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Increase in insults by Pakistani members against Indian PDF community

So this thread by the pajeets have been triggered by the news posted yesterday about Vijay from Manchester who raped an elderly white couple? 😂
I feel there has been an increase in insults by Pakistani members against Indian PDF community.

Is it because Pakistan is doing badly on economic and strategic fronts?

Or is this just a normal variation (ups and downs) in frequency of insults from time to time?

Edit-Add: Many members (both Pakistani and Indian) have misinterpreted the post. The question is why there has been an unusual increase in frequency of insults. Insults have been there since a decade or more. But why this sharp increase nowadays?
Indian crime and nasty posts , India's involvement in terrorism in Pakistan and the Indian Gov open hatred towards Muslims and Pakistan , the lynchings, the rapes, crimes against the minorities etc make a huge list why Indians are being abused.

Indians are having a bad reputation everywhere:-

[COLOR=var(--bs-heading-color)]Suspect Sought in Downtown Palo Alto Sexual Assault​


Suspect Sought in Downtown Palo Alto Sexual Assault
Source: Google Street View
Eileen Vargas
By [COLOR=rgba(var(--bs-link-color-rgb),var(--bs-link-opacity,1))]Eileen Vargas
Published on October 06, 2023
An unknown suspect sexually assaulted a woman in downtown Palo Alto and then fled.
This follows a separate incident where a different man was caught exposing himself to two women on October 1. Authorities are working to investigate these events amidst an escalating issue of violence against women in the area.
According to a recent [COLOR=rgba(var(--bs-link-color-rgb),var(--bs-link-opacity,1))]Palo Alto Police Department news release[/COLOR], the victim of the October 4 assault was groped by a man who uttered indecipherable words, possibly in Hindi, after which he fled the scene.
Despite her chase, the perpetrator managed to get away. The victim's description of the suspect is scarce, and detectives are skeptical about him being the same person who was involved in the exposure incidents earlier this month.
The local community has a role in remaining aware, alert, and supportive of crime prevention efforts while officials continue to chase leads in the recent sexual battery case and others alike. If anyone has any insight about this case, they are requested to reach out to the [COLOR=rgba(var(--bs-link-color-rgb),var(--bs-link-opacity,1))]Palo Alto Police Department[/COLOR] dispatch center or anonymously text or email tips.[/COLOR]
that would be great. At least that way you can control the territory claimed by Pakistan but occupied by China 👍

Don't you guys feels ashamed? You sign into a Pakistani defence forum every single day. Every single day you receive humiliation. You get scolded and abused every minute of the day. Yet you come back for more? Have you become accustomed to abuse? Is that why you keep returning?

Now you are begging for equal and fair treatment. You won't get any. Just get used to abuse.
I feel there has been an increase in insults by Pakistani members against Indian PDF community.

Is it because Pakistan is doing badly on economic and strategic fronts?

Or is this just a normal variation (ups and downs) in frequency of insults from time to time?

Edit-Add: Many members (both Pakistani and Indian) have misinterpreted the post. The question is why there has been an unusual increase in frequency of insults. Insults have been there since a decade or more. But why this sharp increase nowadays?

You lot insult yourselves daily swarming to a forum which despises you , abhors you for the scum you lot are

Any Pakistani who visits slumdweller.com same applies to you

Fick off jog on back to the hole of cesspit you all have came from .

Don't you guys feels ashamed? You sign into a Pakistani defence forum every single day. Every single day you receive humiliation. You get scolded and abused every minute of the day. Yet you come back for more? Have you become accustomed to abuse?
you call this humiliation? Lol. If it was really true, no Indian would have come here. It’s just that we are having fun buddy. This is our daily dose of entertainment 😊

Also, you guys can’t deal with Indians on a Pakistani forum, do you really think any Pakistani will dare to come to Indian forum? 😀
you call this humiliation? Lol. If it was really true, no Indian would have come here. It’s just that we are having fun buddy. This is our daily dose of entertainment 😊

Also, you guys can’t deal with Indians on a Pakistani forum, do you really think any Pakistani will dare to come to Indian forum? 😀
Why would we want to go to an Indian forum full of shitti people?
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