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History of the looting of the Indian army in the war of liberation , and reasons of helping us (Bangladesh)

Well none of you are completely correct. No need to take all the glory for yourself or from anyone.

"On July 1971 United Nations East Pakistan Relief Operation (UNEPRO) started its activities under John R Kelly."

"The government of Bangladesh on Tuesday honoured the UN refugee agency for providing life-saving aid to some 10 million refugees during the 1971 war of independence from Pakistan."

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I am not saying that UN had no role to play. Ofcourse they did help. But so did India. Some BD members here (not you) are claiming that India did no help as UN provided for all care for refugees.
My point was if that is the case then BD should owe no thanks from anyone for hosting Rohingya refugees as surely UN is supposedly paying the entire cost.
While not supporting others' viewpoints is understandable, verbal abuse or name calling is uncalled for. Your post has been reported.

But you forgot to quote my post and tag a mod followed by "bhai please look at this" followed by a line or two of urdu referring to strong bond.

Just to refute a couple of your points,

1. There were freedom fighters in my family too. Almost all families had them. Calling people Jamat-Shibir just because they aren't India supporters is uncalled for.

It's not about being Indian supporters, there has been an upsurge of hate towards India particularly because of what the BJP-RSS-Bhakts are doing and have been saying about Bangladesh and it is justified. My post history is replete with examples how savagely I attacked the bhakts. Similarly Pakistanis regularly hurl disgusting insults towards our people, our culture and our country and I have savagely insulted them back. Principle is simple, no self respecting man can give appeasement in return for insults.

It's also about keeping things balanced and visions clear. Any dispute with India or any displeasure of ours towards India should be dealt with problems between BD and India and they need to be resolved as problems with all other countries are resolved. Just because we have disputes and problems with India, it does not automatically translate to "Pakistan good, Pakistan friend, Pakistan brother". BD-Pakistan issue is a separate issue and it needs to be looked at it's own light, an upsurge of hatred towards India should not make Pakistan a friend and more love towards Indians should not make Pakistan an enemy.

2. India did not help the Mukti Bahini or feed the refugees without any "strategy", which started in 1947 with Nehru jogsajosh. Read and you will know. Further the UN fed the refugees. India did not do jack.

A man is starving to death and lost all hope for life as there is no option left. Another man gives him a spare plate of food and the man survives. Later the man recovers, works had and becomes wealthy. The man who gave the food, it's later suspected he may have an ulterior motive. The starving man now says he had a motive to give me the food. Whether he had a motive or not, without that food you would've died that day. How ungrateful that sound? It's devoid of any human decency.

3. We have paid the price for fifty years being a convenient market for Indian goods and being under Indian thumb (Farakka, Teesta, you name it). I think we have done enough.

This is a poor argument. Why did we be a convenient market to start with? It was our country, we had control over our own international trade and commerce policies. We had the ability to control it, why didn't we do it? Why did we let them interfere in our politics and national affairs? These are our own failures as a nation.

Unless you like being called Indian slaves and vassals and like being ordered around by these Indians - then all "Swadhincheta" people in Bangladesh should reconsider Indian relationship with our country.

Those who call us "Indian slaves and vassals" have their rectum burning for 50 years since we kicked them out. Since when did we pay attention to their opinions. They peddled many opinions between '47 and '71, we have shown them what we think about their opinion about us and gave them the boot, I am proud of it that out forefathers did it and we will continue to kick in the teeth of those who think they have a birth right to call us names and give us their sh1t opinions.

You like India so much (majority of Bangladeshis don't) then door is wide open for you to migrate. No need to sit in Bangladesh and plan our destruction.

My father and my uncle fought for this land, I am not going anywhere. It is the jamat-shibir, rajakar, al-badr who can go to their fatherland. Why do they even stay here, they didn't even want this country.

I guess the biggest point I am trying to make is there is a tendency in some people to go from one extreme to other. Such as, if there are problems with India, they hate India but it does not stop there, they keep manipulating it to manufacture an additional narrative, "now Pakistan is good".

It's almost like, India bad = Pakistan good. India good = Pakistan bad. They are separate matters and they need to be handled separately. It's possible, India bad, Pakistan also bad.
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While not supporting others' viewpoints is understandable, verbal abuse or name calling is uncalled for. Your post has been reported.

