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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

Amazing incompetence....if Natanz is truly shut down for anything more than a few days. Heads should roll.

Salehi should resign out of embarrassment.

Internal Saboteurs perhaps? If their truly was an explosion in the facilities power center (which is above ground) then sat photos should reveal it soon
Internal Saboteurs perhaps? If their truly was an explosion in the facilities power center (which is above ground) then sat photos should reveal it soon

Too soon to say, but if it was an explosion and it was from inside out, then yes internal saboteur.

But I think IAEA may have a hand in this....

remember this?

The inspector then "sneaked off" to the toilet while she was waiting for a further security check, he said.

"There was no doubt that suspicious material was involved."

Mossad has likely been using IAEA agents to smuggle in bomb making material into Iran for years. Then an internal saboteur can take the material from what location it was safely hidden in (already snuck inside) and place it for future detonation on target for when Iran passes certain Mossad red lines.

This removes the risk of the internal saboteur (scientist, engineer, etc) from getting caught trying to smuggle something in that would likely get him executed.

Iran’s large scale enrichment program is possibly destroyed. Those centrifuges may no longer be able to be used if the enriched uranium is “stuck” inside them for long period of time or depending on how violent the shut down was if the motors sustained damage.

And with no major workshop (thanks to previous sabotage) Iran has a token amount of centrifuges at Fordow that make break out enrichment time basically a snails pace.

Simply inexcusable. If Salehi still has his job after this, all remaining respect for Iran’s civilian nuclear program will go down the drain
Too soon to say, but if it was an explosion and it was from inside out, then yes internal saboteur.

But I think IAEA may have a hand in this....

remember this?

The inspector then "sneaked off" to the toilet while she was waiting for a further security check, he said.

"There was no doubt that suspicious material was involved."

Mossad has likely been using IAEA agents to smuggle in bomb making material into Iran for years. Then an internal saboteur can take the material from what location it was safely hidden in (already snuck inside) and place it for future detonation on target for when Iran passes certain Mossad red lines.

This removes the risk of the internal saboteur (scientist, engineer, etc) from getting caught trying to smuggle something in that would likely get him executed.

Iran’s large scale enrichment program is possibly destroyed. Those centrifuges may no longer be able to be used if the enriched uranium is “stuck” inside them for long period of time or depending on how violent the shut down was if the motors sustained damage.

And with no major workshop (thanks to previous sabotage) Iran has a token amount of centrifuges at Fordow that make break out enrichment time basically a snails pace.

Simply inexcusable. If Salehi still has his job after this, all remaining respect for Iran’s civilian nuclear program will go down the drain

This is also what I figured. We don’t hear these kinds of incidents happening in other facilities. The only aspect with regards to difference is the inspectors.
Maybe if their was failsafes and some luck the motors simply shut down and slowed down to a halt although for whatever is inside, the purity is undone.

Albeit those token centrifuges can be replaced with more advanced generations to cover the gaps. No reason to not deploy IR-6s anymore instead of 1s and 2s as part of the nuclear deal
Iran needs to seriously strengthen its internal intelligence & counter intelligence resources. they are too over confident in their abilities & completely miss the double agents within their ranks like...by a hundred miles!
Iranians are only good in killing fellow muslims aka sunnis in poor countries like Syria or Iraq or use Pakistani shias as cannon fodder.. When they are up against a formidable enemy , they don't do much..

This is not the first time Israel has attacked them.
please learn from the ISI...it is ALWAYS at war! Iran's premier intelligence agency MUST maintain a dynamic web of intelligence sources, moles & assets everywhere. even if it means keeping eyes & ears on the ayotollah himself. the mossad must never know that whoever is working for them is in fact misleading them into the jaws of wolves. right now, Iranian intelligence forces are NOT their. they must approach the ISI and Russian FSS immediately for help.

Iran is shooting itself in the foot by interfering in our internal matters by making organizations like Zinabiyon brigade and using Pakistani shias as cannon fodder .. Our relationship would have been very strong but constant interfering on part of Iran is a major hurdle.
Too soon to say, but if it was an explosion and it was from inside out, then yes internal saboteur.

But I think IAEA may have a hand in this....

remember this?

The inspector then "sneaked off" to the toilet while she was waiting for a further security check, he said.

"There was no doubt that suspicious material was involved."

Mossad has likely been using IAEA agents to smuggle in bomb making material into Iran for years. Then an internal saboteur can take the material from what location it was safely hidden in (already snuck inside) and place it for future detonation on target for when Iran passes certain Mossad red lines.

This removes the risk of the internal saboteur (scientist, engineer, etc) from getting caught trying to smuggle something in that would likely get him executed.

Iran’s large scale enrichment program is possibly destroyed. Those centrifuges may no longer be able to be used if the enriched uranium is “stuck” inside them for long period of time or depending on how violent the shut down was if the motors sustained damage.

And with no major workshop (thanks to previous sabotage) Iran has a token amount of centrifuges at Fordow that make break out enrichment time basically a snails pace.

Simply inexcusable. If Salehi still has his job after this, all remaining respect for Iran’s civilian nuclear program will go down the drain
So... they smuggled explosives up their arse??

That's some next level tradecraft.
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Amazing incompetence....if Natanz is truly shut down for anything more than a few days. Heads should roll.

Salehi should resign out of embarrassment.
Salehi is not responsible for the security of our nuclear facilities. He is a nuclear scientist. Not an intelligence expert. If anyone should be taken responsible for this, it should be Mahmoud Alavi, the head of the Ministry of Intelligence.

