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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

@yavar , as I told you, Israel can hit back, also if its absolutely irrational and threaten their own security
a tanker was hit yesterday by a drone and killed 3
They know exactly there is an response waiting for them, it is as they want to get hit....

and Maj Gen M.Bagheri should talk less (about planned actions), in my opinion in future nobody should talk about retaliations.
Absolut silence will drive them crazy, if something happens afterwards everybody will know it was a response....
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Yes I am fully aware , and trust me fully aware....

Vyacheslav Danilenko former soviet thermonuclear weapon expert.
In 2011 the Washington Post released an article alleging that he provided expertise in the development of nuclear detonators for the country at their Physics Research Centre between 1996 and 2002, and cited a report published by the International Atomic Energy Agency

there is one very famous Photo of Vyacheslav Danilenko, and guess what he was in Tehran
Neither the Washington Post, IAEA or any other western media could be considered as a reliable source of news. All the western media, western institutions are all politically motivated whoever they are, they are enemies of Iran.
Indeed what would be the purpose of such an article? They want more pressure on Iran and more compassion for Israel. Stay away from what Western media could say.
Else Iran does have good relationships with North Korea, and this country does have the expertise, thus they don't need persons like Denilenko or any others persons like him.
This is my personnel pov -point of view-, since North Korea did its first test -2005-, Iran has the blueprint, since NK blast its first hydrogen bombs, Iran does have all the know-how necessary to do this. Since NK has its own ICBM, Iran does have the blueprint too, as Israel was provided nuclear weapons by all West.
Thus, is it worth quoting western media?

International Atomic Energy Agency UN

so please brother
his picture was taken while he was in Tehran by MKO terrorist group
This is my personnel pov -point of view-, since North Korea did its first test -2005-,
we talk on evidence not mine or your point view.
let base talk on logic
Iran has the blueprint, since NK blast its first hydrogen bombs,
i would say it is other way round
Iran does have all the know-how necessary to do this. Since NK has its own ICBM,
the good news is soon when IRIran test or fire solid propellant then we see who got really ICBM capabilities


with all respect to North Korea and all of its people.

can you brother tell me here how long does it take to fuel this missile ?? 10 hours ?? a day??
then you will understand when i say ICBM strike capability not sitting duck for B-1 bomber to be taken out

fire when decision come and take cover and multiple launch fire,

Question 2 ? how many those ICBM can fuel for simultaneous launch??
you see what i am talking about

i wish and pray for day the video that Haj Hassan talking about get released
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Hello. Per our previous conversation, I wonder why you don't update the title of this thread? It has been proven by now that not all centrifuges were destroyed, maybe 4000 IR-1 centrifuges only. And it wasn't a large explosion, merely a power outage.
@yavar , could you please define 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation nuclear weapons

if i want to put in very short sentence ,
the generation of weapons it all about yield power destraction and weight
to achieve that in each generation they are different detonation trigger mechanism and material and layout
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if i want to put in very short sentence ,
the generation of weapons it all about yield power destraction and weight
to achieve that in each generation they are different detonation trigger mechanism and material and layout
is the 4th geneneration the latest one or are russians ahead?
@yavar , could you please define 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation nuclear weapons
1st gen: fission device with neutron initiator trigger

2nd gen fission to start Fusion device with neutron initiator trigger

3rd gen: fission to start Fusion device with Implosion trigger like EBW and use of Pit + Tritium in device

4th gen: Fusion to Fusion device without any fission and trigger use of octogen HMX explosive ex......
is the 4th geneneration the latest one or are russians ahead?
no they on 7th gen
head of everybody, i can't even write here what material they using to make such lightweight bomb with unbelievable destructive power
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this is what i am talking about they making sure that very very low quality images comes out so no one be able to expose them

View attachment 737237

it is very clear there was explosion, and the black marks are not from thrust engine, but because of low quality the extent of damage is not very clear,

Just compare satellite images which get realease from iran and Israel

View attachment 737239

then you will understand they are hiding something
explained here
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