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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

The only States that use nukes to Attack because they Shit on human live is USA and Israel. Israel shit on human live. and for israel all what matter is israel. they bomb there neighbours near every day an they shit on internatinal rules and borders. they take what they want from you and step you in the back if you are down and nobody stop them. you see it in Palestina, Lebanon, Syria and Irak. only if you are strong enough and you can defend yourself you are save from israel. but israel have the bomb and israel is dumb enough to use it if they dont have to fear a answer. and for this iran need the bomb not for attack but to schow israel her we are. we have the bomb too. if you attack us we can answer.

sounds like you ready to go to Iran and show them how to be bad a__ as you are, and offer your services. P.S. Germany is a terrible place to live when they support Isreal.
All Iran needs to do is to stop and to renounce forever efforts to develop nuclear weapons. It's that simple. Do that and Iran will no longer face the entire Western world. The simple fact is that the West and Israel can NEVER trust the mullahs with nuclear weapons. They can never trust that the mullahs will not engineer a nuclear sneak attack by an non-state terrorist actor. If the mullahs succeed in testing and stockpiling a few nuclear devices, the West and Israel will spare no effort or expense to nullify those weapons and the mullahs who control them.

Why should some nations be allowed to have nuclear weapons and others not?
I think one thing is for sure. Allah does not love Iran very much.

He has beset them with calamity after calamity and humiliation after humiliation.

I don't know how many more examples the IRGC fanboys on here need in order to see that Allah does not approve of their methods.

I fear Allah has more surprises for Iran if they keep behaving this way

The universe is 20 billion light years in length. Unfamothable in size, human mind cannot even comprehend.

To think that any creator (Allah) would care about day to day drama of a primate species stuck on some random planet in spiral arm of a random galaxy.... is a human fallacy attaching their importance to a universe that doesn’t give a damn about humans or the planet earth or even the Milky Way galaxy.

This whole galaxy housing billions of stars and countless planets could disappear tomorrow and in grand scheme of universe would be like a fart lost in a hurricane.
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By the way what is the significance of this? Is it easily repairable? I don't understand nuclear stuff much.

If this puts Iran many years back, it's a great victory for Israel.
The universe is 20 billion light years in length. Unfamothable in size, human mind cannot even comprehend.

To think that any creator (Allah) would care about day to day drama of a primate species stuck on some random planet in spiral arm of a random galaxy.... is a human fallacy attaching their importance to a universe that doesn’t give a damn about humans or the planet earth or even the Milky Way galaxy.

This whole galaxy housing billions of stars and countless planets could disappear tomorrow and in grand scheme of universe would be like a fart lost in a hurricane.

You need to tell the Mullah regime this, as they seem to think they're doing god's work.

Also the Iranians on here seem to think that in this vast universe of ours, usurping other people's land and exporting their revolution (coup) is really important. Important enough to steal their people's wealth and waste it on proxy wars for decades.
By the way what is the significance of this? Is it easily repairable? I don't understand nuclear stuff much.

If this puts Iran many years back, it's a great victory for Israel.
Yes it put us back several months. Material damage is huge.

Only thing i can think of now is to build a mini city for every nuclear facility with a 24 hour security by IRGC special forces+ elite inteligence agents. No one allowed in or out for the next 10-20 years (as long the project is ongoing) there should be a no fly and no entrance zone within atleast 50-100 KM of every facility. It is going to cost a lot but worth it. Unless this program is being used as a decoy and there is a parallel nuclear program hidden somewhere.
By the way what is the significance of this? Is it easily repairable? I don't understand nuclear stuff much.

If this puts Iran many years back, it's a great victory for Israel.
LOL. No. The grid was reconnected again in the morning. Many of the centrifuges might have crashed because of the power outage, effectively decreasing our enrichment capacity for a while, but Iran is already replacing its existing IR-1 centrifuges with more advanced models and crashed centrifuges will be torn apart to be used in new models. One machine of our latest centrifuge model (IR-9) can replace 50 IR-1 machines. One IR-8 machine can replace 20 to 24 IR-1 machines. So, it's nothing that can't be fixed in a matter of weeks.

This will only give Iran an excuse to install more advanced centrifuges. Apparently they had attempted a similar scenario in 2012, but it had failed because they had tried to disconnect a grid that was not directly connected to our enrichment plant. This time it was a success.
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You need to tell the Mullah regime this, as they seem to think they're doing god's work.

Also the Iranians on here seem to think that in this vast universe of ours, usurping other people's land and exporting their revolution (coup) is really important. Important enough to steal their people's wealth and waste it on proxy wars for decades.

Usurping other peoples land?

Where was Yahveh when a few thousand German soldiers gassed millions of Jews and they lined up like sheep. Did Yahveh betray the poor Jews? Seems like Yahveh does not love Jews.

I fear Yahveh has more surprises for Jews :(

Heyheyhey dude!
Ordinary Germans didn't gassed.
Einsatzgruppen and, if the "KZ" were not in German territory, foreigners under German command!
Big difference.
But yes - for ALL.
Motivation through God, Fatherland, whatever is important.
But to rely that God fight your battles = big BS.
Hezbollah learned - look 1983 statistics K/D ratio and compare to late 90s. ;)
5 Hezbies for 1 IDF soldiers
Later 1.5 Hezbies for 1 IDF soldier
Give the Iranians a break. They are up against almost the entire Western might. I just hope Iran doesn't take the bait and give the Israelis something to bitch about and thereby inviting uncle Sam to Tehran for the next few decades. Uncle Sam tends to ruin the entire neighbourhood.

And people suggesting ISI should "help" them--LOL. Mirasio pehle apna mulk vekh lau. Ithay tuawade kolo ik e Labaek walay nai saambay janday tussi Israel nu qaboo karna e.
I am glad what Israel is doing to your nuclear weapons program.. You Rafidhi mullah lot should never be allowed to possess nukes. We have seen your terrorist activities against poor sunnis in middle eastern countries and interference in our country via your shia proxies...

I hope ISI helps your enemies in keeping you far away from nukes.

Your sunni radicals al Quida and the IS kills many Shiits, Kurds, Christian and others. and if Shiits fight back they are terrorists. What are your IS and al Quida then? How schit in your Head. In whitch Reality you live?
Well if they attack us that means what we have done has made them angry which means the path opted by Iran on developing it nuclear program is a true path ...

All Iran needs to do is to stop and to renounce forever efforts to develop nuclear weapons. It's that simple. Do that and Iran will no longer face the entire Western world. The simple fact is that the West and Israel can NEVER trust the mullahs with nuclear weapons. They can never trust that the mullahs will not engineer a nuclear sneak attack by an non-state terrorist actor. If the mullahs succeed in testing and stockpiling a few nuclear devices, the West and Israel will spare no effort or expense to nullify those weapons and the mullahs who control them.
moron #1: back in 1953 there was no nuclear or missile issue ... the only killer of people by nuke is your government ....

I think one thing is for sure. Allah does not love Iran very much.

He has beset them with calamity after calamity and humiliation after humiliation.

I don't know how many more examples the IRGC fanboys on here need in order to see that Allah does not approve of their methods.

I fear Allah has more surprises for Iran if they keep behaving this way
moron #2:
Iran is the most stable country in region .. the fact is we are being attacked shows our enemies know our strength that made them be on alert ... perhaps God did not approve of Abraham methods as he was thrown in to the fire or Jusus whom was crucified ..
Your understanding of God is as stupid as you ...
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