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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer
A simple queston. Do you think we are on the same path (religious extremism) Pak took in early 70s ? ...and how does india differ from the Pak case, if it differs ?
Thanks in advance.

No we are not on the same path. Supreme court of India will always be a strong independent institution, as is the EC...and neither does the military have political power in India. The very fact that there is massive criticism against Modi and the criticism is aired so freely (and only given reality check with election results which then creates more debate cycles) means by and large the nationalist current (which is often mistaken as purely religious) is of the people, by the people and for the people (and hence why support for the BJP extends across religious lines in so many areas).

People on the ground want development results (denied to them in any relevant timeframe for majority of India's independence)...that requires different response depending on the individual state and better running and reform of the federal bureaucracy. So far only BJP has been able to really project itself in that mantle and has proven results in roads, railways and power notably. With GST (logistics boost) and demonetisation (formalisation boost) the results will be broadened...and will pick up with banking reform and consolidation to deal with the NPA/liquidity problem (the lasting legacy of the UPA corruption and gross mishandling)....so that much better job growth can be achieved (as opposed to the informal sector based job creation that Mr. Godrej recently talked about).

If any party can do better, let them prove it rather than clinging to "hindutva shattering" articles.

You are asking the question to a guy who does not live in India.

Yah and of course I never visit India, especially the rural areas... never interact with people who live in India or keep abreast of the situation and their hopes, worries and concerns...and I definitely have not invested one dollar back into India....nor one second of time. You obviously know so much about me. Good job.

Conversely, anyone that lives in India automatically knows everything about each fundamental issue....because there is no such thing as urbanite lutyen-like shells anywhere.

What about Idea of India? What about the thinning harem of "intellectuals" in power corridors? What about emasculated Dhimmis who acted like mascot of secularism?

Too long conversation to discuss here (and would achieve little in convincing anyone not already convinced). I prefer to fact check with the numbers and results...on economy related issues.
Speak for yourself. You dont represent majority of keralites. Most of our proud keralites hate hindi bhaiya vermins.
Just like that gentleman doesn't represent all the Keralites, you sir cannot speak for the whole of TN. So when you throw around your impossible extremist ideas- use 'I' instead of 'TN' or 'WE'. No need to misrepresent millions.
on the other side Train accidents increased. We need unity in diversity, not diversity in unity. Recently i witnessed Muslim youth being beaten for not saying Jai Shri Ram. such gangs roaming free across the Country. BJP following divide and rule policy. They get into power in UP and other states in the name of Beef, at the same time supporting beef in NE just for election. where is your moral ground. now a days people using patriotism tag just to attack others. you can't be patriot just by singing Vandematharam, but by keeping social order in place, causing no harm to the society..

BJP is law and order based. If the state law (as extension of majority sentiment) is against slaughter of whatever subset of cattle, that will be enforced.

If the state law is fine with it and has no ordinances in play, BJP of course will not push for it as new thing....given majority is fine with it.

The issue is that circumventing the legal statutes breeds more illegal activities. Legal statutes are based on majority perception....such perception as long as is tenable under the constitution of India....will only shift over much larger time periods.

Refer to cattle slaughter (in fact a large taboo against killing of all 4 legged creatures) in pre-Meiji Japan (esp Edo era) and the time it took for majority opinions (on animal life rights, clean/unclean buddhist concept) to evolve over time even with the dual forced westernisation incorporated by first the Meiji emperor and then the US occupation.
Speak for yourself. You dont represent majority of keralites. Most of our proud keralites hate hindi bhaiya vermins.

What do you know about us Keralites ?
I am an ethnic malayali .So dont try to teach me about our state,our people ,our nation and mother tongue .
You can have all that- Just consider North stop buying anything made in Tamil Nadu and ask the manufacturers to shift the factories to North Instead- as a reply- What would you be left with- Drought ?

Mayavati is undisputed leader of an electorate 5 times bigger than whole Tamil Nadu- If she could speak Tamil she would become Undisputed leader in Tamil Nadu also-

I can see all the change happening in Tamil Nadu with 4K bribe given to everyone- all these years you have this to show and somehow think DMK and Amma are better politicians when compared to Mayavati-

These Guys have rolled down south and It is not the other way round- How's that for starters-

And you were the one talking about the idea of India which includes slaughtering North Indians in an open war-

Just giving the gau rakshaks a reality check about their military prowess.

And no. I'm not a madrasi.
I'm sorry my irony was lost on you.

Should we wait for a Mumbai and. Gujarat to happen (because it will, make no mistake) before we get alarmed and recognize the widespread Hindu radicalisation the country is seeing?

What you are seeing in the country today is a upswell or simply isolated incidents?

Bade bade deshon mein aisi choti choti baatein to hote rahti hain .... ?

@Joe Shearer

Sir how do you manage to keep your Thanks hidden?

It's a nifty feature.
Stealth features reverse engineered. [emoji12]
No we should not wait for a Mumbai or Gujarat but we should not keep expecting one either. Be realistic the day anything like Gujarat happens in India under Modi the opposition will eat him alive.
Hindu radicalisation?? Mate right wing Hindus or the extremist Hindus are not radicalised. Fear mongering is good for no one.

There are many secrets of Joe that are hidden to us. He's the James Bond of PDF.:D
Hidden Dragon.

Formerly Crouching Tiger.
Speak for yourself. You dont represent majority of keralites. Most of our proud keralites hate hindi bhaiya vermins.

Stop this nonsense.... Kerala is a (probably the only) place where 3 languages are taught just from 1st standard......and Hindi is one of them..... Keralites do not hate anyone.....And we adapt to any culture and any state easily......... Keep your crap with yourself......
And twice as dangerous
really, so these guys:


are "twice as dangerous" as these guys:




go get your head examined.

btw, I'm not rss or an extreme right winger or anything, I think the whole cow issue is quite dumb.
really, so these guys:


are "twice as dangerous" as these guys:




go get your head examined.

btw, I'm not rss or an extreme right winger or anything, I think the whole cow issue is quite dumb.

Yup. Dangerous. Maniacal. Genocidal.

With the added goad of a centuries old inferiority complex that comes from military subjugation and fuels the rage.
Yup. Dangerous. Maniacal. Genocidal.

With the added goad of a centuries old inferiority complex that comes from military subjugation and fuels the rage.
LOL, you're doubling down on your statement then ?

fine, I suppose we're all allowed to have our biases, but you are factually incorrect in your assessment that they're "twice as dangerous" as radical muslims. :disagree:
LOL, you're doubling down on your statement then ?

fine, I suppose we're all allowed to have our biases, but you are factually incorrect in your assessment that they're "twice as dangerous" as radical muslims. :disagree:

I consider them to be more dangerous also because they are less reactionary. More patient. And more strategic than the common garden variety Islamist who either plants some bombs here and there or blows himself up.

These guys have been pickling in their bile for over a century now. And believe their time has come.

Yet they will not go all in. But build things up to a pitch where one day some Hindus are going to get killed in retaliation.

And then they will let loose. With the support of the government and law enforcement.

So as I said, doubly dangerous.
go get your head examined.

btw, I'm not rss or an extreme right winger or anything, I think the whole cow issue is quite dumb.

While in general I'd agree with you that Hindutvas still have a long way to go before catching up with Islamists but in India's context Hindutva terrorists are definitely a bigger threat. It is basic math. There are just way more jobless Hindu youth ready to get into the "nationalist" cult of Hindutva terrorists. With a jobless economy and young population, it is the perfect hunting ground and they have the backing of the state machinery too because "polarization" helps them win elections.

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