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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

Most sensible, decent, hardworking, ordinary Indians don't realize the threat now because they have been presented with a soft front on TV. Dear leader generally says all the right words, even his sidekick doesn't appear too belligerent. It's as big a deception as you'd ever see and I fear it would be too late before people realize it.

more like slow poison... They might deny the fact vigilant groups roaming free across Country... Getting inside your home, interfering personal life, knocking your bed room door to see what you are doing, with whom you are doing, lynching people in the name of Beef, What not...
Completely disagree. The fringe is completely under control and they're operating as per the wishes of the top brass.

I refer to the actual growing fringe.

Which is the fringe of the fringe held up for all to see on TV.

That fringe is seen on the ground. In small towns and villages of the real India.

Not in cities.

That fringe is emboldened. And are itching for anarchy and to settle old scores under the guise of the Sangh's pet dogs.
I refer to the actual growing fringe.

Which is the fringe of the fringe held up for all to see on TV.

That fringe is seen on the ground. In small towns and villages of the real India.

Not in cities.

That fringe is emboldened. And are itching for anarchy and to settle old scores under the guise of the Sangh's pet dogs.

Ok, got it. Anyway, I am out. Came back after months and was pleasantly surprised to see a few contrarian voices including yours and decided to chime in.
@padamchen so whats the solution ? voting congress back into power ? for a guy who's smart enough to compare Rss to Taliban i assume you might have some decent idea to get rid of the Fringe ..!
There is no such thing as a "fringe". What was fringe yesterday is mainstream today and what's fringe today is mainstream tomorrow.
just like the KKK have taken over the white house there now ? :partay:
Ok, got it. Anyway, I am out. Came back after months and was pleasantly surprised to see a few contrarian voices including yours and decided to chime in.

Contrarian voices have always been around and Insha Allah will always be around.

Take care. Hang around.

@padamchen so whats the solution ? voting congress back into power ? for a guy who's smart enough to compare Rss to Taliban i assume you might have some decent idea to get rid of the Fringe ..!

Why not the Congress?

Get rid of the Mafia, you have the grand old party of India.
my concern is, what if #4 somehow makes sure #3 doesnt happen to the current govt, while they go on to "restructure" the society with their "banning spree" to a point of no return.

What is this "banning spree" you are talking about?
Why not the Congress?Get rid of the Mafia, you have the grand old party if India.

:lol::lol: good luck with that , you have better chance getting rid of BJP out of power than mafia from Congress .. no seriously HOW ..?
What is this "banning spree" you are talking about?
official bans:
1.beef ban, - why should anybody be targetted for the contents of their plate? today its beef, tomorrow chicken, then egg, then garlic, and it will go on. these things start at some point and they dont end there untill they are put to an end, sincerely and forcefully.
that bawaal over egg in midday meal: do u remember? can you justify that? cheap egg replaced by costly milk (daal was even costlier then), which become "nil batey sannatta" after a few weeks. why ?? because some 'sentiments' were hurt.
2.daaru ban, im not complaining. its good for the society overall but friggin suicidal for tourism industry.

unofficial bans:
1.ladkiyon ke saath ghoomna ban (not in papers but in ground). married couples are harassed in the name of culture. leave kissing, holding hands can attract severe beating for the man and uncountable repurcussions for the lady (beating, molestation, stripping, gangrape to name a few - reason will be that an immoral lady "deserved" this). this trend is increasing, NOT decreasing.
point being, not every couple on street is out there to make a **** movie in the street, but a **** movie is definitely made when "self appointed cultural thekedars" take the responsibility of puninshing the couple. i have even started keeping a colored xerox copy of our marriage certificate laminated with me and my wife when we go outdoors, but fear those hoodlums will be semi-literate (which is in most cases - educated ones would concentrate on their jobs or trying to get one). such is the sorry situation.
2.religious conversion ban (very important one- if christians can lure adivasis into their fold why cant we do the same, but instead we resort to strong arm tactics, threats etc etc. i believe that even a million conversions by the christians is not equivalent to what happened to the Stains' family.
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While the OP is over the top with talks of secession, one thing is increasingly clear.

The polarization of India has changed insidiously over the past one year.

At a micro level I have seen it happen in me. And since the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, in my father.

Kicking the ugly Muslim seemed like a good idea across the board 3-4 years ago.

Never mind the fact that Indians were subconsciously turning their disgust and anger at Muslims of certain neighbouring and other fundamentalist regions around the world and focusing and concentrating it against our own.

Three big things have happened since that time to now, and the polar pendulum is inexorably swinging, as it often tends to do in centrist India -

1) The halo around Modi is wearing out fast. Three years gone. The honeymoon glow long over. No jobs. No reforms. No make in India. Economy sluggish. Failed demonetisation. Political flip flops. The writing is clearly on the wall.

2) Rabid Hindus running amok like frothing dogs everywhere. Beef ban. Ghar waapsi. Romeo squads. Christians and Muslims targeted. Lawmakong being used as a state tool of minority targeting. Openly. Mandir noise. Yogi CM.

