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History of the looting of the Indian army in the war of liberation , and reasons of helping us (Bangladesh)

You need to get some facts straight. :-)
  • India-slave Bangladeshis here can be abusive all they want in violent fashion, unfortunately with all my encumbrances and breeding I am a) short of time and b) don't relish coming here every hour of the day to respond to people barking like dogs. I haven't reported a lot of the posts either, I consider this beneath my time and dignity.
  • Some of the stuff being spewed here is borderline violent with lowest name-calling and specifically against Pakistan (kudos to the mods here for keeping their cool - this is a Pakistani forum, PDF, remember?). :lol:
  • What deluded and twisted logic tells you or any of the other India sycophants here that bad-mouthing Pakistan in a Pakistani forum (of all things) is fruitful? Why waste your time and everyone else's? Cease and desist. Why are you here in the first place? Behave like a Mehman or leave. 8-)
  • Sitting in the US (for how long I've been here) I have a lot bigger picture than some of these deluded slaves of India on - why our future in Bangladesh SHOULD NOT BE SOLELY ALIGNED WTH INDIA. This is a political and trade stance, nothing to do with Indians themselves.
  • Did you honestly think that you calling me a Pakistani or Bihari matters? As if that is a badge of dishonor? Found out my allegiance - sheesh!
  • Is having an opinion and viewpoint a crime now? Should I be called a Rajakar for this like some of these reactionary people (Bengal 71 in Post 456)?
  • No one sitting in India can cut Jamat or Hefazat's anything. They have majority support in Bangladesh as honest politicians, which is anathema with AL. Least Indians can do is "Tameez-se-baat".
  • Calling me a Rajakar just because I asked to simply CONSIDER BANGLADESH' RAPPROCHEMENT with Pakistan and normalization of trade ties? Wow.
@waz bhai look at these people - just amazing.

I think Bilal Bhai is a genuinely nice man, bit fruity at times but always nice.

The problem here as always and is something which will take time to weed out is the support for India means die hard AL lover which is not the case and the same case exists with showing support to Pakistan.

Essentially many BD people are deeply entangled in this bickering of India or Pakistan which is foolish. Now it's Dalal Dalal everywhere.

Does the entire world rely on India or Pakistan in BD? This is the kind of image we are portraying to the world.

I won't deny Indian hegemony Bilal knows my stance.
As a literate man, he has the right to speak on language matters. It is also true that Urdu and Persian were more prevalent during Historical times. And. note that Bengali itself as a language was not developed before the 1840s and Persian remained the official language of British India till 1837 when it was replaced with English.

Well, I am talking about the history of Bengali. If you are unable to understand what I stated, I ask you to do some research and find out a single page of Prose/ Essay in Bengali in the 12th, 13th, or 18th century. Golam Azam was probably talking in such a context.

Note I am not talking about those Padmaboti or HatemTai. These are all poetry without a full stop, colon, semicolon etc. which were added when edited in the 19th century.

That too I know. We don't have to go into the history of Bengali language and divert from the topic. We are talking about Golam Azam who claims to be a Bhasha Soinik which he is not in the spirit of the movement. He himself later in Karachi and other places regretted his actions.
I think Bilal Bhai is a genuinely nice man, bit fruity at times but always nice.

The problem here as always and is something which will take time to weed out is the support for India means die hard AL lover which is not the case and the same case exists with showing support to Pakistan.

Essentially many BD people are deeply entangled in this bickering of India or Pakistan which is foolish. Now it's Dalal Dalal everywhere.

Does the entire world rely on India or Pakistan in BD? This is the kind of image we are portraying to the world.

I won't deny Indian hegemony Bilal knows my stance.

Exactly. I won't deny I'm fruity at times, have my faults like any other.

But consider this in a clear and unbiased mind...

If someone is friendly towards rapprochement with Pakistan, they are not causing any drain on Bangladesh coffers. In fact Pakistanis are not even that keen to trade with Bangladesh. much less exploit us.

While India supporters (AL and 71 chetona gang) are helping Indian trade (by following Indian dictat 24/7/365 in Bangladesh) to the tune of at least $45 to $50 Billion worth of business every year because all our trade policies are way too India friendly, India even plans these policies in Dhaka for AL. This has been happening for fifty years, whenever AL was in power.

A market for 170 million people is not a small market. We have seen this already with cellphone sector, motorcycle sector. More sectors will be applied when our per capita GDP goes up further.

Think how much we could have developed if we had our homegrown industries instead of buying Indian made products day in and day out! How much faster we could have grown. Why should we help Indian industry any further, after fifty years and not our own ??

I am not a deeply political person, but the economic numbers DO NOT LIE.

At the end of the day, this is a question about not simply independence, but a strong INDEPENDENT ECONOMY.

Have 12 Mongol shovajatras a year, one every month and wear all the dhotis and gerua clothes you want - knock yourself out.


Of course Indians and their footservants in this country have $50 Billion to lose every year - in that they can't milk the cow called Bangladesh anymore. They would of course make a hue and cry like they are making right now, here at PDF.

Indian govt. does not do anything for charity with Bangladesh, they do it to exploit.

