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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

Pakistan Army would be vying for revenge and blood.
Pakistan would and could have done absolutely nothing. You should pray day and night that you are not on the target list of Mossad, CIA and the entire Western Intel agencies and their collaborators. If you think you are having problems handling the Indian RAW then you should imagine multiple forces x100 more capable than that. Imagine the amount of destruction and misery they would have caused Pakistan. Iran has been doing pretty well on its own and some incompetence exists but it is being managed somehow.

Btw, i am not trolling Pakistan.. your nuclear weapons are of no concern to us and your military prowess does not threaten us. We do not consider Pakistan as a hostile nation. You and fellow Pakistanis are also welcome to visit Iran anytime you wish. Cheers.
I think that's the problem. @yavar and other Iranian friends are proud, and this is what is leading to incompetence and humiliation. Literally, the Israelis just knocked out the entire freaking facility and we are being lectured on how superior Iran's nuclear program is compared to Pakistan's. If this would have happened against Pakistan (Although impossible due to Pakistan's bulletproof nuclear security), Pakistan Army would be vying for revenge and blood.

Pakistan's Nuclear Armed Forces not only possess 200 nuclear warheads but have over 2 decades of wargaming experience with nuclear warheads. The security, storage and deployment of nukes have been war gamed more then a dozen times by Pakistan across both Pakistan Army and Pakistan Navy. But we have Iranian friends claiming here that Iran has superior nukes then Pakistan whereas they are yet to even reach 90% Uranium, something Pakistan reached more then 4 decades ago.

I stopped engaging with some of our Iranian fanboys when i was told, Iranian Air Force is superior to Pakistan's as the the 1970's F14's are superior to the Pakistani Air Force's F16 Block 52's. You can't argue against that logic.

Actions speak louder then words

Sorry to say neither Pakistan nor Russia wants to see a nuclear Iran. You can call it hypocrisy or whatever, but countries that already possess nuclear weapons don't want to see other countries gain nuclear weapons. It is not in Pakistan's strategic interest for Iran to acquire and posses nuclear weapons. Thus, ISI or the FSB will be assisting Iran to protect its nuclear weapons.

Lots of wrong things in your writings like "Literally, the Israelis just knocked out the entire freaking facility", but lets be real here. Pakistan is simply not capable for taking on Mossad, the CIA and the rest of NATO in covert warfare. They can snap their fingers and end the Pakistani economy overnight with sanctions.

Don't kid yourself, Iran's survival with 900+ sanctions on banks and various institutions is very unique and unprecedented. Iran has more than double the sanctions than North Korea. So please, enough with the big talk.

This is not an insult to Pakistan, this is just highlighting how different the situation is between Iran and Pakistan.
look here
the Israelis have request very high close and secure meeting with Americans and refused to have talk on with very secure line or virtual meeting and they are sending very high delegation to publish some classified decoment
View attachment 737581
so about what exactly the israeli are so nervous about, whats going on?
Syria? Irans nuclear capabilities...?
so about what exactly the israeli are so nervous about, whats going on?
Syria? Irans nuclear capabilities...?
since the deal ( JCPOA ) is fraud

they are going there to share some new images about Iran Other nuclear program and
then request inspection anywhere anytime to be add

most likely we had leak again we are wear of it and checking
the point is even when there is commercial sattelite imge it much much better qulity when it comes to Iran

I will tell you and reason is obvious.

I am not sure if you aware but Western (and even Eastern) commercial satellite companies abide by NATO/US military rules when it comes to photographing sensitive military installations they either have to blur it or remove it completely. Example is Google Earth a well know website.

With regards to Iran none of these sat companies are worried about violating Iranian law or getting sanctioned/fined by Iranian government. Thus pictures are available at the best quality.


Pakistan would and could have done absolutely nothing. You should pray day and night that you are not on the target list of Mossad, CIA and the entire Western Intel agencies and their collaborators.

Lots of wrong things in your writings like "Literally, the Israelis just knocked out the entire freaking facility", but lets be real here. Pakistan is simply not capable for taking on Mossad, the CIA and the rest of NATO in covert warfare. They can snap their fingers and end the Pakistani economy overnight with sanctions.

I think the problem is the lack of knowledge on both your ends, that is why i will quote both of you.

Feel free to read up on the espionage network CIA, Mossad and KGB tried to setup during the 80's and the 90's in Pakistan. The only difference is, the ISI did a fantastic job of hiding Pakistan' nuclear program and what their intentions were. The Americans and the Israelis realized a decade later that Pakistan conducted its first cold test in 1982, so by the time the CIA and Mossad realized that Pakistan indeed had a fully developed nuke, it was simply too late.

