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India & Bangladesh are ideologically very similar nations: Chittagong commissioner

I dont know how.

One is an ethnic nationalist state the other is... god knows what.

If i was to rank between BD and IND.

I'll put BD on top ideologically.
lol Pro Pakistan ????? are you joking ?????? they compare all the bad things of Pakistan with their best ,,,, "they" so called pro-Pakistani posters highlight all the negative things about Pakistan in their posts and they even change thread tittles for their ill intentions ……………………… The same posters never posted any positive news about Pakistan >>>>>>>>>>
If they are pro-Pakistan then I don't even want to know what is Anti-Pakistan...…
Few missiles for sister of Terror Maata i.e Bangla Maata
lol Pro Pakistan ????? are you joking ?????? they compare all the bad things of Pakistan with their best ,,,, "they" so called pro-Pakistani posters highlight all the negative things about Pakistan in their posts and they even change thread tittles for their ill intentions ……………………… The same posters never posted any positive news about Pakistan >>>>>>>>>>
If they are pro-Pakistan then I don't even want to know what is Anti-Pakistan...…

Most are pro-Pakistan posters. Only few are anti-pakistan.

I am neutral. Not pro or anti but when it comes to liberation war every Bangladeshi has to be anti-Pakistan. Its the truth and if its not then the Bangladeshi is called Razakar or Chagu (goat) .
Few missiles for sister of Terror Maata i.e Bangla Maata
I wish and Pray things wont go that far...….. But I am afraid they can...…….. In 2016 BD minister gave statement in favour of India and said if India and Pakistan go to war (even on Kashmir) BD will side with india and fight Pakistan ……. (news is removed now from asiatimes or something like that)

Most are pro-Pakistan posters. Only few are anti-pakistan.

I am neutral. Not pro or anti but when it comes to liberation war every Bangladeshi has to be anti-Pakistan. Its the truth and if its not then the Bangladeshi is called Razakar or Chagu (goat) .
who are those most ???????? you have to give names for most pro Pakistani posters and anti Pakistan ….
And remember once Afghan fighter were liberation forces and Mujahidins………….. So don't be so happy......
I wish and Pray things wont go that far...….. But I am afraid they can...…….. In 2016 BD minister gave statement in favour of India and said if India and Pakistan go to war (even on Kashmir) BD will side with india and fight Pakistan ……. (news is removed now from asiatimes or something like that)
I am still confident that majority of Bangladeshi Muslims will not act against their brothers, irrespective of BDs government policies. However, there shouldn't be any kind of mercy for supporters of Hindustan.
. You should know that India and Bangladesh are very similar ideologically and almost everything in Bangladesh is directly and indirectly influenced by India. We are very similar brotherly nations.
Yes, I am proud Muslim.
Yes @Riyad, as cockroach is a proud bird , so a mosquito is!
@CHACHA"G" I thought that you know this truth! So still wondering why you are even replying to this cockroach (fifth columnist), who is a paid enemy to Bangladesh.
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Bengalis never really understood what Islam is. They converted out of convenience during Mughal times and kept most of their Hindu traditions.

That's why easy Pakistan was a failed experiment. We didn't even follow the same religion. Theirs is Islamic Hinduism.
I agree with you , may be that is why Iqbal did not add Bangal in Pakistan,,,,,,,,, Maybe Qudie-e-Azam also jugged that he in his visit told BDeshis to hangon with Urdu and one languge is very important ….. But they(bangali nationals) have their own agendas.
But now they have their own country..... what is wrong with them now ?????

Yes as cockroach is a proud bird , so a mosquito is!
@CHACHA"G" I thought that you know this truth!
I know this poster , but the news he post !!!!!!!!!!!!! that guy is office holder...……… so that is why I tagged you . need some intelligent opinion.
And I told you this long ago , your economy (wealth) will become your enemy , lol look at their(real enemy) propaganda...…. You guys need lot of clean up...…
Bengalis never really understood what Islam is. They converted out of convenience during Mughal times and kept most of their Hindu traditions.

That's why easy Pakistan was a failed experiment. We didn't even follow the same religion. Theirs is Islamic Hinduism.

Islam is our religion but we are culturally a mixed ethnic group of Islam and Hinduism.

Look at the picture. . Even religious Muslim Bangladeshi with head cap observe the liberation in our tradition.


that guy is office holder...……… so that is why I tagged you
One of the few dalals who claim that only because they think that Hasina is Indian puppet ( but reality is totally opposite, you like it or not, Hasina was never ever under Indian influence, and will never be ; she is a true leader of Bangladesh, that's the fact) , so he said so.
However already AL has signed a bond with Chinese communist party. Now look what happened next. Those officials will soon change direction.They are opportunists .

