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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

With 5 fully functional Nuclear reactors and one more available soon and close to 200 nuclear warheads and still you think Pak is behind Iran with respect to Nuclear then good luck with that.

I think that's the problem. @yavar and other Iranian friends are proud, and this is what is leading to incompetence and humiliation. Literally, the Israelis just knocked out the entire freaking facility and we are being lectured on how superior Iran's nuclear program is compared to Pakistan's. If this would have happened against Pakistan (Although impossible due to Pakistan's bulletproof nuclear security), Pakistan Army would be vying for revenge and blood.

Pakistan's Nuclear Armed Forces not only possess 200 nuclear warheads but have over 2 decades of wargaming experience with nuclear warheads. The security, storage and deployment of nukes have been war gamed more then a dozen times by Pakistan across both Pakistan Army and Pakistan Navy. But we have Iranian friends claiming here that Iran has superior nukes then Pakistan whereas they are yet to even reach 90% Uranium, something Pakistan reached more then 4 decades ago.

I stopped engaging with some of our Iranian fanboys when i was told, Iranian Air Force is superior to Pakistan's as the the 1970's F14's are superior to the Pakistani Air Force's F16 Block 52's. You can't argue against that logic.

do you believe in ( انتقام سخت ) Hard revenge ??

and whoever want to be elected has to.................

hopefully after election we will start seen NOT only properties are targeted, and personals be.....................

Actions speak louder then words

please learn from the ISI...it is ALWAYS at war! Iran's premier intelligence agency MUST maintain a dynamic web of intelligence sources, moles & assets everywhere. even if it means keeping eyes & ears on the ayotollah himself. the mossad must never know that whoever is working for them is in fact misleading them into the jaws of wolves. right now, Iranian intelligence forces are NOT their. they must approach the ISI and Russian FSS immediately for help.

Sorry to say neither Pakistan nor Russia wants to see a nuclear Iran. You can call it hypocrisy or whatever, but countries that already possess nuclear weapons don't want to see other countries gain nuclear weapons. It is not in Pakistan's strategic interest for Iran to acquire and posses nuclear weapons. Thus, ISI or the FSB will be assisting Iran to protect its nuclear weapons.
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guess what they going to say, nobpody got killed

Explosion rocks ‘sensitive’ Israeli missile factory
Explosion heard, mushroom cloud seen in Ramle city


I read it was an cyberattack, other side it was an controlled test

maybe....maybe not....

I think that's the problem. @yavar and other Iranian friends are proud.

(Although impossible due to Pakistan's bulletproof nuclear security)

Pot calling the kettle black. Pakistani military bases have been overrun by handful of terrorists in the past.

Back to the topic at hand, from a nuclear weapons program standpoint Pakistan is far ahead of Iran. From a nuclear civilian program (not number of foreign built reactors but domestic technology such as centrifuge technology) Iran could be considered ahead of Pakistan with the IR-9 which has a 50SWU output compared to Pakistan’s

Although I do agree with you there are many ignorant delusional Iranian fanboys on this forum, but there are also an equal if not more so amount of Pakistani fanboys who seem to think Pakistan is the world leading superpower and that everyone in the world is either jealous of Pakistan or secretly trying to bring Pakistan down.

Reality is on the world stage (Russia/China/US/EU) Pakistan is not a concern in any capacity. It’s mostly a regional fight of India vs Pakistan.

But fanboys will exist on both sides, no point in engaging them.
Pot calling the kettle black. Pakistani military bases have been overrun by handful of terrorists in the past.

Please name me one? Please enlighten me when the military cantonments of Lahore, Gujranawala, Karachi, Multan etc were run over by a handful of terrorists?

Do let me know when the top nuclear scientist of Pakistan was assassinated in broad day light or Pakistan's nuclear facilities were damaged in anyway. Here's some news for you, you don't even know the name of the top nuclear scientist in Pakistan because their identities are well hidden.

I am all ears

Back to the topic at hand, from a nuclear weapons program standpoint Pakistan is far ahead of Iran. From a nuclear civilian program (not number of foreign built reactors but domestic technology such as centrifuge technology) Iran could be considered ahead of Pakistan with the IR-9 which has a 50SWU output compared to Pakistan’s

We are not talking about Civilian Program only but talking about the Nuclear Program as a whole. Pakistan as of now has nuclear reactors, multiple that are producing electricity and transmitting it to the power stations. From the research i have done online, i can see that Iran has one active nuclear reactor.

But fanboys will exist on both sides, no point in engaging them.

We are not talking about Civilian Program only but talking about the Nuclear Program as a whole. Pakistan as of now has nuclear reactors, multiple that are producing electricity and transmitting it to the power stations. From the research i have done online, i can see that Iran has one active nuclear reactor.

None of the reactors were built by Pakistan. All foreign built.

Iran has one active reactor, one active research reactor for medical isotopes, and 2 more reactors being built by Russia, and one heavy reactor that was domestically built originally but now being foreign modified.

So bragging about foreign built reactors is not impressive for Iran nor Pakistan.

And again in centrifuge technology (enrichment) in medical isotopes (nuclear medicine) Iran is far ahead of Pakistan.

In nuclear weapons development and miniaturized nuclear weapons Pakistan is far ahead of Iran.

At the end of the day, I don’t care who is ahead of who. That is something fanboys brag about to give their life meaning. Iran having 1000 nukes or Pakistan have 1000 nukes doesn’t change my life in any capacity.
what the hell is happening the last 48 hrs?
and what caused this events?
was the "heart attack" of the quds commander natural?
could it be that this events are linked together?
we have to wait....
even the Israeli media call it control explosion,
The official story is that there was an engine test
what the hell is happening the last 48 hrs?
and what caused this events?
was the "heart attack" of the quds commander natural?
could it be that this events are linked together?
we have to wait....
A S200 missile fell in israel after it failed to hit an aircraft in response to a failed airstrike or an Israeli intrusion
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View attachment 736401
Missile debris/russian circuit board

Not a credible source
this incident, although not an attack/retaliation on israel, showed gapping holes in the israeli air defence shield.
Is that circuit board from the missile near dimona? Russian circuit board would be consistent with S-200.
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