. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD FOR YOU JANAB.

Beef available in 6 states in not a news, it is not an achievement either!! The millions of people being bullied not to consume food of there choice is the NEWS. Plus do you see me or other people pointing out this thing in 2010 that you are talking about 1947? We are talking about NOW!! This is what India is fast becoming these days that is a source of concern for any sensible human and should be so specially for the Indians themselves. However with people going around and cheering that since we got a million tourists a few hundred rapes here and there do not matter, nothing good is expected to come.

Realize the things that are wrong, admitting those will be the first step to change them for good.
In one post you mention and use terms like "realities of the world" and "things that matter", in the next post you write this?

Here is a reality check for you:
There are millions of Shia Muslim happily living in Pakistan yet the 10 killed are highlighted. There are 200 million citizen in Pakistan yet the 5 missing bloggers are highlighted. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD FOR YOU JANAB.

Beef available in 6 states in not a news, it is not an achievement either!! The millions of people being bullied not to consume food of there choice is the NEWS. Plus do you see me or other people pointing out this thing in 2010 that you are talking about 1947? We are talking about NOW!! This is what India is fast becoming these days that is a source of concern for any sensible human and should be so specially for the Indians themselves. However with people going around and cheering that since we got a million tourists a few hundred rapes here and there do not matter, nothing good is expected to come.

Realize the things that are wrong, admitting those will be the first step to change them for good.

As we in India see it ; it is Only PAKISTANIS who are raising this BEEF issue
as if there is some huge human rights violation going on

My suggestion is Let the OIC and UN take up this matter Directly with the
Indian Government

Pakistani ANGST and Rants on the Beef issue is all fake and made up

Now if we raise the question of Pakistani minorities ;we will be blamed for
Off Topic derailment

Anyway I have nothing more to say except ; Our country Our rules

We have a Robust Judiciary and Media to take care of the Rights of citizens
As we in India see it ; it is Only PAKISTANIS who are raising this BEEF issue
as if there is some huge human rights violation going on

My suggestion is Let the OIC and UN take up this matter Directly with the
Indian Government

Pakistani ANGST and Rants on the Beef issue is all fake and made up

Now if we raise the question of Pakistani minorities ;we will be blamed for
Off Topic derailment

Anyway I have nothing more to say except ; Our country Our rules

We have a Robust Judiciary and Media to take care of the Rights of citizens
Yeah,, you are right. Your country your rules, as long as you do not claim them to be THE BEST we have no problems. :)
However you cannot expect us or anyone not to react when you say "Hey we are secular nation but Muslims are not allowed beef and we will kill them if they go for it". You cannot have them both boss. :)
Ok u r all over the place but I'll try to categorically address each point u raised.

If Partition had not happened, babri masjid ,Gujarat massacre etc would not have happened. By creating Pakistan and genociding Hindus in operation search light, and using armed jihad in Kashmir, Muslims have given right leaning Hindus and motivation reasons to do babri and Gujarat. Actually these are very small compared to your deeds. It took a Modi and Hindutwa to make some people realize the value of secular Hindus.
Do u understand what u r saying here? How's Gujarat Massacre, Babri Masjid incident related to the creation of Pakistan? It was done entirely by Indians long after Pakistan had been created. Pakistan had no part to play in that. Have some sound reasoning and I'll debate over that. What u r saying here makes no sense.

As for that last paragraph let's assume that all of that is small compared to "our deeds" and Pakistan is "evil" and Hindus r persecuted here. Should u be using that as a reason to kill/persecute ur own Muslim citizens? It's like me saying "well there are all these other bank robbers so it's only fair that I rob a bank too". That is some insane reasoning.

Also I will say it again that Pakistan was created for the sake of Islam/Muslims. It declared itself an Islamic Republic so u highlighting the fact that Islam/Muslims r favored in Pak is no argument at all. That was the purpose of it and it fulfilled it.

In contrast ur leaders championed the idea of Hindu/Muslim harmony and a united India. So when u provide justification in any form or manner of a Hindu India(rather than secular India), u go against ur forefathers who created a secular India. It's basically u admitting that "yes Jinnah and others were right and Muslims and Hindus must have separate country's so they can freely practice their religions". In that case u guys should just declare India a Hindu state. Why beat around the bush?

Again you are wrong, wheather TNT is right or wrong India was partitioned in the name of protecting Islam. But after securing a nation you made Pakistan an Islamic republic and started persecution of Hindus and other minorities. Today in your Islamic republic there are barely any Hindus left. Hindus had had full faith in secularism and Humanity till Pakistan and Bangladesh started wiping out Hindus. Still we followed Nehru with half hearts and made a secular contitution. We thought Muslims would understand our magnanimity and sentiments. Then we saw genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh operation search light. Kashmir a Muslim majority area wants to cede after removing it's minority. Muslims in India have no other choice than being Indian and secular, their situation automatically makes them Indian democratic and secular. 90% Muslims of India followed Jinnah and voted for Pakistan. Partition was done under British rule, another partition is not possible. Weather TNT is right or wrong 90% Muslims in Indian subcontinent believed in TNT. Even Muslims in India collude with Pakistan. There is no reason left for Hindus to believe in secularism.