Just to refute a couple of your points,

1. There were freedom fighters in my family too. Almost all families had them. Calling people Jamat-Shibir just because they aren't India supporters is uncalled for.
2. India did not help the Mukti Bahini or feed the refugees without any "strategy", which started in 1947 with Nehru jogsajosh. Read and you will know. Further the UN fed the refugees. India did not do jack.
3. We have paid the price for fifty years being a convenient market for Indian goods and being under Indian thumb (Farakka, Teesta, you name it). I think we have done enough.

Unless you like being called Indian slaves and vassals and like being ordered around by these Indians - then all "Swadhincheta" people in Bangladesh should reconsider Indian relationship with our country.

You like India so much (majority of Bangladeshis don't) then door is wide open for you to migrate. No need to sit in Bangladesh and plan our destruction.
You just have hatred for India that’s why bringing such conspiracy theories. There were Millions of Bengalis who had to flee to India due to Operation searchlight. India wasn’t a rich country but a very poor country but still we supported the refugees as guests because in India we consider guests as gods (“Atithi devo bhava”). Then we trained the Mukti Bahini so that they can fight against the Operation Searchlight and the Razakars.

And trade happens between both countries, if you purchase Indian goods then Bangladeshi clothes are sold in India too which are very common in Winter Season. And when did we do anything wrong with you? We even solved majority of our border issue even if we lost some land to Bangladesh in the process. We provided vaccines to the people of Bangladesh and even your Army. If you hate India its your own mind but atleast don’t badmouth the ones who don’t hate you. Yes there are certain politicians and people and our internal politics that may hurt your sentiments but I’ll only suggest you to ignore them as politicians don’t think before opening their mouths.
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Why his reference isn't credible?

Bhai you won't get a straight answer.

I suggest we don't comment any further on this since I am worried about your safety.

These Muslims In Name Only (MINO) underclass chowkidar types cannot get a hold of me (they can't do anything even if they did) but not sure about you. I know these Chetona Wannabe-Hindu Idiots and how far they can go. :-)

But a few thoughts are coming to me about these two people (Ronin and Bengal71), in reference with what you said earlier. I will keep this short, rather than the essays these MINO people write, using their AL-backed well-funded propaganda machine run with Bharti expertise...
  1. Notice the amount of chhotolok name-calling, screaming, "tafaling", "tiring biring" directed at me. :lol:
  2. They called me a name equivalent to Pakistani C**ks*cker, Bihari, Jamati, Shibir, Hefazati, just because you and I discussed a Bangladeshi future WITHOUT INDIA. All these have been reported to the Mods and they will take care of it.
  3. What Chetona idiots don't get is that most (fourth type) Bangladeshis are deeply religious Muslims and the Bharti effort (overt and covert, like Mongol Shovajatra) to turn these people into idol loving pseudo-Hindus won't succeed, ever.
  4. Chetona idiots must learn to respect Islamic sensibilities in Bangladesh. Period.
  5. Calling me a Bihari is interesting because I have lots of Muslim Bihari/UP friends. It is a denigrating insult to them. Is Bihari written on anyone's forehead, are they not insaan?
  6. Funny calling me a Bihari when I can teach a few Chetona idiots about Sanskrit/Pali grammar and comparative Bangla literature. Some of these idiots cannot even spell Bangla properly, forget English.
  7. For that matter - funny calling me a Jamati and Hefazati when I have spawned multiple threads on Bangladeshi models and fashion. @jamahir bhai knows.
  8. My education level far exceeds that of these uneducated chowkidar types. I don't mind the insults. Let barking dogs bark. But facts are facts. I stand by what I have stated so far about the future of Bangladesh WITHOUT INDIA. We owe nothing to Indian govt. and the reverse is actually true.
  9. My stance on Indian govt. have nothing to do with Indians themselves, I have stated before that I will welcome qualified Indians (especially persecuted Muslims) into Bangladesh. We owe them this. @jamahir bhai also knows this.
  10. I will state again, Bangladeshi Gaddars and MINOs have the biggest prize to lose, so they have the loudest voice. They are doing great in Bangladesh right now because of unfair Indian involvement (by RAW etc.) in our political/military affairs these gaddars continue to sponsor/initiate. But they also know that this is temporary, hence the screaming is the loudest. They know how fourth type Bangladeshi folks feel about Indian govt. (which you already mentioned).
  11. Like you said "Tader payer nichey mati nai". They know this well. Hence the screaming will persist.
  12. Indians have wised up to the fact that Bangladesh situation is getting to be untenable, with Bangladesh sliding closer and closer to China camp - this is INEVITABLE. "Goaler Dudhal Gai Chhuita jai (Milk-giving cow running away)" so Hindutva idiots are getting desperate and have activated their pa-chata dalals to scream the loudest.
  13. Do not be alarmed - bhorosha rakhen. Change will be coming to Bangladesh, Hasina will not last forever either. Chetona idiots will get kicked out of Bangladesh. Chorer dosh din - girosther ek din. Waqt abhi aana hai....
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For that matter - funny calling me a Jamati and Hefazati when I have spawned multiple threads on Bangladeshi models and fashion. @jamahir bhai knows.

