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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

please learn from the ISI...it is ALWAYS at war!

I admire your sentiments but I think if the Israeli/American/Indian combine really wanted to target Pakistani nuclear facilities then my guess would be that Pakistan is more vulnerable than Iran is. Just think about Iran vs Pakistan starting from 1979. Pakistan embraced the US alliance twice and for decades since then while Iran had expelled or greatly reduced the American or the Western influences. Iran is a very closed society unlike Pakistan! But Iran poses a threat to Israel and that's why Iran is targeted. Pakistan doesn't and that's the difference. Otherwise, Pakistan had opened its internal doors to the CIA (and by extension to Mossad and RAW) for decades since 1979 (the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan) and Lord knows how many of those 'assets' are sitting in Pakistan should Pakistan become anti-Israel.

This forum is in love with the ISI and I would never take away from the professionalism of ISI. But looking at the untold numbers of acts of terrorism inside Pakistan since 2007, ISI is not that effective. A B-Grade foreign power, acting mostly alone, like India is able to find proxies in Pakistan to do so much destruction in Pakistan.
do we know what kind of paper they are producing and for which purpose? Who owns it?
some report says rocket started fire some don't, it is not clear,
what is clear that 36 rocket was fired from gaza and some impacted over two hours,

fire at Shaniv paper factory

Israel CHIEF of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi: 30 rockets are fired from Gaza into Israel overnight. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/rocket-sirens-heard-near-gaza-envelope-666165

what is important here that we put Israel in the situation that Saudi are in now,
Saudi Arabia daily get barrages of rocket drone projectiles ex.............. with now 65% success rate
and Saudi infstructure and ecomnoey ( I mean it oil industery , air port ex.. ) suferring in acceptable maner

which has resulted in Saudi understanding that they are no longer can tolerate situation and with new Iranian president coming to office it could get....................
secret Saudi Arabia and Iran talks

that is why i highly Advise Iranian Members to be patient and don't expect IRIran to be reactionary,
there is not much left for Israel before we be about to put them in the situation that Saudi is in, the future event over coming weeks will prove that
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some report says rocket started fire some don't, it is not clear,
what is clear that 36 rocket was fired from gaza and some impacted over two hours,

fire at Shaniv paper factory

Israel CHIEF of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi: 30 rockets are fired from Gaza into Israel overnight. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/rocket-sirens-heard-near-gaza-envelope-666165

what is important here that we put Israel in the situation that Saudi are in now,
Saudi Arabia daily get barrages of rocket drone projectiles ex.............. with now 65% success rate now
and Saudi infstructure and ecomnoey ( I mean it oil industery , air port ex.. ) suferring in acceptable maner

which has resulted in Saudi understanding that they are no longer can tolerate situation and with new Iranian president coming to office it could get....................
secret Saudi Arabia and Iran talks

that is why i highly Advise Iranian Members to be patient and don't expect IRIran to be reactionary,
there is not much left for Israel before we be about to put them in the situation that Saudi is in, the future event over coming weeks will prove that
the thing is, brother @yavar , Israel is not Saudi Arabia, they can hit back, strongly
and they actions are often very irrational which put themselfes in danger, and they learn nothing from its mistakes
the thing is, brother @yavar , Israel is not Saudi Arabia, they can hit back, strongly

hit who back ? Gaza? Quds ? Golan Syria ? Lebanon ? in red Sea ? Bab Al-mandab ? in Jordan ? Africa ? Sahrawi ? Polisario Front? Libya ? Nigerian? in Mediterranean Sea ? Iraq ? ?who is to blame ?

as we speak we are able to curry out over 1000 attack on state of Israel ( its shipiing economey ficilities ex .. )over night and i am not exaggerating

we have set up network and equipment and systems all over place in very very very significant numbers,
if Israel start war with Gaza or Lebeanan it will be devastated period,

so they can only carry out retaliation strikes which can not match our numbers which will led to Israel Erosion wearing its capabilities down and cost

look at Saudi air force and its daily job: they are chase monkeys ( Yemeni & Iraqi drones)

so they cant start open war, that is why they are curring out intelligence war
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hit who back ? Gaza? Quds ? Golan Syria ? Lebanon ? in red Sea ? Bab Al-mandab ? in Jordan ? Africa ? Sahrawi ? Polisario Front? Libya ? Nigerian? in Mediterranean Sea ? Iraq ? ?who is to blame ?

as we speak we are able to curry out over 1000 attack on state of Israel ( its shipiing economey ficilities ex .. over night and i am not exaggerating)

we have set up network and equipment and systems all over place in very very very significant numbers,
if Israel start war with Gaza or Lebeanan it will be devastated period,

so they can only carry out retaliation strikes which can not match our numbers which will led to Israel Erosion wearing it capabilities down and cost

look at Saudi air force and its daily job: they are chase monkeys ( Yemeni & Iraqi drones)

so they cant start open war, that is why they are cutting out intelligence war
IR's retaliation until now has been very weak. Do you agree?
IR's retaliation until now has been very weak. Do you agree?
200% agree,

members here in Iranian section need to understand one thing
they need to understand if IRIran does not respond to Israel because it does not see it as capable strategic threat,
our nuclear posture is in such stage that the Joke Israel does not matter in any significant conflict

but if you people notice IRIran always respond to U.S attack and trust me they will revenge Soleimani assassination ( most likely the next president)
not to forget
not to forget i can't post 3 dead body of U.S officers (not soldiers) here

Plane carrying high-ranking US officers crashed in Afghanistan

but because there was no Media big hoo-ha not many remember it ,
that was not weak retaliation
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what is important here that we put Israel in the situation that Saudi are in now,
Saudi Arabia daily get barrages of rocket drone projectiles ex.............. with now 65% success rate now
and Saudi infstructure and ecomnoey ( I mean it oil industery , air port ex.. ) suferring in acceptable maner

which has resulted in Saudi understanding that they are no longer can tolerate situation and with new Iranian president coming to office it could get....................
secret Saudi Arabia and Iran talks
U.S Pentagon Central Command General Frank McKenzie, assessment of Yemen retaliatory strike on Saudi Arabia
this is what i am talking about they making sure that very very low quality images comes out so no one be able to expose them


it is very clear there was explosion, and the black marks are not from thrust engine, but because of low quality the extent of damage is not very clear,

Just compare satellite images which get realease from iran and Israel


then you will understand they are hiding something
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this is what i am talking about they making sure that very very low quality images comes out so no one be able to expose them

View attachment 737237

it is very clear there was explosion, and the black marks are not from thrust engine, but because of low quality the extent of damage is not very clear,

Just compare satellite images which get realease from iran and Israel

View attachment 737239

then you will understand they are hiding something

The first one is from a high orbit commercial sattelite.

The second one is from a classified low orbit highly advanced spy satellite that baboon Trump accidentally leaked.
The future event over coming weeks will prove that
قطعا اقدامات انجام شده طی چند روز اخیر و اقدامات آینده که منافع آنها را به خطر می اندازد
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