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A Hindutva variant of neo-liberalism

I am sure you dont know what i am talking about. Watch this

Ecnomic condition of Muslim in India is worse rhan any other group

now if the scholarship is given on the basis of poverty and backwardness, Muslim will be automatically included. any reservation based on religion is harmful for social harmony and secualr fabric.
Do Modi consider Indian Muslim/Cristians as enemy because i have seen him talking about Hindu nationalism. Indian Muslims and Christians are outsider for these extremist Hinduvata guys.
I don't think I have heard any hindutava guy saying christians are outsiders,but what they say is that poor are bribed into other religions and they have problem with that
I am sure you dont know what i am talking about. Watch this

Ecnomic condition of Muslim in India is worse rhan any other group
B.S.The economic condition of poor hindus is far worse than muslims.There are 450 million poor in India that are below poverty line,and hindus constitute 390 million.But there are only 6 crore muslims below poverty line so who is more poor?timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/31-Muslims-live-below-poverty-line-NCAER-survey-/articleshow/5734846.cms
Not, from the perspective of the group enforcing the ban.
At first hindu groups opposed the hindu code bill,since it suppressed many hindu religious practices including polygamy.Now the same groups say bring uniform civil code,which will include all aspects of the hindu code bill as well.So,its not necessary that laws are discriminatory even if you think so at that point of time.Dumb practices which are problematic must be stopped.In a populous nation like India practices like polygamy must be banned be it associated with religion or not.
At first hindu groups opposed the hindu code bill,since it suppressed many hindi religious practices including polygamy.Now the same groups say bring uniform civil code,which will include all aspects of the hindu code bill as well.So,its not necessary that laws are discriminatory even if you think so.Dumb practices which are problematic must be stopped.In a populous nation like India practices like polygamy must be banned be it associated with religion or not.

If you dig into my previous bills, i'm a proponent of uniform legal system.
Banning on burkha, beef and other stuffs. But religion based societal evils has to be eliminated.
Let them wear their tents or skull caps I have no problem with that.However polygamy and muslim personal law board must be given the boot.Madrassas must be put under government control.
If you dig into my previous bills, i'm a proponent of uniform legal system.
U are fine dude.
But majority of people are ultra stupid be it hindus/sikhs/muslims etc.

all non muslims got rid of pardah,polygamy etc due to the hindu code bill.at that time ppl opposed it,sikhs wanted diff autonomy just like muslims and it was the basis of khalistan movement later on.

But thankfully,sanity prevailed.

But we did not have enough courage to put muslims too in such a bill to ensure uniformity across the board.it would have been good for them onlx.

Very few muslims will agree with me
U are fine dude.
But majority of people are ultra stupid be it hindus/sikhs/muslims etc.

all non muslims got rid of pardah,polygamy etc due to the hindu code bill.at that time ppl opposed it,sikhs wanted diff autonomy just like muslims and it was the basis of khalistan movement later on.

But thankfully,sanity prevailed.

But we did not have enough courage to put muslims too in such a bill to ensure uniformity across the board.it would have been good for them onlx.

Very few muslims will agree with me
These words-pseudo secularism-are the problem.Or do you really think muslims could oppose any bill in those times?Or even now?Tell them to accept uniform laws or leave for pakistan.
U are fine dude.
But majority of people are ultra stupid be it hindus/sikhs/muslims etc.

all non muslims got rid of pardah,polygamy etc due to the hindu code bill.at that time ppl opposed it,sikhs wanted diff autonomy just like muslims and it was the basis of khalistan movement later on.

But thankfully,sanity prevailed.

But we did not have enough courage to put muslims too in such a bill to ensure uniformity across the board.it would have been good for them onlx.

Very few muslims will agree with me
Hindus may be stupid but they are open to reform,the code bill was brought by hindus for your kind information,have muslims done the same
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