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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

Must be a "controlled fire"!....:azn::azn:
No it was a "Test" fire!
I`m sorry,but thats just silly "propaganda".:no:
Its obvious that they were simply having a large kosher barbecue for the entire workforce. ;)
if these are really answer to what they did in Iranian nuclear facilities, well done by our guys. though I am a fan of hitting the harder if possible.:agree::agree:
So we are still on 2/3 code ???

Fire breaks out in Hebrew University's Mount Scopus campus

The conflict is still ongoing,
today we have burn down over six parts in Israel and there has been incidents by the Palestinian which is has led to injureing 2 to Israeli soldiers which are in hospital

so it can escalate at any time and get to Major war,
the day has not finshed yet trust me
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