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Increase in insults by Pakistani members against Indian PDF community

Thank you Jinnah for taking the trash out.
ThAnK yOu JiNnAh fOr TakInG tHe TrAsH OuT

I have no issues with this forum, never had a fight with any1.
I think it's like idiots love company of idiots.
Or in a Punjabi way - if 1 donkey starts some shit Song, quickly other donkeys join the party.
Can't write exact words in English but u get the meaning.

Usually if trolling is realy funny I laugh and ignore any stupid trolling. Usually both sides have same shit to throw at each other, I think they might have a text file to copy paste from lol.
My two cents:
I loved PDF around the 2008 to 2012 era, the mods of that era made the tough decision to keep things very civil. It was just after the Mumbai attacks incident and there was a lot of activity but the members of that era were amazing and so was the discourse.
PDF of today is like the Agora of a major Roman town after the fall of western empire, hollowed-out and full of vulgarism. I have stopped interfacing as a result.
Is that China occupied too?

Pakjeets can’t. You can see what is happening on a Pakistani forum lol. Imagine you come to a forum where you have no protection from the mods :sarcastic:
Feel free to leave. No one is forcing you here. No one from other nations have complains with this forum's moderation.

Only Indians who hate Muslims and Pakistan have problem with Pakistani forum showing the mirror of Indians ugly dark truth. And yet Indians would rather be here than Indian forums show that moderations is the least of the issues.
Edit-Add: Many members (both Pakistani and Indian) have misinterpreted the post. The question is why there has been an unusual increase in frequency of insults. Insults have been there since a decade or more. But why this sharp increase nowadays?
There are better things to worry about in this world. Get a move on.
I must agree with @Kryptonite here. The behaviour of many Indian members here is atrocious and invites retaliatory measures

you call this humiliation? Lol. If it was really true, no Indian would have come here. It’s just that we are having fun buddy. This is our daily dose of entertainment 😊

Also, you guys can’t deal with Indians on a Pakistani forum, do you really think any Pakistani will dare to come to Indian forum? 😀

Dude. We don't want beggars like you here on this Pakistani defence forum. Do I have to slap and drag you from this forum? I will drag your ugly Hindu *** out of this forum.

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