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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

Hello. Per our previous conversation, I wonder why you don't update the title of this thread? It has been proven by now that not all centrifuges were destroyed, maybe 4000 IR-1 centrifuges only. And it wasn't a large explosion, merely a power outage.
Please share links with me. I will check them (and more) and update this thread accordingly. Thanks.
the good news is soon when IRIran test or fire solid propellant then we see who got really ICBM capabilities
can you brother tell me here how long does it take to fuel this missile ?? 10 hours ?? a day??
No one in this world can answer you, except a small group of NK high-ranking officers. This kind of question is too much confidential. Let's say NK does have solid propellant and adapted especially on H-15. But not yet on their SLBM.

Question 2 ? how many those ICBM can fuel for simultaneous launch??
I heard NK does have around 200 warheads, vectors? Who could know? Too much confidential. Even though Iran does have liquid propellant it is enough for its deterrent capacity. Iran is a 1,648,195 km² country, with mountains, there are enough discrete areas to hide missiles. In 1991 Iraq fired several dozens SS-1 Scud with liquid propellant on Israel, Saudi Arabia, and US bases, without being detected, meanwhile the US had the aerial superiority. Soon, Iran will have its own ICBM with nuclear warheads.

@ Yavar ...Thank you . The info you are providing in all these threads is very useful...
I have to do it because of the level of nonsense and propaganda going on even alfit like NY -Times ex ........

and hasitence of Rouhani Gov use of Hard power with excuess of ( تله تنش ) so i have to sheed light on realty

other views Iranian members will start buying to the nonsense look at this way: Iran nuclear program and it,s official and unofficial budgets out spends ( Pakistan + Turkey + North Korea + Saudi + Iran missile program budgets combine

and now we have here members that thinks for example Iran missile program is head of it nuclear program or some other country

the realty is totaly deferent

look here
the Israelis have request very high close and secure meeting with Americans and refused to have talk on with very secure line or virtual meeting and they are sending very high delegation to publish some classified decoment
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Pot calling the kettle black. Pakistani military bases have been overrun by handful of terrorists in the past.

Back to the topic at hand, from a nuclear weapons program standpoint Pakistan is far ahead of Iran. From a nuclear civilian program (not number of foreign built reactors but domestic technology such as centrifuge technology) Iran could be considered ahead of Pakistan with the IR-9 which has a 50SWU output compared to Pakistan’s

Although I do agree with you there are many ignorant delusional Iranian fanboys on this forum, but there are also an equal if not more so amount of Pakistani fanboys who seem to think Pakistan is the world leading superpower and that everyone in the world is either jealous of Pakistan or secretly trying to bring Pakistan down.

Reality is on the world stage (Russia/China/US/EU) Pakistan is not a concern in any capacity. It’s mostly a regional fight of India vs Pakistan.

But fanboys will exist on both sides, no point in engaging them.
Pakistan is not a very strong country but it has huge influence on Iranian affairs. Baluchistan border is porous and there is regular infiltration of Pakistanis into Iran. Pakistan has a huge sleeper cell in Iran and being in control of Taliban, can also hit Iran from North. So, in case of Iran, Pakistan does have influence

as the leader sayd:

"The era of hit and run is over"

yeah, and theyr F-35 got hit by a bird some time ago :whistle:
Yeah, F35 was hit by S200 missile but Israel covered it up as a Bird hit! Israeli F35s can be shot down too. But israel is smart and only attacks those places which are lightly defended and uses long range missiles and guided munitions to protect their planes. But if things escalate, Israel stands no chance as its land is too small to be defended. Israelis also know this and hence they tend to go all out and does not wait to be attacked. Their doctrine is not to guarantee their survival but to pose credible threat to the enemy that the cost will be too high.
this is what i am talking about they making sure that very very low quality images comes out so no one be able to expose them

View attachment 737237

it is very clear there was explosion, and the black marks are not from thrust engine, but because of low quality the extent of damage is not very clear,

Just compare satellite images which get realease from iran and Israel

View attachment 737239

then you will understand they are hiding something
It does appear suspicious. There has never been such an explosion before. What made Israel suddenly cause an explosion out of nowhere? Moreover, even Google Earth has better quality images than this. Just type in Tel Aviv airport on google maps and look at the satellite view. This low resolution image is fraudulent to say the least.