Here again u r providing that same justification that really shouldn't be a justification for any sane person. Let's assume it to be true that Pakistan/Pakistanis are evil and they persecute/kill Hindus in their country. U want to use that to persecute/kill Muslims in India?

Another thing is that u grouping together all the Muslims of the subcontinent(Pakistani, Indian, Kashmiri, Bangladeshi Muslims). Do u know of the history of partition? There were many groups of Muslims who held differing political viewpoints. A majority of them were in favor of creation of Pakistan(they ended up in Pakistan and Bangladesh) but there was still a sizeable group of Muslims that bought into the idea of a secular India that shouldn't be divided. A majority of Muslims in India r those who favored a united India. It is wrong of u to lump these groups together. U r also saying that the Muslims of India have to be secular bcuz they have no choice and that they collude with Pak. Those r some serious accusations against ur fellow countrymen. Like I said read the history of partition and u will see that these Indian Muslims that u r accusing just bcuz they have a different faith than u, voted in favor of a united India and against Pak. This is why Muslims in India feel that they have to prove their Indian-ness to their fellow Hindus. U r biased against them.

As for ur last line above if u think that there is no reason to believe in secularism then why not own it? India should declare that Nehru's vision was wrong and India isn't going to be secular but rather a Hindu state. Then by all means u can protect cows and ban beef. Anyone who has a problem with such a law can leave the country.

Muslims have persecuted millions of Hindus and other polytheists in the name of one God. Muslims in India don't stop Hindus from worshipping idols because they are powerless not because they genuinely don't want to. Where Muslims can for example in Pakistan, already Hindus freedom is restricted.
Again u r using the flawed logic of "if he broke the law then why can't I?". On top of that u r again accusing ur fellow countrymen of something which they haven't done just bcuz they r Muslims. That's just sad and pathetic.

U have never once condemned the actions of these murderers who r killing Muslims over beef issue. Instead u r accusing ur fellow Indian Muslims of a crime they have not committed.

If Muslims were out to get u like the boogeyman u think them to be they would've already wiped Hindus off the face of the earth during the centuries of rule(before British) over the subcontinent.

God stopped Abraham before he actually sacrificed his son, God just wanted to test resolve of Abraham. Current Islamic practice is continuation of previous pre- Islamic Arab religion. Sacrificing an animal and consuming it's meat is not sacrifice by any logic. Hindus also do animal sacrifice search Gadhimai festival. In ancient India there were many droughts, after generations of Hindus survived droughts by consuming milk. Hindus started to avoid unnecessary killing of these animals. Muslims see this as a opportunity to get cheap meat.
Please don't try to teach me Islam when u don't even know it urself. God was indeed testing Abraham's resolve and instead of Abraham's son there was a lamb that was sacrificed instead. That's where the sacrificing of a Halal animal comes from.

The current Islamic practices are not at all continuations of pre Islamic Arab practices. In fact practices in Hinduism are more similar to those pre Islamic Arab practices than anything else. Pre-Islamic Arabs were polytheists and just like the Gadhimai Festival, pre Islamic Arabs also sacrificed animals to their gods.

If u r gonna argue with me about Islam at least study it a bit.
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Complete nonsense.

Drink the milk in western countries man. It is delicious. Creamy.

I cannot drink milk plain here. Just don't like the taste. Need to mix cocoa or coffee.

When I go abroad, in hotel breakfast buffets I just freak out on the chilled milk. Araam se teen chaar glass gatak jata hun.

That is upto your taste and stop fooling people if you are fooled by them.

The milk you get in terta pack is merely 1.5 % fat or 3.5% or 3.9% or max 4% fat in western countries.
Then you get verities of milk, like vegetable milk, which is soya milk. Then there is other types of milk, like the long lasting tetra pack or the fresh milk. But the percentage of fat remains the same, You cannot even use it to make yoghurt.
The cow milk with reduced fat which you get there costs around 3 dollars a litre. Which is also not the best quality one. And pure cow milk, which you get in India the best quality one costs you just 90 rupees a litre. If it goes abroad it will cost you 5 dollars a litre.

Talk about Ghee, just 250 grams is around 7 dollars. That's too not the best quality one.

I use it to wash my hands. It's thinner than water. Be happy getting fooled by them!!

If a swine eats shit and he find it like halwa, this does not mean it's halwa for every one. ( obviously not directed to you, or addressed to you but I am giving a general example.)

Man you guys are really uneducated. I feel pity for you
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