Read up how the Israelis brought their F16's in the late 90's to India. Pakistan's intelligence was convinced that this was to knock out Pakistan's nuclear reactors in a joint strike with India, but then again we don't know the truth. Again, whether you like it or not but the facts are that Pakistan has done a much better job protecting its nuclear program compared to Iran. The chances of smuggling a bomb inside Pakistan's nuclear reactors is next to zero due to the security mechanisms that are in place. To call out Iran's incompetency here is not a personal attack, that is just a fact that the Israelis were able to smuggle a bomb inside a nuclear reactor inside Pakistan.

They can snap their fingers and end the Pakistani economy overnight with sanctions.

Umm read up the Pressler Amendments. This is what i am saying, you guys have literally zero knowledge on Pakistan's nuclear program and the struggles Pakistan had to go through. Pakistan was heavily sanctioned by the US in the 90's but that did not affect Pakistan's nuclear program.

But overall, i do agree with both of your thesis. Iran certainly has more eyes simply due to the fact that Iran has hostile intentions towards the US and Israel. Pakistan at no point adopted a policy of hostility towards US and Israel. My point was simply, there was incompetence on the Iranian end. Iran needs to step back and ask itself the question, how did the Israelis manage to sneak a bomb inside the nuclear facility? How did the Israelis know the exact location of the top Iranian nuclear scientist? There must be inside help within Iran. Has Iran identified that inside help?
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Read up how the Israelis brought their F16's in the late 90's to India. Pakistan's intelligence was convinced that this was to knock out Pakistan's nuclear reactors in a joint strike with India, but then again we don't know the truth. Again, whether you like it or not but the facts are that Pakistan has done a much better job protecting its nuclear program compared to Iran. The chances of smuggling a bomb inside Pakistan's nuclear reactors is next to zero due to the security mechanisms that are in place. To call out Iran's incompetency here is not a personal attack, that is just a fact that the Israelis were able to smuggle a bomb inside a nuclear reactor inside Pakistan.
Pakistan has the support of GCC. Iran does not. USA is an ally of GCC and hence will not attack the friends of GCC. Hence Pakistan was spared. Iran is a lone actor with limited allies and hence easier target. It is not the good job done by Pakistan
Umm read up the Pressler Amendments. This is what i am saying, you guys have literally zero knowledge on Pakistan's nuclear program and the struggles Pakistan had to go through. Pakistan was heavily sanctioned by the US in the 90's but that did not affect Pakistan's nuclear program.
Pakistan had developed the bomb by getting equipments and technology from EU states by 1990. USA sanctions in the later part could no way stop what happened before. However, even now, Pakistan has not made thermonuclear bomb, showing how the sanctions affect it.
Pakistan has the support of GCC. Iran does not. USA is an ally of GCC and hence will not attack the friends of GCC. Hence Pakistan was spared. Iran is a lone actor with limited allies and hence easier target. It is not the good job done by Pakistan

Fair enough. Pakistan at no point was hostile towards the US and Israel. Not once but multiple times it was communicated to the Israelis through intermediaries that Pakistan's nukes are only targeted towards India.

Pakistan had developed the bomb by getting equipments and technology from EU states by 1990.


Pakistan had a working nuke by 1982. PAF had already conducted the first cold test in 1982.

However, even now, Pakistan has not made thermonuclear bomb, showing how the sanctions affect it.

That's more to do with the fact that Pakistan has no use for a thermonuclear bomb. Pakistan is not aiming to be a super power. The target for Pakistan's nuke is India solely. Pakistan has roughly 200 nukes, enough to fry India so no need for anything more dangerous because that would attract the attention of the EU and US.
Umm read up the Pressler Amendments. This is what i am saying, you guys have literally zero knowledge on Pakistan's nuclear program and the struggles Pakistan had to go through. Pakistan was heavily sanctioned by the US in the 90's but that did not affect Pakistan's nuclear program.

Only military sanctions, not economic, which is where the real bite lies.

(Direct economic assistance was embargoed, yes, but that is way short of actual economic sanctions.)
My point was simply, there was incompetence on the Iranian end. Iran needs to step back and ask itself the question, how did the Israelis manage to sneak a bomb inside the nuclear facility? How did the Israelis know the exact location of the top Iranian nuclear scientist? There must be inside help within Iran. Has Iran identified that inside help?
Very valid point....and a rudimentary issue and fixable easily...Security 101 ..why it is not done is the surprising issue....infiltration of an agent inside an isolated secure site to bring in explosive material etc are basics of any security principals..

to be honest I can not figure out why such basic checks are not done...sometimes I even think it was a false flag op to get rid of old inefficient Cenrifuges and replace them with new ones..they just needed an excuse to do it..LOL..your mind wonders when there is no rational reason and conspiracy theories become the answer!!!

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