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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

The issue always was to avoid a retaliation on Iranian soil but now that this red line has been violated we might as well lash out. We didn't properly avenge Soleimani because of the fear of Iraq or Yugoslavia style bombing of Iranian soil. If we are afraid of conflicts/wars or bombs then why the hell are we even engaged in this hostility? It is better to give up and surrender to the enemy if that is the case.
The issue always was to avoid a retaliation on Iranian soil but now that this red line has been violated we might as well lash out. We didn't properly avenge Soleimani because of the fear of Iraq or Yugoslavia style bombing of Iranian soil. If we are afraid of conflicts/wars or bombs then why the hell are we even engaged in this hostility? It is better to give up and surrender to the enemy if that is the case.

You seriously wanna surrender from a small sabotage attack in Natanz? You need thicker skin my friend!
You seriously wanna surrender from a small sabotage attack in Natanz? You need thicker skin my friend!
I think you seriously need to change your tone and read the rest of the posts here. Israel is more than 2 decades active in Iran. I wouldn't call this or the other operations that happened ''small'' in any way at all. It is admirable to be defiant but not braindead.
I think you seriously need to change your tone and read the rest of the posts here. Israel is more than 2 decades active in Iran. I wouldn't call this or the other operations that happened ''small'' in any way at all. It is admirable to be defiant but not braindead.

Dude....just lol
This reminds of the show The Spy on Netflix, I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad has infiltrated deep within the Iranian regime.
This reminds of the show The Spy on Netflix, I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad has infiltrated deep within the Iranian regime.
Israel has the most incredible spies in the world. They are deeply infiltrated in each middle eastern country. Because Israel has Jews of every origin, it’s very easy for them to have individuals who can easily penetrate the targeted society.
I think one thing is for sure. Allah does not love Iran very much.

He has beset them with calamity after calamity and humiliation after humiliation.

I don't know how many more examples the IRGC fanboys on here need in order to see that Allah does not approve of their methods.

I fear Allah has more surprises for Iran if they keep behaving this way
Where was Yahveh when a few thousand German soldiers gassed millions of Jews and they lined up like sheep. Did Yahveh betray the poor Jews? Seems like Yahveh does not love Jews.

I fear Yahveh has more surprises for Jews :(
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Iran can not face the entire Western Intel, MOSSAD and CIA on its own. It needs cooperation and help from neighboring countries such as Pakistan. I am not sure if the domestic politics allow such a thing but it must be done ASAP.

All Iran needs to do is to stop and to renounce forever efforts to develop nuclear weapons. It's that simple. Do that and Iran will no longer face the entire Western world. The simple fact is that the West and Israel can NEVER trust the mullahs with nuclear weapons. They can never trust that the mullahs will not engineer a nuclear sneak attack by an non-state terrorist actor. If the mullahs succeed in testing and stockpiling a few nuclear devices, the West and Israel will spare no effort or expense to nullify those weapons and the mullahs who control them.
All Iran needs to do is to stop and to renounce forever efforts to develop nuclear weapons. It's that simple. Do that and Iran will no longer face the entire Western world. The simple fact is that the West and Israel can NEVER trust the mullahs with nuclear weapons. They can never trust that the mullahs will not engineer a nuclear sneak attack by an non-state terrorist actor. If the mullahs succeed in testing and stockpiling a few nuclear devices, the West and Israel will spare no effort or expense to nullify those weapons and the mullahs who control them.

The only States that use nukes to Attack because they Shit on human live is USA and Israel. Israel shit on human live. and for israel all what matter is israel. they bomb there neighbours near every day an they shit on internatinal rules and borders. they take what they want from you and step you in the back if you are down and nobody stop them. you see it in Palestina, Lebanon, Syria and Irak. only if you are strong enough and you can defend yourself you are save from israel. but israel have the bomb and israel is dumb enough to use it if they dont have to fear a answer. and for this iran need the bomb not for attack but to schow israel her we are. we have the bomb too. if you attack us we can answer.
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