Heh heh.

My stance on Indian govt. have nothing to do with Indians themselves, I have stated before that I will welcome qualified Indians (especially persecuted Muslims) into Bangladesh. We owe them this. @jamahir bhai also knows this.

TBH until now I hadn't thought of a refuge in case things go wrong for Muslims in India. Now that you mention it Bangladesh seems to be a good place. The right amount of secularism and a societal keenness to become developed.
Heh heh.

TBH until now I hadn't thought of a refuge in case things go wrong for Muslims in India. Now that you mention it Bangladesh seems to be a good place. The right amount of secularism and a societal keenness to become developed.
Indian Muslims belong in India, not to bangladesh or pakistan. No amount of right wing hate or propaganda will change that.
First getting accepted as Indian dalal, lover, bootlicker, traitor then getting promoted to Hindu, Non-Muslim, BAL supporter and now i got demoted to Muslims In Name Only (MINO)?! :undecided: What kinda game is this?! :undecided:

Bhai you won't get a straight answer.

He did get straight answer three times. I already talked about it in my second thread here. Not my fault if someone's skull is thick and eye sights are poor.

I suggest we don't comment any further on this since I am worried about your safety.

Yo @Atlas, is there a Food Panda delivery or a black jeep in front of your house? 😂

These Muslims In Name Only (MINO) underclass chowkidar types cannot get a hold of me (they can't do anything even if they did) but not sure about you. I know these Chetona Wannabe-Hindu Idiots and how far they can go. :-)

But a few thoughts are coming to me about these two people (Ronin and Bengal71), in reference with what you said earlier. I will keep this short, rather than the essays these MINO people write, using their AL-backed well-funded propaganda machine run with Bharti expertise...
  1. Notice the amount of chhotolok name-calling, screaming, "tafaling", "tiring biring" directed at me. :lol:
  2. They called me a name equivalent to Pakistani C**ks*cker, Bihari, Jamati, Shibir, Hefazati, just because you and I discussed a Bangladeshi future WITHOUT INDIA. All these have been reported to the Mods and they will take care of it.
Chetona idiots must learn to respect Islamic sensibilities in Bangladesh.

And the award for the best actor goes to @Bilal9 for his amazing act in "Victim" role. 👏👏👏👏 :angel::angel::angel: কয় রাকাত নামাজ পড় তুমি বাবু? কয়টা রোজা রাইখা, কয় খতম কুরআন শরীফ দিয়ে তুমি এইখানে আইসা ইসলামের ঝান্ডা উড়াও? You don't even practice what you preach yet here you are, keep lecturing about Islam. 😂😂 বেগানা-বেপর্দা মাইগোরে দেইখা লোল ফালাও, গান-বাজনা শুন, গীবত কর আবার এইখানে হুজুর সাজ?! 😏 এ্যাহ!! আইছে আমার তেতুল হুজুর!! তাহাজ্জুদের নামাজ পইড়া জ্বীন দেখার মত ধার্মিক হইয়া গেছ তুমি, না? যত্তসব ভন্ডামী!! Oh yeah go cry to mods and admins you crybaby. That's the best you can do.

Mongol Shovajatra

Thought you were concerned about independent Bangladeshi culture. Since when Mongol Shovajatra became Indian culture? 🤔 Now who else cry against Mongol Shovajatra in BD? Hmmmm? 🤔 🤔 Then people get upset when they get tagged as Jamat-Shibir supporter. :undecided:

My education level far exceeds that of these uneducated chowkidar types.

Yet educated habildar can't put anything substantial, fails to counter any argument logically and miserably, except filling his threads with rants, racism, hypocrisy, attack, banter, paranoia about India and cry to mods/admins. 😆

I don't mind the insults. Let barking dogs bark.

Yet habildar sab throws tantrum, cries to mods/admins and keep up his banters. :rolleyes:

My stance on Indian govt. have nothing to do with Indians themselves

Yet Bihari babu tries to deny Indians effort in 1971 refugee crisis.