Neither the Washington Post, IAEA or any other western media could be considered as a reliable source of news. All the western media, western institutions are all politically motivated whoever they are, they are enemies of Iran.
Indeed what would be the purpose of such an article? They want more pressure on Iran and more compassion for Israel. Stay away from what Western media could say.
Else Iran does have good relationships with North Korea, and this country does have the expertise, thus they don't need persons like Denilenko or any others persons like him.
This is my personnel pov -point of view-, since North Korea did its first test -2005-, Iran has the blueprint, since NK blast its first hydrogen bombs, Iran does have all the know-how necessary to do this. Since NK has its own ICBM, Iran does have the blueprint too, as Israel was provided nuclear weapons by all West.
Thus, is it worth quoting western media?
Why will NK give Iran anything? What is Iran giving it in return? NK is nothing but a proxy of China but their nuclear technology is indigenous. NK was assisted by USSR in setting up semiconductor fabrication unit, chemicals unit, weapons production unit and other heavy machine technology which NK further developed to make nuclear bombs and missiles. NK has its own huge resource base of coal, iron, gold, aluminium and dozens of other minerals which it sells to China. NK does not need Iran or any other country as it is fully protected and suppled by China.

is the 4th geneneration the latest one or are russians ahead?
The latest nuclear weapons technology has been obtained by 1990s by USA, Russia and China. It is only the remaining countries that are catching up.
Hello. Per our previous conversation, I wonder why you don't update the title of this thread? It has been proven by now that not all centrifuges were destroyed, maybe 4000 IR-1 centrifuges only. And it wasn't a large explosion, merely a power outage.
Do not expect any action...keep your dignity ...you are turning a pro Israel forum moderator into a political/military affairs arbitrator which he is obviously not....we tabled our case in their GHQ and nothing came out not even a reply....did you expect anything else...it is their site and we have to play with their rules even when they have obvious bias against us.
Do not expect any action...keep your dignity ...you are turning a pro Israel forum moderator into a political/military affairs arbitrator which he is obviously not....we tabled our case in their GHQ and nothing came out not even a reply....did you expect anything else...it is their site and we have to play with their rules even when they have obvious bias against us.
I do not think that he is Pro Israel. Perhaps he has some grievances against Iran over some political/religious issues.
I do not think that he is Pro Israel. Perhaps he has some grievances against Iran over some political/religious issues.
He is pro Israel.. he chose the headline that was exact Israeli narrative...that is when I realized where the root cause of this unnecessary change of headline was..your original heading was "Nutral"..he changed it to Israeli version headline.

Water under the bridge...poor Muhhamad45 had to be banned just because he lost his cool..
Do not expect any action...keep your dignity ...you are turning a pro Israel forum moderator into a political/military affairs arbitrator which he is obviously not....we tabled our case in their GHQ and nothing came out not even a reply....did you expect anything else...it is their site and we have to play with their rules even when they have obvious bias against us.
I have life outside PDF which you do not have perhaps. The pointers I requested never came.

Please tag Iranian Defence Forum section Moderator to handle matters of your section.


as we speak we are able to curry out over 1000 attack on state of Israel ( its shipiing economey ficilities ex .. )over night and i am not exaggerating

we have set up network and equipment and systems all over place in very very very significant numbers,
if Israel start war with Gaza or Lebeanan it will be devastated period,

same numbers command control of drones is now been set up in Syria to operate drones
according to Israel sources
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Do not expect any action...keep your dignity ...you are turning a pro Israel forum moderator into a political/military affairs arbitrator which he is obviously not....we tabled our case in their GHQ and nothing came out not even a reply....did you expect anything else...it is their site and we have to play with their rules even when they have obvious bias against us.
He did change the title though. Didn't he?
I think that's the problem. @yavar and other Iranian friends are proud, and this is what is leading to incompetence and humiliation. Literally, the Israelis just knocked out the entire freaking facility and we are being lectured on how superior Iran's nuclear program is compared to Pakistan's. If this would have happened against Pakistan (Although impossible due to Pakistan's bulletproof nuclear security), Pakistan Army would be vying for revenge and blood.

Pakistan's Nuclear Armed Forces not only possess 200 nuclear warheads but have over 2 decades of wargaming experience with nuclear warheads. The security, storage and deployment of nukes have been war gamed more then a dozen times by Pakistan across both Pakistan Army and Pakistan Navy. But we have Iranian friends claiming here that Iran has superior nukes then Pakistan whereas they are yet to even reach 90% Uranium, something Pakistan reached more then 4 decades ago.

I stopped engaging with some of our Iranian fanboys when i was told, Iranian Air Force is superior to Pakistan's as the the 1970's F14's are superior to the Pakistani Air Force's F16 Block 52's. You can't argue against that logic.

Actions speak louder then words

Sorry to say neither Pakistan nor Russia wants to see a nuclear Iran. You can call it hypocrisy or whatever, but countries that already possess nuclear weapons don't want to see other countries gain nuclear weapons. It is not in Pakistan's strategic interest for Iran to acquire and posses nuclear weapons. Thus, ISI or the FSB will be assisting Iran to protect its nuclear weapons.
You know whats weird?,I never saw the slightest sign of any " revenge and blood " from the pakistani military when the us military spent 14 years murdering pakistani civilians,virtually at will,via drone strikes,funny that,eh?:sarcastic:
So I guess you might well be right,actions,or rather the lack of them,do certainly speak louder than words....especially when the words in question are the smug boasts of internet fanbois.🤔
You have a nice day now.

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