And most importantly, Rouhani himself should be taken responsible for this. This sort of things didn't happen before the implementation of the Additional Protocol of the NPT. This kind of security vulnerabilities didn't exist before the JCPOA. It's a fact that cannot be denied. When you allow Western spies to freely roam around anywhere they want in your country and talk to anyone that they think might be related to Iran's nuclear program, you should expect this sort of security consequences.

The fastest solution to this ongoing problem is to kick all of the reformists out of office in August. Every single reformist politician or personnel in sensitive organizations must be kicked out when the next administration takes the office.
IAEA's so called inspectors are western spies. Brazil as a nuclear power never allowed IAEA to recognize/question their nuclear scientists and never allowed IAEA to install hidden camers to its nuclear facilities. Zarif and Rouhani wouldve been executed for high treason in a sane country like China or Japan the countries that prosecute a minister for using a governmental credit shipping card!. This 2 faggots have opened the gates of our nuclear facilities and given up the names of our main nuclear scientists to IAEA. Then what do you expect? This is the consequence of being soft to high treason.
Iranians are only good in killing fellow muslims aka sunnis in poor countries like Syria or Iraq or use Pakistani shias as cannon fodder.. When they are up against a formidable enemy , they don't do much..

This is not the first time Israel has attacked them.
You are talking about ISIS and AlQaeda as the innocent Sunnis. Am i right?
Wonderful operation whoever it was. They deserve a medal for stalling the genocidal Iranian regime and their nuclear weapons.

I don't know who it was, it's a mystery....but I admire them greatly.
Wonderful operation whoever it was. They deserve a medal for stalling the genocidal Iranian regime and their nuclear weapons.

I don't know who it was, it's a mystery....but I admire them greatly.

It will be a wonderful deed, who-so-ever it is to dip their fingers in molten lava and receive a certificate of appreciation from the IRGC for considering IRIran a genocidal regime...
Iran having nuclear bomb is not in interest of Pak. If Iran build nuclear bomb then Saudia Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, UAE will also build the ones. Also Iran will use nuclear weapons in any of its future conflict even with Pak.

You will also see how Iran will treat its neighbours after it makes nuclear bomb. Iran has regional and global ambitions and very few in Pak realize this and on top of this they advocate for Iran having nuclear bomb.
Dear Iran (IRGC..)

I was always standing behind you, defending you, but whats now happening, especially the last monts is a f.....ing disgrace.

Murdered scientists, Natanz assembly factory blown up, yesterday next incident

All im hearing is "we have the right to respond...."

How about you guys just shut the f.. up and do it, enough of words, only actions counts!

Grow some f..ing balls and defend yourself, what are you afraid of?

Each time you guys hestitate to defend yourself, each time you give talks and not actions, your enemy is getting more and more comfortable to hurt you again, dont you understand!

The next attacks are underway, dont you understand? You have to do something!

you have to attack back, you have to hit them hard, it must hurt them so they have to think twice before they do something stupid...

Look what the Houthis are doing!

Nothing more to say now...lets see if they have balls to something
Dear Iran (IRGC..)

I was always standing behind you, defending you, but whats now happening, especially the last monts is a f.....ing disgrace.

Murdered scientists, Natanz assembly factory blown up, yesterday next incident

All im hearing is "we have the right to respond...."

How about you guys just shut the f.. up and do it, enough of words, only actions counts!

Grow some f..ing balls and defend yourself, what are you afraid of?

Each time you guys hestitate to defend yourself, each time you give talks and not actions, your enemy is getting more and more comfortable to hurt you again, dont you understand!

The next attacks are underway, dont you understand? You have to do something!

you have to attack back, you have to hit them hard, it must hurt them so they have to think twice before they do something stupid...

Look what the Houthis are doing!

Nothing more to say now...lets see if they have balls to something

Israel can liquidate the entire Iranian leadership in the blink of an eye. The Mullahs first concern is staying in power to rule over Iranians.
Dear Iran (IRGC..)

I was always standing behind you, defending you, but whats now happening, especially the last monts is a f.....ing disgrace.

Murdered scientists, Natanz assembly factory blown up, yesterday next incident

All im hearing is "we have the right to respond...."

How about you guys just shut the f.. up and do it, enough of words, only actions counts!

Grow some f..ing balls and defend yourself, what are you afraid of?

Each time you guys hestitate to defend yourself, each time you give talks and not actions, your enemy is getting more and more comfortable to hurt you again, dont you understand!

The next attacks are underway, dont you understand? You have to do something!

you have to attack back, you have to hit them hard, it must hurt them so they have to think twice before they do something stupid...

Look what the Houthis are doing!

Nothing more to say now...lets see if they have balls to something

You must realize that this is a lop sided protracted "cold" war between Iran and global Zionism ( the same global Zionism that are occupying Germany ever since the end of WW2 as well as the rest of the "Western world"). With the exception of a few small regional allies who are also resisting the Zionists like the battered Syrians, Hezbollah and the Houthis in Yemen, Iran is all alone in this fight. On top of that the Zionists have been able to win over may weak minded people in Iran and have had their agents in Iran both before the Islamic revolution and after the Islamic revolution. Considering all of this it is no surprise that there will be some set back and humiliations. Iran is much weaker than the Zionist block(Israel, U.S, E.U) Iran has to tread carefully and bide its time. It cant rush in. If you look at Israeli actions it is all designed to get Iran to react so that they can play the victim and get the "world" to come pile up on Iran and take care of the only country that is trying to stands up to them. Iran is smart enough to not fall for it and play the long game. Right now let Trench Foot or what ever his name is have his fun and gloat at this "humiliating defeat". In reality not much has changed. Iran is gaining strength day by day despite the brutal sanctions from abroad and the acts of treachery from within and one day Iran will no longer have to be as calculating and restrained as it is today.
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