Not the same case with Pakistan....

I'm not asking for people to become my friend or even support my position.

But see the facts for yourself, use your independent intellect as a proud Bangladeshi and decide if we should let things continue as they are doing right now.
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@The Ronin

Shuru hoye gese mod der warning. Rajakar ta valo line dhorse. Apni koita khaisen akhon porjonto?

Yes, i got one warning point. How many did you get? Mod warned me for throwing back his own shits at him. :lol: Surprised, when i reported his threads the mod rejected it and now i am the bad guy for giving back his crap with copy-pasting and editing in #46. :rofl: Now suddenly yesterday i got another notification for deletion of one of my threads, not sure which one. Well, i was prepared for a ban before i replied to that guy anyway as he flatters with mods/admins to be the good guy here, so i don't really mind.

He and his fellows may safely say whatever they want here but they don't really do well in social media. People usually bash and troll them if they say something wrong or against Bangladesh doesn't really matter if they are BAL, BNP, Jamat or pro-Pakistani/Indian. No need for DSA against these guys. The very proof is that first thread's link here got deleted by DefRes.

Notice how this guy now defend his party and downplays 197 when it is abundantly clear, even by Pakistanis that the unwillingness of handing over the power and fight for rights led to the separation of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh. Looks like he is trying to imply that Bangabandhu's 6 points were lie and propaganda. After defending his party he writes:-

I want to say however - that I will never discount the sacrifices and lives of people who fought on either side during 1971, I don't take their selfless sacrifices lightly and will never, ever dishonor them. I also do not take personal losses of folks in 1971 lightly.

His heart also cries for who? The people who wanted to wipe us out indiscriminately and violated our women for 9 months!! Even Hamoodur Rahman Commission report's says, " Both the first and the supplementary report's findings accused the Pakistan Army of carrying out the senseless and wanton arson, killings in the countryside, killing of intellectuals and professionals and burying them in mass graves, killing of officers of East Pakistan Army and soldiers on the pretence of quelling their rebellion, killing East Pakistani civilian officers, businessmen and industrialists, raping a large number of East Pakistani women as a deliberate act of revenge, retaliation and torture, and deliberate killing of members of the Hindu minority."

The audacity of this guy to say such thing while displaying our flag on his avatar and country origin is unbelievable!! In my eyes this kinda human being is not a Bangladeshi who always talks about our root, history, birth of BD and struggles for liberation lightly and try to tell us to forget the past and move on like some of his original brothers here. Attempt to deny our history, struggle and sacrifices is like denying our country's existence.

They better change their flag and avatar like Al-Zakir (who at-least has guts unlike some people to accept who he is) before showing such audacity. Is there any other people in other countries talk about their sacrifices like that and say, "Many years have passed. Forget it and move forward. It doesn't matter"? No matter how many times we get apology, it only can amend relationship but can't heal scar.

We can't talk on behalf of these people who lost their fellows and got violated by their own national from West. We absolutely have no right. Are we the only people only people one Earth who talk about our struggle and sacrifices that way? Not even Indians, Israeli, Korean and Armenian people dare speak that way about what happened to their people.

We always had this type of guys who blatantly downplay 1971 and attempt to smooch-snuggle with some very particular Muslim country while hating India. Most of these guys are idiots and some them are consciously work for their agenda. They just want BD to side with their party and stay completely isolated from India which isn't a solution, not possible and harmful for our trade and any future connectivity.

I asked two times maybe and you can ask this imbecile again that how our country can move forward by becoming enemy/having bad relation/completely cutting-off ties with India which shares largest land border with us. He just avoids that question. Many countries in the world share many problems with each other but nobody actually stays at each-others throat always.

But what this guy suggest is basically suicide. It's like cutting off someone's head because his legs hurt. Can we always blame India for our problems? If our govt lack balls, can't play hard and the cards carefully and can't treat India the same way they do then should we blame India? (Ex- Teesta and Feni river issues).

Also you won't see him crying about our trade deficit with China. Not like we don't see but instead of giving one liner (he has done so far) like, " India dominated trade in this country in exploitative fashion since 1971 - 100%. Fifty years of this exploitation is enough of a price that has been paid" ; he needs to elaborate on how India exploited us in trade for 50 years.

To increase trade and cooperation in various sectors, the idea to improve relation is always welcome but some people just tend to................ i don't how to say it in English but in Bengali, "যারে বলে দহরম-মহরম বা একদম গায়ের উপর ঢইলা পড়া". While other Muslim countries use "Brotherhood-Ummah" card just to improve relation, trade and other things, these guys just start seeing them as some kinda savior.

Before thawing relationship we need to sort out all unsolved and issues. And like i said before it doesn't matter if we don't restore relationship with one country like we don't with Israel which has more potential than other country. As Ershad said, we need to form our national policy while keeping in mind that no one is our friend. It's all about exploiting each other and how good you can do that. Yesterday's enemy is tomorrow's friend. So the side always changes, no need to feel so cozy.