However you know my position . I want to live in peace with neighbours ( but if this come at the expense of our honor then I strongly oppose it) , but never accept the dalals ( from any class) who believe that indians and Bangladeshis are culturally same!
No we have no similarity with indians ( except with west bengal , but it's also only linguistic cultural similarity, and nothing else) .
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ভারতের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের আদর্শগত মিল আছে: আবদুল মান্নান
স্টাফ করেসপন্ডেন্ট | বাংলানিউজটোয়েন্টিফোর.কম
আপডেট: ২০১৯-০৩-২৬ ২:৪৬:২০ পিএম



বক্তব্য দেন বিভাগীয় কমিশনার আবদুল মান্নান

চট্টগ্রাম: ভারতের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের আদর্শগত মিল আছে মন্তব্য করে বিভাগীয় কমিশনার আবদুল মান্নান বলেছেন, যদি স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধে পৃথিবীর সব দেশ বাংলাদেশের বিপক্ষে থাকতো, এরপরও ভারত মুক্তিযুদ্ধের পক্ষে থাকতো। বিভিন্ন বই পড়ে তৎকালীন ভারতের প্রধানমন্ত্রী ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর এমন মনোভাবের কথা জানতে পেরেছি।

মঙ্গলবার (২৬ মার্চ) দুপুর ১২টায় চট্টগ্রাম সার্কিট হাউসে মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের সংবর্ধনা অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথির বক্তব্যে তিনি এসব কথা বলেন।

আবদুল মান্নান বলেন, আমরা ১০ লাখ রোহিঙ্গাকে নিয়ে বর্তমানে সমস্যায় পড়ে গেছি। অথচ স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধে ভারত সরকার বাংলাদেশের এক কোটি মানুষকে আশ্রয় দিয়েছিলেন। এমন ঘটনা আসলে অবাক করার মতো। ভারতের এমন উদারতা সত্যিই প্রশংসার দাবিদার। বিশেষ করে তৎকালীন প্রধানমন্ত্রী ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর অবদান অবিস্মরণীয়।

তিনি বলেন, যখন রেসকোর্স ময়দানে (বর্তমানে সোহরাওয়ার্দী উদ্যানে) ৯৩ হাজার পাকিস্তানি সৈন্য আত্মসমর্পণ করে, তখন এ খবরটি ইন্দিরা গান্ধীকে দেওয়া হয়। ওই সময়ে ইন্দিরা গান্ধী লোকসভায় বক্তব্য রাখছিলেন। তখন তিনি লোকসভায় ঘোষণা দেন ভারতের জয় হয়েছে, বাংলাদেশ শত্রুমুক্ত হয়েছে।

মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের শেখ হাসিনা সরকারের পাশে থাকার আহ্বান জানিয়ে তিনি বলেন, গত ১০ বছর যদি শেখ হাসিনা সরকার ক্ষমতায় না থাকতো, তাহলে মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা অনেকেই না খেয়ে মরে যেতো। তাই যতদিন বাঁচবেন এই সরকারের পাশে দাঁড়াতে হবে।

জেলা প্রশাসক মো. ইলিয়াস হোসেনের সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠানে আরও উপস্থিত ছিলেন পুলিশের চট্টগ্রাম রেঞ্জের উপ মহাপরিদর্শক (ডিআইজি) খন্দকার গোলাম ফারুক, চট্টগ্রাম মেট্রোপলিটন পুলিশ (সিএমপি) কমিশনার মো. মাহাবুবর রহমান, পুলিশ সুপার নুরেআলম মিনা, মুক্তিযোদ্ধা চট্টগ্রাম জেলা ইউনিটের কমান্ডার মো. সাহাব উদ্দিন প্রমুখ।


India and Bangladesh are ideologically very similar: Abdul Mannan

Chattogram: Divisional Commissioner Abdul Mannan said that if there were all the countries of the world against Bangladesh in the war of independence, then India would have been in favor of the liberation war. We learned about the attitude of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi after reading different books.

He said these at the reception of the freedom fighters at the Circuit House at 12 noon on Tuesday (March 26th).

Abdul Mannan said, we are currently facing problems with 10 lakh Rohingyas. But in the war of independence, the Indian government sheltered one crore people of Bangladesh. Such events are actually astonishing. Such generosity of India is really worth appreciating. Especially the contribution of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was unforgettable.

He said that when 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered at the Racecourse ground (now in Suhrawardy Udyan), the news was given to Indira Gandhi. At that time Indira Gandhi was speaking in the Lok Sabha Then she announced in the Lok Sabha that India had won, Bangladesh was liberated.

Calling the freedom fighters to be beside Sheikh Hasina's government, he said, if the Sheikh Hasina government had not been in power for the past 10 years, many of the freedom fighters would die without eating. So you have to stand beside this government as long as you live.

Deputy Commissioner Presided over by Ilias Hossain in the chair, Deputy Commissioner General of Chittagong Ranges (DIG) Khandakar Golam Faruk, Commissioner of Chittagong Metropolitan Police (CMP) Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Superintendent of Police Nure Alam Mina, Commander of the freedom fighters Chittagong district unit. Shahab Uddin said.

Abdul Manan should opt for new name for his new identity. I suggest Ghulam Das.
Yes, I am proud Muslim.

I am curious why some Bangladeshi remain silent on the lynchings and cow gangs doing beatings in India. I am not even talking about Kashmir here but the steady increase in attacks and thrashings by Saffron types in India. Could you please use you influence in your brotherly India to clamp down on these?
I am curious why some Bangladeshi remain silent on the lynchings and cow gangs doing beatings in India. I am not even talking about Kashmir here but the steady increase in attacks and thrashings by Saffron types in India. Could you please use you influence in your brotherly India to clamp down on these?

Why would they? Indian Muslims are not Islamic Hindus, so they have nothing in common with Bangladesh

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