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A Hindutva variant of neo-liberalism

Gujarat is one State that is fighting a case in the Supreme Court to oppose scholarships for Muslims


“This is the land of people who worship cows. How can you support those who support cow slaughter?” Mr. Modi asked his audience in Bihar on April 2, invoking a favourite issue of Hindu politics for more than a century.

This prove his hindu mindset rather than Indian.

He is Hindu so what ?Hindus has only one land that is India.And we will not do anything that is destructive to our country.
But we will not allow no one to exploit us.Indian is still in one peace due to Hindus.Foreigners cant understand that.

I am sure you dont know what i am talking about. Watch this

Ecnomic condition of Muslim in India is worse rhan any other group

That is their own fault.Not others .Christians are also a minorities in India .But they are the most successful community in India .Excelled in all field.And you can see so many Hindus like that.
Another state? May be.
Another country? A kick in the *** is all they're gonna get.

you can make 400 states but whom will you kick if they demand a new country? You cannot kick 30 crores. Modi can't get rid of 2002 and we are discussing of kicking.
and who is responsible for their conditions ?

Govt. ? Majority ? or the muslim themselves ?

let me tell you a simple scenario of an average muslim family here in Uttar pradesh . .

1 -marry 3-4 wives produce 10-11 kids ( but no financial back up to support a large family )_ do not consult what Government say about Family planning.

2 -No money for a large family- Blame government.

3 -no money to get those kids proper food and shelter- blame government

4 -No proper education for these poor kids - Blame government

5 -these undereducated kids don't get proper jobs- Blame government

6 -No proper jobs so no financial backup for these kids and their families in the future- blame government

And this circle of blaming government goes on and on and on but no introspection. :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Now you tel me who should be hold responsible for their miserable condition ????

Ghosh .Things are too much better in Kerala now a days .An average muslim family in our area have 2-3 kids and they are educated .
cricket team policy still can be seen in Malabar area .But it also getting better.
@chak de INDIA what about an average Hindu families there.
He is Hindu so what ?Hindus has only one land that is India.And we will not do anything that is destructive to our country.
But we will not allow no one to exploit us.Indian is still in one peace due to Hindus.Foreigners cant understand that.

That is their own fault.Not others .Christians are also a minorities in India .But they are the most successful community in India .Excelled in all field.And you can see so many Hindus like that.

Sorry to burst ur bubble.
Sikhs have the highest per capita income in india not christians:p
You cannot kick 30 crores.

Well if you can be reasonable enough to imagine of this, then you must do the same when imagining a scenario of 30crore people asking for a separate nation. It cannot, and will not happen. At least not in India. (J&K being a special exception)

Why? The young generation, with the kind of education that is being imparted, is far more liberal as compared to our ancestors with rigid beliefs. You just need to ensure that quality education is being imparted to the youth, including Muslims, which will prove very handy once the current young generation takes charge of the nation.
you can make 400 states but whom will you kick if they demand a new country? You cannot kick 30 crores. Modi can't get rid of 2002 and we are discussing of kicking.

The real danger lies in assam and kerala,and even in west bengal.

They may demand a new country in assam,a few decades down the line.its a realistic scenario no doubt
Sorry to burst ur bubble.
Sikhs have the highest per capita income in india not christians:p

Ok .And it is not about Christians or Sikhs,If both of these minorities can advance like these,why these muslims still suffered with backward condition
Ok .And it is not about Christians or Sikhs,If both of these minorities can advance like these,why these muslims still suffered with backward condition

I know what u meant.

Yup its a fair question.

Answer-madrassas and no condom use:cool:
The real danger lies in assam and kerala,and even in west bengal.

They may demand a new country in assam,a few decades down the line.its a realistic scenario no doubt
They already have a number of movements in Assam - demanding for Islamic Assam or merger with Bangladesh. We will lose them in the next 2 decades, or it will be another Kashmir - na is par na us par.
Well if you can be reasonable enough to imagine of this, then you must do the same when imagining a scenario of 30crore people asking for a separate nation. It cannot, and will not happen. At least not in India. (J&K being a special exception)

Why? The young generation, with the kind of education that is being imparted, is far more liberal as compared to our ancestors with rigid beliefs. You just need to ensure that quality education is being imparted to the youth, including Muslims, which will prove very handy once the current young generation takes charge of the nation.

I agree
Just wean them away from madarassas,rest will normalize on its own
I know what u meant.

Yup its a fair question.

Answer-madrassas and no condom use:cool:
Whole the world is talk about the isolation of Muslim community.But no one cant find its source.When rest of religious groups prefer modern life these people still follow ancient laws.Only solution is Education.It worked very well in Kerala and other developed states in India.
The real danger lies in assam and kerala,and even in west bengal.

They may demand a new country in assam,a few decades down the line.its a realistic scenario no doubt

We have seen the riots in assam. See, if such kind of ideology is there of increasing population and demanding a new country then it is not good for India. We are on a way of repeating 1947 partition.
They already have a number of movements in Assam - demanding for Islamic Assam or merger with Bangladesh. We will lose them in the next 2 decades, or it will be another Kashmir - na is par na us par.

Thats a possibility.
No offence to muslims but wherever they are in majority,they want a seperate country or sharia.

Thats got to stop but I know it won't.due to political compulsions we can't do shit about assam.

Thank god the natives there are against muslims and are keeping them in chebk(at least somewhat)
Well if you can be reasonable enough to imagine of this, then you must do the same when imagining a scenario of 30crore people asking for a separate nation. It cannot, and will not happen. At least not in India. (J&K being a special exception)

Why? The young generation, with the kind of education that is being imparted, is far more liberal as compared to our ancestors with rigid beliefs. You just need to ensure that quality education is being imparted to the youth, including Muslims, which will prove very handy once the current young generation takes charge of the nation.

That is wrong. When it comes to religion, the acceptance of other religion, in Muslims(Not Islam) is close to zero. I personally have seen many literate so called Muslim youth blindly criticizing and scared of BJP and RSS. They believe that be it modi, wor who so ever, Muslims will rule. Under such kind of thinking, you cannot expect peace from them.
Later stage a youth becomes a mid age person with similar ideology, and tries to achieve its agenda.
my point is, if muslim population grows again to 30 crore in next 50 years and they demand a new land will you again divide the country?
One communal government can do the work...if army is with that government that is8-)
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