Pakistan hardly exploited us before 1971, it has been mostly propaganda by AL since 1971.
All the projects Pakistan invested in - in the East, has always been understated intentionally by AL propaganda. Large Capital projects were undertaken by govt. in East Pakistan prior to 1971, KSY, Adamjee, Kaptai Hydropower, CTG port the list goes on. Only AL sycophants will say that we don't owe anything to Pakistan.

Kos ki momin?! :eek::cheesy::woot::rofl: Whose money do you think funded these projects? 😏 You really think it's possible for half of a country to be separated if there was so much harmony and development. When various parties including the Pakistanis made it quite clear that West Pakistanis exploited the East, do you think it matter if you safely propagate lies here and defend your people?

Adamjee was individual effort, CTG port existed before Pakistan. Well threads and discussion already exist, so i don't need to bother. You can put your "opinion" there.

I haven't reported a lot of the posts either
  • Some of the stuff being spewed here is borderline violent with lowest name-calling and specifically against Pakistan (kudos to the mods here for keeping their cool - this is a Pakistani forum, PDF, remember?). :lol:
  • What deluded and twisted logic tells you or any of the other India sycophants here that bad-mouthing Pakistan in a Pakistani forum (of all things) is fruitful? Why waste your time and everyone else's? Cease and desist. Why are you here in the first place? Behave like a Mehman or leave. 8-)
why our future in Bangladesh SHOULD NOT BE SOLELY ALIGNED WTH INDIA.

Oooooh!! More threats!!! So scary!! :o:😨:pleasantry: No one was name-calling, badmouthing Pakistan except the Bangladeshi flag holding traitors because of their own bad behavior (I said what is obvious) nor anyone is talking about SOLELY aligning with India. :sarcastic: Better treat your hallucination.

Lemme ask you again, who made you the matbor here? We aren't some loyal dog so we are not that good with flattery. This forum is open for discussion for everyone and if someone feels like anyone is saying anything wrong he is free to talk about. If you can't talk logically then it's better you keep quiet. Otherwise people will throw at you the same shit you throw at them.

Sitting in the US (for how long I've been here) I have a lot bigger picture than some of these deluded slaves of India
Indian Army made sure they lifted and looted amlost everything that wasn't bolted down. Those invested machinery were all looted clean by Indian Army.

Like Khamba Tarek in UK? Yet some deluded slaves of "you-know-who" uses Bangladesh's "people" in "street corner" and "ubiquitous air" to "prove" the "loot". :omghaha: Looks like the "slave" is still at it. :disagree:

No one sitting in India can cut Jamat or Hefazat's anything. They have majority support in Bangladesh as honest politicians, which is anathema with AL.

When BAL is the rulling power, do you really think India needs to do anything? Forget about the Hefazot who doesn't mind if BAL rule for 200 years and getting arrested and trolled left and right but where's your Jamat?

Last time i checked most of your war criminal leaders saw gallows and the rest are trying to resurface as "Jono Aakankhyar Bangladesh". So safe to say BAL castrated Jamat. :omghaha:

Since when war criminal supporters and boy raping Mullahs have become majority in BD? If they have majority support in BD can you tell me why they hide in gutter and PDF, side with BAL and beg for support on the street? No matter how much some PDF refugee cry, both parties are BAL's bitch right now.

Thousands and thousands of AL sycophants are still living in these abandoned properties in Dhaka - left by West Pakistani folks, given to them by the AL govt. after 1971. Where is the insaniyaat in that, or justice?

Weren't the men of these families supported the onslaught on Bengalis? You lost so you left. Just like the Armenians did in Nagorno-Karabakh. Doesn't matter what you owned and left behind. Be grateful that your people were spared from our vengeance including those 195 war criminals after what you did. Allah gave you his "insaniyaat", don't ask for another now.

Did you honestly think that you calling me a Pakistani or Bihari matters? As if that is a badge of dishonor? Found out my allegiance - sheesh!
Is having an opinion and viewpoint a crime now? Should I be called a Rajakar for this like some of these reactionary people (Bengal 71 in Post 456)?
Calling me a Rajakar just because I asked to simply CONSIDER BANGLADESH' RAPPROCHEMENT with Pakistan and normalization of trade ties? Wow.

Did you honestly think that you calling me/us Indian lover, slave, bootlicker, traitor, false flagger, BAL supporter, non-Muslim, Hindu, MINO, Chetona 71 Chowkidar etc matter? Calling me/us all that shits and trying to figure out my religion - sheesh! :lol: Is disagreement and debate a crime now? Calling me all those crap just because i wasn't convinced, corrected you two times with logic and data and you failed to do the same. WOW!!

Why would calling you Pakistani or Bihari would be a badge of dishonor? You are a proud saccha Pakistani and Bihari. Can we really dishonor a person when he doesn't have honor at all? Thanks for amusing us with all that tantrums though. :lol:

Nobody was calling you Rajakar just because you asked to normalize ties with Pakistan. It's because the way you said it and for other things you said and still saying. Why do you mind about it when you don't mind about being called Pakistani or Bihari while having Bangladesh's flag in your profile? Proudly wear that badge of HONOR. 😏 Thought you said you are happy for that. :what:

Thak bhai amakey Razakar nam dewa hoisey, sheta nia apatoto khushi.
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