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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast


Iranian hackers release information of Israeli logistics company Veritas

H&M Israel said targeted by Iranian cyberattack

What use in attacking non defence companies? Real deal is always in defence and related fields.
What use in attacking non defence companies? Real deal is always in defence and related fields.
You might want to check out the 2012 shamoon attacks against aramco and rasgas,and the resulting chaos and costs that were inflicted.
Hitting a countries critical economic targets usually has much higher real costs,ie economic-dollars+cents,than hitting its military does.
Both Iran and Israel suffer from poor infrastructure management and maintenance. Remember HZ letting Israel known about the massive Chlorine chemical tank in residential population? A single missile could cause a cloud that would infect 6,000+ people

former Shabak officer assassinated in Mexico, shoot 3 times like dog and left for dead,
you wrong

you dont know Foj of Pakistan very well ,
I advise you to study Pakistan Army before you make such assumption,
Pakistan never own single war against anybody,

I understand you want to be nice to Pakistani brother but reality does not change,
I go one step feather, even in nuclear field they are behind so it cant be more clear then that

no disrespect to that Pakistani brother

The Superiority complex in you Iranians is increasing to dangerous levels, but this is what happens when you are living under a twisted Religious Ayatullah-cracy.
The Superiority complex in you Iranians is increasing to dangerous levels,
first brother Assalamu Alaikum

Brother nobody not me or anybody in decision making in IRI leadership think we are better then Pakistani Brothers, trust me,

the only thing i was trying to point out to brother the realty on ground today ,

as Brother to Pakistani brother,
the only difference between Iran and Pakistan today is system,
Iran is been run by system which is efficient then Pakistan, and it has nothing to do with oil or religion or nonsense 7000 years civilisation histroy, ex....

Trust me the land and sand and mountains, water all are same in Iran and Pakistan there is no difference
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