3) Through it all while the world turns to shit, the ME burns, Western countries attacked one after another by radicalised Islamists, India shines. Indian Muslims, have to give it to them, have chastized their non Muslim Indian brothers with their nationalism and spirit. The nation has not missed this quiet revolution. And ironically, the Hindutva thugs have hijacked a beautiful tolerant religion and people in India, and made them look terrible, as Islamist thugs worldwide have been doing to Islam for decades.

@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Robinhood Pandey @Soumitra @jbgt90

Brilliantly written.

I'm getting addicted to your posts.
official bans:
1.beef ban, - why should anybody be targetted for the contents of their plate? today its beef, tomorrow chicken, then egg, then garlic, and it will go on. these things start at some point and they dont end there untill they are put to an end, sincerely and forcefully.
that bawaal over egg in midday meal: do u remember? can you justify that? cheap egg replaced by costly milk (daal was even costlier then), which become "nil batey sannatta" after a few weeks. why ?? because some 'sentiments' were hurt.
2.daaru ban, im not complaining. its good for the society overall but friggin suicidal for tourism industry.

unofficial bans:
1.ladkiyon ke saath ghoomna ban (not in papers but in ground). married couples are harassed in the name of culture. leave kissing, holding hands can attract severe beating for the man and uncountable repurcussions for the lady (beating, molestation, stripping, gangrape to name a few - reason will be that an immoral lady "deserved" this). this trend is increasing, NOT decreasing.
point being, not every couple on street is out there to make a **** movie in the street, but a **** movie is definitely made when "self appointed cultural thekedars" take the responsibility of puninshing the couple. i have even started keeping a colored xerox copy of our marriage certificate laminated with me and my wife when we go outdoors, but fear those hoodlums will be semi-literate (which is in most cases - educated ones would concentrate on their jobs or trying to get one). such is the sorry situation.
2.religious conversion ban (very important one- if christians can lure adivasis into their fold why cant we do the same, but instead we resort to strong arm tactics, threats etc etc. i believe that even a million conversions by the christians is not equivalent to what happened to the Stains' family.

Simply speaking bro, we are on our way, more advanced than baby steps, to becoming a Hindu Taliban country.

These guys, sanghi thugs, are least bothered about your certificate. They are the frustrated dregs of society with a lot of pent up frustration and rage inside them at their lot in life and general helplessness to do anything about it.

They feed off each others hate of the "other" and they begin to genuinely believe in their narrative.

Let me put it to you and others here straight. No PC BS.

The so called Hindu Right today is made up of all sorts of disgruntled lumpen from across the country. From north to south.

They have nothing in common with each other except for the fact that they have pent up helpless rage within them and their social lot and they are riding piggyback the "Hindu" bandwagon.

When they finish with the Muslims, the Christians long since taken care of, they will turn on themselves.

And that is when the real game will begin ....

For they would have destroyed the ONLY thing that keeps us together in our diversity. And then the old cleave lines and differences will actually reappear. And one only has to look elsewhere to know how that turns out.
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Simply speaking bro, we are on our way, more advance than baby steps, to becoming a Hindu Taliban country.

These guys, sanghi thugs, are least bothered about your certificate. They are the frustrated dregs of society with a lot of pent up frustration and rage inside them at their lot in life and general helplessness to do anything about it.

They feed off each others hate of the "other" and they begin to genuinely believe in their narrative.

Let me put it to you and others here straight. No PC BS.

The so called Hindu Right today is made up of all sorts of disgruntled lumpen from across the country. From north to south.

They have nothing in common with each other except for the fact that they have pent up helpless rage within them and their social lot and they are riding piggyback the "Hindu" bandwagon.

When they finish with the Muslims, the Christians long since taken care of, they will tunr on themselves.

And that is when the real game will begin.
oi...who gave you the keys to my mind ?
it seems like when I look into my mind , I find u there reading my thoughts and posting them in PDF.
@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer
A simple queston. Do you think we are on the same path (religious extremism) Pak took in early 70s ? ...and how does india differ from the Pak case, if it differs ?
Thanks in advance.

It looks dangerously the same.

Saving graces - stronger Supreme Court, stronger minorities, stronger armed forces, in spite of the increasing percentage of those who turn out to be majoritarian.

I would also like to say that the old Hinduism, not the perverted variety that the RSS is sellling as 'the real thing', was far more tolerant and accommodating than Islam can really be.

what do you think could be the possible reason for increasing train accidents ?

policy change by BJP/Mr. Prabhu ?

Increased fare ?

increased investment into the railways ?


a sabotage attempt ?

lets spin it a bit . . how about i say that we were always like this and the only thing thats happening right now is more coverage.

if we can survive all this for so long we can survive in the future as well.

The accumulated result of years of neglect and the decay of administrative integrity.
It looks dangerously the same.

Saving graces - stronger Supreme Court, stronger minorities, stronger armed forces, in spite of the increasing percentage of those who turn out to be majoritarian.

I would also like to say that the old Hinduism, not the perverted variety that the RSS is sellling as 'the real thing', was far more tolerant and accommodating than Islam can really be.

Two worrying trends of similarity.

The subtle Hindutva-ization of officers in the Army.

I am no longer convinced that Hinduism was ever really as tolerant and accommodating as I once preached it as being.

The caveat being that Hinduism has always been tolerant and accommodating after asserting itself and/or when it does not feel threatened.
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