I have stated before that I will welcome qualified Indians (especially persecuted Muslims) into Bangladesh. We owe them this.

Whoa whoa whoa!! :eek:😲😮😧😦😯 Who gave you the right to welcome Indian Muslims in Bangladesh??!! So getting burdened with more than one million Rohingya ingrates didn't satisfy you? You better take care of them and your Bihari families in Geneva camps first before dreaming about welcoming Indian Muslims here. Sitting in USA, telling people to go India and dreaming about welcoming Muslim here; you really think Bangladesh is your father's property, don't you? Crying about NRC and dreaming about sheltering Indian Muslims at the same time, weird!!

Do not be alarmed - bhorosha rakhen. Change will be coming to Bangladesh, Hasina will not last forever either.

When? After Eid? ঈদের পর আমেরিকা-লন্ডন থেকে তীব্র আন্দোলন? মাকে জেলের তালা ভেঙ্গে নিয়ে আসবা না চান্দু? মা তো জামিনে এখন বাসায় চলে গেসে। 😏

Waqt abhi aana hai....


Diversity of opinions is welcome. That's why we are here.

Is it now? :rolleyes:

just because you and I discussed a Bangladeshi future WITHOUT INDIA.

Tell me genius what will BD do if India just closes it seven sisters, land ports, airspace, gradually increasing trade, future/potential connectivity with Bhutan, Nepal and even China or your favorite country? What and how do you see Bangladesh's future without India when even Pakistan has to deal with them.
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Not only that, the equipment of hundreds of mills in Bangladesh, banks, schools, colleges, universities, even household items were not spared from the hands of greedy Indian looters. The value of these assets and commodities at that time was approximately 90 thousand crore rupees. The Indian looters did not leave out the toilet bowls either. India, our absolute ally (!!!), also looted huge sums of money and other aid provided by various international organizations during and after the war.
Azizul Karim, in an article titled 'Why Such Anti-Indian Feelings and Bangladeshis?' . ”
Why this Azizul Karim is blaming the Indian Army for all those 1971 lootpat when they did such things with the connivance of the BAL party? BAL people claim themselves as the savior and liberator of BD. So, they should be forced to take the blames for IA lootpat.

IA troops did everything under the nose of BAL people. In fact, IA troops did not loot, but it was the BAL policy to make BD a weak entity under the Indian influence. BAL party's only goal was to remain in power under the Indian shelter and patronage that backfired in 1975.
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We already won the war , So why did India come then ?
No, please don't assume things. BD people did not win at that time and IA had to interfere to give a win. BAL leaders in Kolkata were not ready to linger the war. So, they signed a 20-year Friendship Treaty with India to get IA involved.

Why did the BAL leaders sign it if our ragtag Muktis were winning? By the way, where was the Bahini during the surrendering of PA troops to the IA Commands? They were still scattered somewhere throughout the borders on 16 December. Only probably Qader Siddiqui group was inside the BD territory.

Like it or not, this is the history.
Thank you for the support. I was just speaking of a "what if" situation. :)
Such a 'what if' scenario has to be avoided at all costs. Anyways, Indian muslim population is more than the entire BD population. BD cant accomodate them all. I would assume they will give priority to Bengali speaking muslims from WB and North east. No chance for Hyderabadi muslims like you sir.
India lost 3K+ soldiers in the fight in East Pak.
Not, 3,000, but IA lost about 1,300 troops that gave India a great victory. But, where are the other war deads to match such a win? So, better you Indians acknowledge the contribution and sacrifice of our Muktis.
By the way, where was the Bahini during the surrendering of PA troops to the IA Commands? They were still scattered somewhere throughout the borders on 16 December. Only probably Qader Siddiqui group was inside the BD territory.

Wait, what? Muktibahini was everywhere inside Bangladesh. Why only Qader Siddiqui's group would be inside Bangladesh? Why all other freedom fighters would be scattered throughout the borders on 16 December when they were fighting inside Bangladesh the whole time? People were fighting in Dhaka the whole 9 months besides Crack Platoon.

Your comment makes no sense. Who do you think hoisted our flag during the surrender? The video footage shows that freedom fighters were hoisting Bangladesh's flag inside Radio Pakistan after the surrender, which was in Shagbag in 1971. I don't really know why you suddenly said such weird thing. You were joking, right?


Not, 3,000, but IA lost about 1,300 troops

Number varies from 1400 to 2000. Looks like official figure is 2000.

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